Ron DeSantis isn’t looking for a unity ticket with Nikki Haley, despite the former South Carolina Governor saying she “maybe” would consider him as a #2 should she get the GOP presidential nomination
The 2024 presidential candidate told Fox News viewers Saturday that he is “not going to accept that (VP position) under any circumstances” and “would much rather do my final two years as governor in 2025 and 26 than be Vice President.”
“I’ve said definitively, ‘No, that’s not what I’m running for,'” DeSantis told Neil Cavuto.
The Florida Governor is ruling out Haley as his running mate also, citing ideological incompatibility.
“I wouldn’t want to put someone on there that would take the country in a different direction than what I campaigned on. And I think she’s running more on more liberal issues rather than the standard conservative policies that I think have proven to work in states like Florida and Iowa.”
DeSantis added that his supporters “would prefer Donald Trump to Nikki Haley on policy because I think that she represents more of the corporatist republican bent and that just has not been popular.”
DeSantis has repeatedly ruled out being Trump’s running mate also, saying he’d rather be the head man in Tallahassee than the former President’s “#2.”
Dont Say FLA
January 6, 2024 at 12:06 pm
Perhaps Rhonda would accept a 120 inch, 8K super ultra high definition name brand (Hisinch) television as consolation prize rather than two more years as governor.
Dont Say FLA
January 6, 2024 at 12:08 pm
Or a refrigerator. Anybody got a spare refrigerator on their porch that could be Rhonda’s prize?
January 6, 2024 at 12:10 pm
We’ll all be interested to see where Dee and his brood land in 2027 after they have to leave the people’s mansion in Tallahassee.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emaritas" American
January 7, 2024 at 8:42 am
Good Morn ‘Ting AMERICA
Sadly the current occupant of the VPOTUS office in her great incompentance, lazeyness, stupidness, and just everything about her has “Super Glued” the “VPOTUS GLASS CEILING” back together for the next 524 years. Sadly due to Kamalla, Americans, will not be able to find it in their hearts to vote for a presidental tickit with a woman on it.
In the future year of 2424 the revolting knee jerk political reaction to a woman on the tickit “FUTURE SAGE POLITICAL CONVERSATIONS” will still go something like this:
*flash forward to the future*
“Just sit down and let me tell you a horror story about the last female VPOTUS we had around 400 years ago”. Yeah? ….. so you already heard about “Kamalla”? “Probley take another 130 years or so before America will walk down that slipery sloap again”. “Yo thanks for the warning Pops”.
*flash back to 2024*
So you see America it’s really not Nikki Haley’s fault that she had the “Severe Bad Luck” to try and become Ron’s VPOTUS after Kamalla ruined it for All Women (even T. Women) for the next 500 years.
Thankfully (for Kamalla) her mind has a vacency in the “Felling Guilty For Her Actions Brain File Cabnet) so basically she will “Never Know” about the grave injustice she has done to Women, yes even Tranny Women.
Earl Pitts American
Eugene Krabs
January 7, 2024 at 8:56 am
Thank you Earl for bringing us up to speed on this and several vital issues of national security concerns.
Eugene Krabs
Hamas Earl
January 7, 2024 at 7:42 pm
Raid any nursing homes, Earl? Any music festivals,
January 6, 2024 at 12:31 pm
DeSantis spends a lot of time in Iowa ….. maybe he should move there and take Ladapo with him.
Dancing Outlaw
January 6, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Did Governor DeSantis get a ticket for his car crash in Tennessee?
I hope so. His name on that ticket can be his consolation prize for failing to make it onto the Republican party’s Presidential ticket.
Resign to be VP
January 6, 2024 at 1:02 pm
If Florida has a law that would prevent Ron from continuing to collect his Florida Gov paycheck while serving as VP, I’m sure the Florida state legislature can exempt him from that law same as they did with the Resign To Run and Sunshine laws.
Lee Roller
January 6, 2024 at 8:25 pm
I love it when someone declines a thing that was never offered.
The next two years are going to be very hard for DeSadness.
Now that he’s a loser instead of a contender he’s a political leper. The GOPeons that eagerly did his bidding before…hoping to ride his coattails to somewhere…are not going to be so eager to acquiesce to a lame duck nobody that has nothing to offer them.
He’s going to be a peevish, impotent laughingstock for the rest of his term.
Michael K
January 7, 2024 at 11:55 am
Spot on. DeSadness… briliant.
It’s terrifying to think what he may do out of spite and bitter anger. I keep hearing that the Republican-led legislature may find their spines, but I remain doubtful.
Hamas Earl
January 7, 2024 at 7:43 pm
I’m not agreeing to be in Led Zeppelin either
January 6, 2024 at 8:54 pm
I am hoping for a Bush-Quayle moment, when Trump reaches out to Dee to be his VP. Trump ain’t getting any younger, and Dee could fill his shoes, if death or incapacity occurs. We’ll see if Dee will reach for the shiny bauble.
Dee Nose Knows
January 7, 2024 at 6:48 pm
Ron is too smart to be Trump’s VP.
Ron realizes Trump tries to kill his VPs.
Plus, Trump’s replacement will be Don Junior regardless of who Trump’s VP choice might be.
Trump VP is the dead-est end-est dead end job, ever.
January 7, 2024 at 8:24 am
Rona DeSatan will always be number two in my book! Right now he’s circling the bowl. On his way to the lift station in his high heels.
Hamas Earl
January 7, 2024 at 7:44 pm
💩 #2
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