U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is throwing down the gauntlet to the grocery industry, urging a stop sale on so-called “sewage garlic” from China, which he says is grown in human sewage.
“Until the federal government can put strong standards into effect and our government holds Communist China accountable so it is able to verify the safety of these goods for American consumption, I urge you to act to protect your customers,” Scott wrote to the head of the National Grocers Association.
“Take Chinese-grown garlic off your shelves to reduce risk to your customers, and send a message to the families that you serve that you will only sell products you trust and know are safe for their consumption.”
Scott has already contacted the White House over “severe public health concern over the quality and safety of garlic grown in foreign countries — most notably, garlic grown in Communist China.”
In a letter to Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, Scott invoked 1962’s Trade Expansion Act to claim that the gross garlic could be impinging on America’s national security, and that as an “interested party,” he has standing to compel the Commerce Department to probe the fecal foodstuff.
“I write to request such an investigation into imports from Communist China of all grades of garlic, whole or separated into constituent cloves, whether or not peeled, chilled, fresh, frozen, provisionally preserved or packed in water or other neutral substance, and the threat they pose to U.S. national security. Food safety and security is an existential emergency that poses grave threats to our national security, public health, and economic prosperity,” Scott wrote.
The Senator flavors his letter to Raimondo with aspersions on China’s questionable farming practice, which “include such offenses as fertilizing garlic with human feces and forms of sewage, growing garlic in sewage, bleaching garlic to make it appear whiter and cleaner to the eye after its growth in unsanitary conditions, and stripping the root end from garlic before it enters U.S. markets as to make it appear more appealing and also to comply with U.S. laws regarding prevention of soil-borne diseases and contaminants.”
Dont Say FLA
December 19, 2023 at 3:06 pm
How is this any different from greens grown in the USA and harvested by undocumented workers that are not allowed bathroom breaks and so they go on the produce they are picking. Poo is poo, and it’s why leafy greens are the most dangerous food you can eat.
Earl Pitts "Sage Expert on Political Matters" American
December 19, 2023 at 3:12 pm
Good afternoon America,
Dont tell Gavin Poosome out their in Dook-a-fornia about this. Gavin Poosome’s already got his idiot citizens drinking poo water ya know.
Earl Pitts America
Linwood Wright
December 19, 2023 at 4:06 pm
Wait until he finds out how much American produce is grown in literal cow manure.
December 20, 2023 at 10:41 am
Check the Milorganite label.
My Take
December 19, 2023 at 5:02 pm
A big stool specimen that somehow sprouted arms and legs goes hysterical òver his relatives’ fates.
Soil, rather than senators.
But these thjngs should be routinely handled it’s true.
A century ago the worry was with dates. Not their growing but their shipping.
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My Take
December 19, 2023 at 9:45 pm
He’s a Republican. If a big faŕmer ìn Immokolee were using raw sewage from Naples to grow radishes and ģreen onions he’d be defending it and giving it cover.
Sonja Fitch
December 20, 2023 at 5:53 am
Yep Rick Scott opened your mouth and spouted out bs! Get rid of Rick Scott
Sonja Fitch
December 20, 2023 at 5:53 am
Yep Rick Scott opened your mouth and spouted out bs! Get rid of Rick Scott
December 20, 2023 at 10:40 am
Rick should stay away from Disney World as he might be mistaken for Goofy and put in costume before he knows it.
Jesus from WalMart
December 22, 2023 at 7:56 am
Rick Scott jumping on an issue that effects millions. Wonder if Marco has his back?
Shit garlic affects so many people.
Maybe Trump can use some of his donor money to at least only
use garlic thats grown in urine from Mexico?
Peter Tuite
December 22, 2023 at 4:23 pm
Does Tricky Ricky know that 2/3 of sewage sludge (deceptively called Biosolids) in Florida is used by
Florida Agriculture? And its use is basically hidden by the state? Most garlic, 90%, is supplied by China and Asia. The small amount produced in the US is controlled by a politically connected California monopoly. I believe that Scott is supposed to represents Florida. If fact, he pretends to hate everything California. Political connections are a lucrative hobby (sounds like lobby) of Tricky Ricky.
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