Florida delivered Gov. Ron DeSantis a landslide re-election victory in November. On Saturday, the Republican Party of Florida gave him midday billing at the Florida Freedom Summit.
But from that slot, DeSantis urged Republicans nationwide to adopt the example laid out in the Sunshine State during his tenure.
“Florida has shown the way forward for the Republican Party,” he said. “We show how it can be done, to not only do good policy but to do very good politically. So what is our model? How have we been able to do this? I think it’s very simple. In Florida, we fight for you.”
The message came as scrutiny heightens whether the Republicans in Florida flourishing during his tenure will remain behind him as he runs for President.
At the state conference, a number of political supporters, including Attorney General Ashley Moody and Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, stood by his side as he signed qualifying papers for the Florida ballot. But several state lawmakers at the convention announced their endorsement of Trump, including at least five who had previously endorsed DeSantis, as reported by The Messenger.
But Republicans in the audience at the Freedom Caucus gave DeSantis a standing ovation as he laid out successes in his first five years as Governor. DeSantis never named Donald Trump, the front-runner for the GOP nomination for President, during a 30-minute speech touting his own candidacy.
But he took a few subtle shots. One came as he stepped onto stage and immediately asked that teleprompters be removed from the stage, a dig at Trump’s reliance on the digital device. That said, DeSantis clung to a set of paper notes he brought onto stage throughout his speech.
He also traced inflation problems in the country back to March 2020, the early days of the pandemic and the final year of Trump’s term as President. Federal spending stepped up significantly among pandemic relief efforts and business bailouts.
“That’s got fingerprints of both parties on that,” DeSantis said. “We’re going to reverse that. We’re not going to let Congress spend this country into oblivion. We’re going to take Bidenomics, the rules or regulations, the executive orders, rip them up and throw them in the trash can on day one.”
DeSantis leaned heavily on his own record on COVID-19, saying he resisted calls for extended lockdowns in the state. He suggested past administrations from both parties failed to fire or hold accountable any bureaucrats who pushed vaccine mandates or COVID policies that ultimately hurt children’s education.
First Lady Casey DeSantis, in introducing her husband on stage, also stressed his leadership in that crisis, and said voices on the Left and Right had pushed for more draconian measures.
While DeSantis got lunchtime billing, compared to Trump being given a Summit-capping 6 p.m. time slot, the Florida Governor did have more time to speak than other candidates for president early in the day. That doesn’t count the introduction by his wife.
During her time, Casey DeSantis touted some of the Governor’s fights for conservative principles against corporate entities.
“It was DeSantis who fought Disney when they tried to overturn parents’ rights in this state,” Casey DeSantis said. “It was DeSantis who stared down the NCAA when they were trying to boycott the state over the Governor’s support of women competing in women’s sports.”
As supporters distributed “Mamas for DeSantis” bags in the lobby of the summit, she leaned heavily on education reforms including allowing more challenges to books on school shelves.
Ron DeSantis asserted his success in Florida shows how conservatives can take institutions beyond government.
“We have beat them in the schools. We’re beating them in the universities. We have beat them on things like corporate activism in corporate America,” he said. “When the left is attempting to impose its apologies on them, the state of Florida will stand up and we will fight back.”
November 4, 2023 at 3:26 pm
November 4, 2023 at 3:28 pm
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November 4, 2023 at 3:29 pm
Earl Pitts "World-Wide Political Influncer" American
November 5, 2023 at 2:00 am
Good mornting America,
Ron and Casey totally rulled the day over and above all the other candidates.
We are putting a professional team from Florida together to totally sanatize The White House of all the drug stash locations thru-out Ron and Casey’s future residence. The current President’s Son can in no way recall everywhere he has squirreled away his dangerous drugs and Ron and Casey will be raising their kids there.
And, America, it would be tragic if one of the Desantis kids or any citizens child for that matter on a White House tour stumbeled upon one of H~nters many forgotten drug stash locations.
Also we will be using high pressure steam to totally sanatize any toilet seats he may have sat on. I mean who really knows how long those cooties he got from all those $ex workers can survive on a toilet seat, just lurking there, to jump up one day and grab some innocent child’s stuff.
