Gov. Ron DeSantis says changes in Florida gun laws have cut the murder rate in one South Florida city.
“Since we’ve enacted that you’ve had a big drop in murders in Miami, they just reported that’s what’s happened,” DeSantis said in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on Sunday.
Florida enacted HB 543 in 2023, which is permitless carry legislation.
The Governor calls it “constitutional carry,” for what it’s worth. Though that phrasing nettles firearms enthusiasts, DeSantis has consistently used that while promising for years permitless carry would become law.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez said this week that Miami’s 31 homicides in 2023 may have been the lowest rate in the city’s history, but credited “law enforcement” and not the new state law for the reduction in killings.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
January 14, 2024 at 5:46 pm
Sage Wisdom from our “Next POTUS” Ron DeSantis.
Are you going to get this “Common-Sense” drop in “Murder” from any other POTUS candidate?
What about Trump? NO.
What about whoever Barack decides to “STEP IN” for Joe? NO.
What about Haley? NO.
What about Ramaswammy? NO.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American.
allen Thompson
January 15, 2024 at 6:58 am
Although permitless carry may have had some to do with the drop in the murder rate in Miami but honestly I believe it’s because people understand that SCOTUS passed the Bruen law telling the government that they now have more restrictions when it comes to our 2nd amendment rights. Proving historical reference towards any anti 2A law. Bruen help strengthen the laws already protecting our right to legally own and carry a firearm to protect ourselves not only at home but also while in public.
Mindless Ron
January 15, 2024 at 3:25 pm
OMG. HE wants to lower the age to own a gun. He has had how many mass murders in Florida..A gun in every pocket/book. Talk to the public health experts..oops he is anti-science. What a ridiculous statement. Murder is down in all the major cities..and they haven’t passed a gun for every citizen.
January 15, 2024 at 3:37 pm
Another unsubstantiated and desperate ploy from Dee. To me the saddest part is that he has so many folk to the right of him on this issue.
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