Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says there’s a solution to filling the millions of job openings across the United States, and it’s coming through the southern border.
During a town hall in New Hampshire, Christie said the U.S. should screen migrants crossing the border for compatibility with “6 million jobs” that need filling nationwide.
That’s a better solution than killing them or expecting Mexico to pay for a wall like Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump have suggested, he said.
“I want to have a system that says, ‘Where are the industries where those 6 million jobs are?’ And if you have the ability to do that work, come in. We’ll give you a work visa, you come and work. You register, you pay your taxes and as you go through the normal course of working here, like anybody else with a green card or that kind of option, you eventually can work to become a citizen,” he said.
“We’ve got to be real about this. I’ve heard Gov. DeSantis say he’s going to shoot people stone cold dead at the border. Now look, some people may like that. It’s not happening. He says he’s going to invade Mexico. Really? This is the guy who doesn’t want us to send arms to Ukraine because he doesn’t want to be involved in war, but he’s going to send an army into Mexico?
“Come on guys, that’s like saying we’re going to build a big, beautiful wall across the entire border and (get) Mexico to pay for it. It sounds good in the debate, but it is never going to happen. These guys from Florida.”
Christie was referencing three policy proposals DeSantis voiced while on the campaign trail.
The first involves one of DeSantis’ more morbid slogans, and one he’s used to fundraise, in which he vowed to enact a policy to execute Mexican cartel members and drug smugglers if they cross the border.
DeSantis has not, as Christie asserted, said he plans to do the same with all illegal immigrants.
DeSantis also pledged to send U.S. Special Forces into Mexico to confront drug cartels, not undertake a full invasion, but he has opposed sending arms to Ukraine, arguing that doing so “runs the risk of escalation.”
Christie’s criticism of Trump, meanwhile, was more accurate. Trump indeed pledged to erect a “big, beautiful wall” along the southern border. It was one of his signature campaign promises in 2016. By the time begrudgingly left office in January 2021, 452 miles of it had actually been built, mostly replacing old fencing, leaving 1,502 miles undone.
And Mexico didn’t pay a cent, despite the former President’s promise to the contrary.
Christie — who is polling in sixth place for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination — made a similar border policy proposal Wednesday without invoking the former President or Florida’s Governor.
Apprehend and detain is not a long-term solution to immigration.
We need a merit-based immigration system to help fill the six million open jobs we have in this country.
Stop incentivizing the illegal crossings we’re seeing now, and let’s give people a legal way to come to… pic.twitter.com/sr3mv95i9c
— Chris Christie (@GovChristie) October 4, 2023
“In the last 11 months, we’re averaging 200,000 apprehensions a month at the border,” he told Fox News’ Bret Baier. “We are not going to be able to apprehend and detain our way out of this problem. … So, let’s see which jobs are open, who has skills to fill them, and let’s give people a legal way to come to this country to help our economy rather than incentivizing the illegal crossings that we’re seeing now.”
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were about 9.6 million job openings nationwide by the end of August.
Earl Pitts "Earl's New Talk Radio Show" American
October 6, 2023 at 12:00 pm
Good mornting America,
Stand By For News !!!!
Below is a sneek peek into my, Earl Pitts American’s, upcoming “Mornings With Earl” Talk Radio Show’s “What She Said” Daily Feature in which I, Earl Pitts American, will be bringing the ladies of America’s political views to Our Great Nation.
FYI: We are going up in the time slot against that Dook 4 Brains “The View” TV Show and expect to pull in around 67.34228% of their viewing audiance.
Earl Sets Up The “What She Said” Segment Preview:
First of all, America, I, Earl Pitts American, know who Chris Christy is.
But Just For Kicks:
I, Earl Pitts American, ask one of our beloved building maintainance staff “Who is Chris Christy”? What she responded with will shock you America.
“What She Said”:
“Earl, Chris Christy is that phat phuck from Jersey who is being paid by the Dook 4 Brains Left to disrupt the Republican side of the 2024 POTUS election”.
America, I, Earl Pitts Ametican, could not have said it any better whatsoever. So henceforth I’m going with what she said.
“What She Said”:
“Earl, Chris Christy is that phat phuck from Jersey who is being paid by the Dook 4 Brains Left to disrupt the Republican side of the 2024 POTUS election”.
I, Earl Pitts American, knew all my “Besty Lefty’s” would get a kick out of the above wisdom in this “What She Said” edition of The Earl Pitts American Morning Talk Radio Show.
*America needs more Earl. Announcing the new must tune in to Earl Pitts American Morning Radio Talk Show*
*Free Bumper Sticker*
Earl Pitts "Earl's New Talk Radio Show" American
October 6, 2023 at 12:12 pm
…. update the money behind The View just wired one of my favorite charaties 27 Million to change my time slot.
We will be taking the last 1/2 of Fox’s Beck Show and the first 1/2 of their Clay/Buck Show. 10:30 – 1:30 Eastern Time Zone.
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 4:06 pm
calling a overweight person fat is just down your alley. name calling is what children do on the school yard. cristy is a bully but i don’t call him that, i just don’t listen to him. desantis is a bully too but he’s your governor, not mine. i get no response from you about me setting you out for being such a deplorable person, so you must not care about your offensive personality. nobody below 80 listens to radio any more. i can’t see a phoney pervert like you allowed in a studio. somebodys kid may be around the staff and that could get messy for you . you better stay home and keep the streets safe. you haven’t mentioned me setting you out by telling the world about your false identity that is documented on Wikipedia . look him up under the also fake name gary burbank, it tells you his real name, age, and ridiculous career. billy purser has been a stupid phoney since 1968 he was one of those annoying fake characters on the radio that most intelligent people would not waste their time on. billy boy give it up. this is 2023, people have evolved even though you haven’t.
Earl Pitts "Earl's His Name Politics Is His Game" American Super-Man
October 6, 2023 at 8:46 pm
Thank you my man Rick,
You are really the bestest of the best at making me, Earl Pitts American, look Great to our Beloved readership here at our benevolant beloved on-line host F. P.
Thank you Rick,
Thank you F. P.
October 6, 2023 at 12:17 pm
There are currently 6-10 million job openings in the United States.
Currently , in America, there are five million unemployable convicted felons….. no one wants to hire.
In South Florida ….. hundreds of businesses are closed not because they want to be closed…. but because the business owners can’t find workers.
Republicans want to ‘Make America White Again’ but fail to comprehend that potential immigrants from the EU have no desire to come here with our restrictive women’s health care rights, proliferation of guns everywhere, lack of a national healthcare policy and horrible elementary school curriculum and staffing.
Americans need to take back their democracy and vote for competent leadership.
Rick Whitaker
October 6, 2023 at 4:16 pm
cristy’s proposal sounds good but it would draw in many people that can’t find jobs so the numbers would swell more out of control. it was christy stirring shit in my opinion. i had to close my thriving business of 30 years because i couldn’t find ANY workers. i paid better than my competitors (i’m a progressive democrat ), but it didn’t help. the immigrants that i sometimes hired went into business for themselves after i trained them and then were no longer available to work for me. just as well because i took a well deserved retirement and am now resting for a change. vote dem
Sonja Fitch
October 8, 2023 at 4:33 am
As has been the American way is to place immigrants in jobs!. Is the world coming to an end? I agree with Chris Christie!!! Doesn’t mean will vote for him! Cheering on candidates to clean out the MAGA swamp!
Richard Russell
October 9, 2023 at 4:56 pm
Chris the Chubby one. He’s still eating too many Twinkies.
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