Kind of creepy you know to have to tell our Great Nation all these lurid details but we will always be a full disclosure administration through-out all eight years of our time in The White House.
Thank you America,
The above White House move-in update has been approved by Earl Pitts American.
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:04 pm
November 4, 2023 at 3:46 pm
“As supporters distributed “Mamas for DeSantis” bags in the lobby of the summit, she leaned heavily on education reforms including allowing more challenges to books on school shelves.”
This is why he won’t renounce the Nazi’s – this is directly out of the 3rd Reich’s playbook. Begin the Groomer comments now – if there were so many groomers they’d have been paraded out in chains. This was all bullsh!t to gain power and fleece the education coffers.
Models for other states? It’s a model of grift and authoritarianism.
Vote this nonsense out of office and make the sunshine laws again.
Earl Pitts "World-Wide Political Influncer" American
November 5, 2023 at 2:21 am
I’m sorry, JD, but I, Earl Pitts American, need to make a little correction to your above drug and booze fueled rant.
“Groomer” is a word that belongs to good God fearing Conservative Americans for our exclusive use when “WE” are “Dissing” the Dook 4 Brains Left. It is totally inappropriate for anyone on the left to use “Groomer” in any of their lame attempts to “Diss”any good God fearing American Patriots on The Right.
I, Earl Pitts American, am imposing a penalty on you for improper mis-appropration of the Honest God Fearing Great Patriots of Our Great Nation’s word “Groomer”.
Once again, JD, “Groomer” is our word of Great Disrespect for those of you on “The Wrong Side” of the political spectrum. JD in this case turn-about is NOT fair play and as a result of you breaking the strict rules of Political Decorum you are hereby Chastized by me, Earl Pitts American.
I know it hurts, JD, but I had to do it for your own good. One day you will look back and thank me JD.
Earl Pitts “Everybody’s Daddy” American
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:06 pm
November 6, 2023 at 5:16 am
Oh that’s your word EarL? You sure it is not “projectionism”.
Want the truth? You can’t handle the truth.
But the truth is, most of the groomer convictions and charges are brought against those same “Honest God Fearing Great Patriots of Our Great Nation”, usally one within some made up leadership religious or child influencer position (Republican preachers, youth ministers, and scout masters).
So take your addled brain from booze, bad food, cigarettes, and propaganda brainwashing and shill your BullShitt elsewhere Shitts. Nobody’s buying.
Christian not Republican
November 5, 2023 at 1:40 pm
She’s a normal Christian. Ban Christianity and things will get better.
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:11 pm
white christian nationalism is a HUGE problem. desantis is a big leader of this hideous group. cloaking himself in the bible and american flag with a nra banner is desantis’ style
Kathryn A.
November 4, 2023 at 5:35 pm
God help us all, if this should be the model!!
My Take
November 4, 2023 at 5:53 pm
The first Roman provìnce to surrender to the barbarians–without a fight–presumes to give advice to The City.
Michael K
November 4, 2023 at 6:33 pm
It’s a model alright. this “model” explains why DeSantis is tanking everywhere he goes – inside and outside of Florida – to tell the story of the disastrous policies and petty acts of vengeance he has inflicted on the people and institutions of this state.
November 4, 2023 at 8:15 pm
Your approval rating is between 8% and 14% because most Americans are not happy with the “Florida model!”
My Takeder
November 4, 2023 at 10:33 pm
To learn a bit of the previous rightwing “Mothers Against” movement, look up Elizabeth Dilling.
Earl Pitts "World-Wide Political Influncer" American
November 5, 2023 at 2:41 am
America just a quick knowledge-drop Pearl of Sage Wisdom from Earl:
Please take a moment, America, to speed-read everyone’s comments above and I’m sure you will agree that the only commentary which makes any sense what-so-ever are the sage golden nuggets of wisdom made by America’s Go-To-Political-Guru, The One, The Only, Earl Pitts American.
You are welcome America,
Rick Whitaker
November 5, 2023 at 6:14 pm
Silly Wabbit
November 5, 2023 at 12:36 pm
Model this.
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