Ron DeSantis has stepped in it with his distinctive choice in footwear, according to the Donald Trump campaign.
In the wake of an interview where the Governor rebutted recurrent claims that he is wearing so-called hidden heels in his boots to boost his height, a spokesperson for the Trump campaign is savaging the Florida Governor for what he sees as dishonesty that is “borderline psychotic.”
“When asked directly about why his boots look like stilts, DeSanctus offered up the implausible explanation that he just wears off-the-rack Lucchese boots, doing major brand damage to a great American footwear company,” snarked Steven Cheung.
Cheung also argued that the Governor may be exaggerating his height, which DeSantis said Monday was 1 inch shy of 6-feet tall.
“In another moment of insanity, Ron offered up the laughable claim that he’s 5’11. Instead of telling the truth and just being comfortable in his own skin, he resorts to borderline psychotic behavior by lying to the American people. Is that what this country wants in a President?”
On Monday, DeSantis told PBT Podcast listeners that he’s wearing “standard off the rack Lucchese” boots, when the host pressed him on why his boots seem oversized for his feet.
Asked why he simply doesn’t wear dress shoes or tennis shoes, the Governor said he does in fact “wear tennis shoes when (working) out.”
The host offered him a pair of Ferragamos, presumably without extra height, and DeSantis noted that he can’t accept gifts.
Former President Trump has mocked the height-helper footwear on Truth Social, and a former staffer reportedly blamed the First Lady for his ballyhooed boots, saying she bought him those “dumb@$$ cowboy boots because she thought it was part of the image.”
The Advocate summed up the optics problem, saying “people have been calling out the way the toes of the presidential hopeful’s shoes frequently seem to curl up, which doesn’t really make much sense if there’s actually a human foot residing in that portion of the shoe.”
DeSantis has branched out into other boots as well, including some kicks fashioned from alligator hide that he has worn in recent days. He’s told people that they helped him navigate the treacherous waters of the sports rivalry between the University of Florida and Florida State University.
“These are authentic Florida Gator boots. Now, the good thing about these is that Florida Gator fans love it because it’s the Gators. But, you know, Seminole fans also like it because someone had to kill a Gator to make those boots,” DeSantis said Friday in Washington, D.C. “So that’s the only way I found to be able to please both sides.”
Michael K
October 31, 2023 at 5:35 pm
Perhaps he’s jealous of drag queens who proudly wear high-heeled shoes without ridicule. Good profile of Bootgate in Politico – the expert consensus is that the governor is indeed wearing high heels, and otherwise just wearing thin.
October 31, 2023 at 5:56 pm
How can the trumpet campaign say anything when trump thinks he weighs 215 lbs. LOL
Hamas Earl
October 31, 2023 at 6:08 pm
Christians yelling and name-calling; yep.
My Take
October 31, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Pathological liar and fully psychotic raver Trump has toadies that accuse othèŕs of mild cases?!
Deranged Donald–apparently headed to Drooler Donald–is DullSSantis’s best hope. When finally over the edge.
Ocean Joe
October 31, 2023 at 7:01 pm
kaeb akhbar!
The Heel is Great
Earl Pitts "Earl Knows Best" American
October 31, 2023 at 7:16 pm
Good evening America,
Hopefully all the shoe, boot, and feet fetish folks will take over from those who have been totally obsessed with the size of Desantis’ “Johnson” as their fetish.
It’s all so childish you know.
Hey maybe some of my Besty Lefty’s can throw some light on this question:
How come y’all Dook 4 Brains Lefties love to talk on and on about Desantis’ “Johnson” being of deminutiave size but none of y’all have ever discussed Trump’s “Johnson”?
Is it some homertestical fetish for men with small “Johnson’s”? Like maybe where y’all “swish boys” like to dip your “Johnson’s” into was not biologically made for a man with a girthly “Johnson” and a large set of “Bull of The Woods Low Hanging Pods”?
Anyway on 2nd thought dont tell me why y’all obsess so much on Ron’s Johnson and not Don’s Johnson …. I dont think America or I, Earl Pitts American, really want to know.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Rick Whitaker
October 31, 2023 at 10:01 pm
My Take
October 31, 2023 at 7:33 pm
DrègSSantis acts more like his boots are hob-nailed thàn high-heeled.
My Take
October 31, 2023 at 9:43 pm
The ideal national outcome would beTrump’s ctushing DeSSantis in the primary, Biden’s crushing Trump for the final, and the GOP’s collapsing into deranged ruins, with MAGA hated by everyone else.
But what risks!
My Take
October 31, 2023 at 10:10 pm
Of course, if Ivanka tells the truth in court next week to save herself, Trumpy may ģo over the edge right then.
It should all be interesting to watch.
Push him under the bus Ivanka!!
My Take
November 1, 2023 at 12:27 pm
Trump should use Randy Newman’s hìdeous song “Short People” in his presentations and ads.
November 1, 2023 at 3:29 pm
This grown toddler couldn’t even handle a high school kid who dared to wear a mask and he thinks he has what it takes to be president. A sack of flour has more ethics and personality.
November 1, 2023 at 5:31 pm
Have you ever looked at Trump’s shoes?
Little Donnie and DeSantis have something in common.
My Take
November 1, 2023 at 10:33 pm
A very recent news article claimed Trumpy doesn’t even want to be photographed right next to much taller son Barron.
The funniest news article of a month or few ago quoted a former wife or girlfriend that he avidly obtained and tried any and all purported “enhancers” of a different ďimension. To no avail.
My Take
November 1, 2023 at 11:13 pm
Regarding DeSShortstuff’s sensitivity . . . early on in his campaign it was reported that a number of his former workers had gone over to Trump’s campaign and that they hated Shorty D, they very much wanted to cause him trouble, and they knew what he didn’t like.
Aŕè we seeing signs of them here?
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