With multiple doors, corridors and staircases — not to mention some with nearly 5,000 students on campus — an active school shooter presents the most challenging kind of circumstance for emergency responders to find where help is needed.
And seconds can mean the difference between life and death if the emergency involves bleeding and trauma.
“What you’re trying to do in an event like this is cut through the fog of confusion as much as possible,” said Alex Carney, chief operating officer for Critical Response Group (CRG).
The veteran-owned New Jersey-based company has already brought some of the insight and wisdom gained from raiding enemy territory in Iraq and Afghanistan to improving school safety at several Florida school districts.
And that insight is about to reach even further.
Inspired by the work and recommendations of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission, legislation passed last Session makes $14 million available to the state’s public schools so that there’s no need to stop and ask for directions in an emergency.
The legislation (HB 301) calls for all 3,697 of the state’s public school buildings to be mapped out in a format accessible to any kind of first responder whether that responder is a paramedic, a firefighter, law enforcement or a 911 operator. And whether they know anything about the school building they are responding to, or not.
Schools are being encouraged to apply for a grant that would break down every inch of every school building into a grid so no one has to stop and think about which way the north side of the building is and what it means if the gym is in the southwest corridor. The mapping mimics what ground troops get when they are dropped into enemy territory, Carney explains.
“So when they say, ‘Park in grid C2 and go into Door A,’ everybody knows exactly what Grid C2 and Door A is,” said Carney, who was part of the Marines Special Operations Command, doing raids in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
Florida joins 24 other states that have invested in digital mapping at schools, according to a staff analysis of the bill.
The grant requires more than just making a really detailed map, though.
The vendor that undertakes this mapping project under the grant must also have it in a format that can be universally accessed, no matter what software an agency uses, Carney said.
He took Collier County schools, for example The district, in addition to those in Hendry, Highlands, St. Johns and Seminole counties has already undertaken the project.
“If you go to Collier County, you’ll find that every sheriff’s deputy in Collier County has access to these maps through their cell phone because they have a cell phone app that they use to track officers and also allows them to access mapping data,” Carney said. “If you went to the 911 Center in Collier County, you would find that the 911 Center has access to all the school maps in Collier County through the software platforms that they use to geolocate a 911 call. And, if you went to the real-time crime center, the intelligence Fusion Center in Collier County, you can see there they have access to the school maps.”
Earl Pitts "Earl Knows Best" American
October 30, 2023 at 8:13 pm
Good evening America,
Sadly our leftist leaders dont necessarly “really” support ANYTHING which would lead to school safety. They see more dead students as their tickit to take away their citizens right to defend themselves from our own government here in the USA.
Our citizens rights to bear arms and defend ourselves from our own government is exactly what keeps America free. Not just from our own government’s fantisy of controlling every aspect of our lives but frer from the Chinks, the Ruskies, along with every other govornment on the planet. These radical govornments all know our own patriot citizens would fill their invading armys full of bullit holes if they ever try to invade our homeland …. and our own leftist ran government still keeps trying to disarm its citizenary. ( Yeah thats €ffin crazy ).
Us American Paitriots want you to remember the only way to disarm us is to pry our weapons from our cold dead hands. And there are many, many, and many more of us than there are of you.
Have a good nights sleep American’s secure in the knowledge your neighbors will save you from a Chink, Ruskie, and/or a massacare from your own government right here in The Good ‘Ole USA.
And dont forget to relax your sphincters, my fine Patriots, right here in The Land of the Free and The Home of The Brave.
We got your back
Earl Pitts American
Fernando Martinez
October 30, 2023 at 8:39 pm
Why aren’t more School Guardians being hired and trained?
The Public Resource Police Officer is great but a School Guardian always at the ready is a game changer.
Earl Pitts "Earl Knows Best" American
October 30, 2023 at 8:55 pm
Great question Fernando,
Your thinking locally and that can totally cloud your ability to answer your very intelegant question.
Here is just a quick example:
Local elected officials have that local folksey feel because they are just that – your neighbors – some of them you may have went to school with – maybe your brother married one of your local elected officials daughters. Stuff like that can cloud your perception of your local elected officials. And many of them are very nice but they are all subject to the national pressures from the national govornment here in the USA.
Now if you re-read my post above that is based on what the national government sees as their priorities. And the answer to your “why dont they” question is 100% addressed in my above post.
Again excellant question Patriot Fernando. Thank you Sir,
Earl Pitts American
Rock N Sin
November 2, 2023 at 4:09 pm
Sorry, but people like you are the problem
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