With its quarry fresh from facing fraud charges in a Manhattan courtroom, the Lincoln Project is buying up airtime and digital space so that former President Donald Trump’s planned Mar-a-Lago retreat is no sanctuary from what’s closing in on him.
“Broke,” has a female narrator — her voice dripping with contempt — addressing Trump directly about how, “everything you ever built was built on a lie.” Operatic violin flourishes rise as the screen flashes with some of his most well-known failures that have borne his name: the casino, the steaks, the wine.
“Oh, Donald, you’re broke — and busted,” the narrator says, emphasizing the last word. “A fraud, a con, a low-rent rip-off artist. … Now America knows it.”
The one-minute video is being targeted to run digitally around Trump Tower and the Manhattan courthouse now featuring his fraud trial. It will then follow him to South Florida, running on West Palm Beach’s Fox News cable station.
Lincoln Project, which bills itself as a pro-democracy organization, is spending about $15,000 to rent some space in Trump’s head “as he sits in bed at Mar-a-Lago hate-watching Fox News,” the press release for the video says.
The spot filled with flashes of unflattering photos hits hard on the current situation with the civil fraud trial in which Trump is accused of overvaluing his properties to leverage loans and undervaluing his properties to escape paying taxes. The judge in the case has already ruled that he and his co-defendants are liable for fraud and the Attorney General is seeking to ban him and his sons from doing business in New York.
“The courts are shutting down your crooked shell companies in New York,” the narrator says. “Bank fraud, insurance fraud, you know those are crimes, right, Donald?”
It’s also reminding him that the high-thread count pillowcase he lays his head on each night might soon be replaced with something rougher.
“Bankruptcy won’t save you this time,” the narrator explains.
“You’ll have to sell everything off,” she adds, as the camera zeroes in on a snap of Trump’s wife, Melania, looking startled.
It’s all been built on what Lincoln Project Founder Rick Wilson calls “Trump’s empire of lies.”
The shot of Trump’s wife was intentional, the release says.
“Even Melania renegotiated the pre-nup,” Wilson said. “The loser is facing the pressure now and there’s no one he can look to for help.”
Certainly, TV commercials offer no escape.
“Broke, busted, the loser-in-chief,” the ad wraps up.
But some might call him the Republican nominee to be the 47th U.S. President if GOP Primary polls are to be believed.
My Take
October 4, 2023 at 6:17 pm
the high-thread count pillowcase he lays his head on each night might soon be replaced with something rougher.
When I needed a few fireproof blankets, WARDEN wool blankets were the ticket, thoùgh a bit itçhy.
Earl Pitts "Dook 4 Brains Leftist Expert" American
October 5, 2023 at 8:58 pm
Love the Warden Wool Blankets from “The My Warden Mike Lindell Giza Dream Blanket Collection”
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 4:53 am
another inane comment from a fool.
My Take
October 4, 2023 at 6:20 pm
I love thìs tactic by the LP.
Psyops warfare.
loser Loser LOSER !
Rick Whitaker
October 4, 2023 at 7:16 pm
the lincoln project is doing a great job it seems of getting the truth into the closed off silos that maga cultist live in. the maga cult may be coming to a close. lp please keep up the good work. i may even donate to the cause, it’s well worth it to get the truth to people that don’t get to hear it.
Mah Alsam
October 4, 2023 at 9:27 pm
Great beautiful ad
Sonja Fitch
October 5, 2023 at 4:17 am
No one is above the law!! South Florida vote true conservative Republicans! Not this gross MAGA man! Lock him(Trump)up!!!!
Rick Whitaker
October 5, 2023 at 6:10 am
please tell me what a true conservative republican is and why should anyone want that. i sure don’t. i’m for the working class that needs good government not the gop which hates government, some just pretend to like government. the raygun, bush etc. people serve corporations and the rich, government gets in their way. progressive means changing and improving. gop doesn’t want change because it might mean sharing or cutting into their huge piece of the pie. to serve the people that don’t need help at the expense of those who do need help is counter productive. gop uses propaganda to stay in power. the dems don’t have to do that because there more workers than billionaires. sorry to hear that you are a gop.
My Take
October 5, 2023 at 11:36 pm
Even if Trumpski avoids the showings on Fox, he will know all his Fox fellows in his area will see it.
William R
October 6, 2023 at 12:10 pm
Those only people these ads have an effect on, is those who it motivates to donate money to The Lincoln Project. Nether Trump nor his supporters seem to give a hoot about them
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 7:16 pm
i wouldn’t count on that. even if most maga cult people don’t give a hoot, some cult members do break from cults with a little incentive. being in a cult is not always for life. a good example is the mormon cult. if you look on line there are lots of accounts and websites that are from ex-mormons warning others based on their bad experiences. scientology is the same . the maga cult is based on fear, hate, misinformation, and grievance. all those things can be diminished with truth. the lp ads are also aimed at independents mostly, they make up 30% or more of the electorate. so money sent to the lp is money well spent. democracy must be saved by defeating the maga chaos cult. the cult leaders are hopeless, but the weak minded or gullible followers can be educated with truth. your comment inspires me to give more to the lincoln project.
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