Oct. 7 will be an anniversary Jews mourn forever.
The pain felt by Jews across the globe is palpable in conversations. As New York Mayor Eric Adams put it, “we are not all right.”
Some in the political world think it’s acceptable to use the pain Jews are experiencing for political gain. It’s not. It needs to stop.
We live in the most hyper-political and polarized time America has seen since the Civil War. On Oct. 6, Israel was experiencing its most politically divided time in its 75-year history.
Then, the unspeakable occurred.
In the aftermath of more than 1,400 slaughtered, more than 150 kidnapped, and God knows how many raped and tortured, Israelis have put aside their politics and unified around their patriotism and the task ahead — destroy Hamas.
In America, early commentary included blame. It was the typical political spin we had come to expect.
It has scored no political points. It’s just offensive.
Despite differing views on President Joe Biden, both of us have always opposed his Iran policy. We recognize that this isn’t the time for that debate.
President Biden’s support for Israel has been ironclad. From his clear condemnation of Hamas to his decision to move massive U.S. naval fleets into the Mediterranean Sea as a deterrent to Iran and its proxy, Hezbollah, to his work aligning Europe behind Israel, Biden’s moves have been stellar. They have rightfully drawn strong praise from across the political spectrum.
The overwhelming majority of members of Congress have been incredible in response to the attack on Israel.
Yet, some continue to use the attack on Israel and the pain it brings Jews for attempted political gain.
Feel free to call out those who seek to equivocate or attack Israel for its rightful self-defense. “The Squad” continues to earn their antisemitic bona fides. With them, they earn the scorn of good people everywhere.
But when it comes to policy differences or the blame game — not now.
You’re not earning Jewish votes; you’re just rubbing salt in our wounds. Those wounds remain wide-open. They’re painful enough without your contribution.
Please speak up for Israel. Please speak up for the Jewish people. Please take a moment to bask in the rarity in American politics — an issue that unites us across the lines that too often divide us.
Evan Ross is the CEO of Public Communicators Group and a lifelong Democrat. Amit Bloom is an Aventura Commissioner and member of the Miami-Dade Republican Executive Committee.
Earl Pitts "The Earl Of Politics" American
October 15, 2023 at 7:09 pm
Good evening America,
Normal Americans do need to be aware that their friends and neighbors who are Jewish all are aware that their lifetimes of voting Democrat are the cause of the Hamas invasion and all the deaths in Isreal durIng the invasion and all the deaths to follow.
They are all very sorry but have no plans to stop voting Democrat across the board. They know its wrong and just want everyone to know that they are sorry but not sorry.
Joe The Plumber
October 15, 2023 at 7:40 pm
Thanks Earl,
I’ve been wondering how The American Jewish population would duck their responsability for what their virtually unamious Democratic political votes over the last 50+ years did to those 45 babies. I mean yeah technically their almost 100% Democrat politician’s votes did not directly kill the 45 headless babies and they will never be called to account for it in a court of judgement here on earth. But they still must live with what they have done. And while sorry but not sorry as an excuse seems kind of arrogrant to the point of being totally @ssholeish I suppose they are within their rights.
My main concern is how St. Peter at the pearly gates will process them when those American Jews present themselves for entry into God’s Eternal Kingdom.
My Take
October 15, 2023 at 7:52 pm
Ask the Trumpvangelicals.
They will tell you Jews are barred from God’s Eternal Kingdom.
“God does not hear the praýers of Jews” — Southern Baptist national official.
Earl Pitts "The Earl Of Politics" American
October 15, 2023 at 8:13 pm
Thanks Joe,
I think the take-away here is for all Jewish American citizen’s to just relax their sphincters.
1.) Regardless of what they have done they are still our people.
2.) No most of them may never be great American Patriots but they are still our people.
3.) While we may not agree with them they are still our people.
So in closing:
Relax your Sphincters,
My Take
October 15, 2023 at 7:16 pm
Now is not the time for blame, especially against those who don’t deserve it.
But soon will be the time to examine deeply–harshly–how and why this horror happened.
Maybe in as little as a few weeks or months.
My Take
October 15, 2023 at 7:20 pm
Withòut that search for blame you learm nothing, despite the huge payment im lives.
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