Ron DeSantis essentially agrees with Nikki Haley that the United States wasn’t built on racism, but he acknowledged challenges along the way to a colorblind society.
In New Hampshire on Tuesday, the 2024 presidential candidate was asked to address his opponent’s claim that America has “never been a racist country,” and his narrative contained more complexity than that of the former South Carolina Governor.
“Well, what I said was, we’ve had challenges with how race was viewed,” DeSantis told Wolf Blitzer.
“And so for example, those were universal principles in the Declaration of Independence. And you had a decision in the 1850s. The Dred Scott case said Dred Scott because he was black wasn’t an American citizen. That was wrong, that was discriminating on the basis of race. That’s what you ended up having the 14th Amendment ratified to overturn Dred Scott. So yes, we’ve had challenges with how we’ve dealt with race as a society, but we are the best, no matter what your background is,” he said during a CNN town hall.
The Supreme Court’s 7-2 decision was rooted in the argument that Scott, an enslaved Black man who was taken from a slave state to a free state, lacked standing to sue, even though he’d been moved to territory where slavery was illegal. DeSantis has said its the worst ruling in SCOTUS history.
“I know there’s not everyone that is willing to admit that anymore, but that’s just the reality,” DeSantis said last month.
Chief Justice Roger Taney, an Andrew Jackson appointee who came from a slave-holding family in Maryland, used the case as a pretext to overturn the Missouri Compromise, allowing slavery in the territories and giving slaveholders the presumption of elastic property rights.
During the CNN interview, DeSantis also said the United States “is not a racist country and we’ve overcome things in our history.”
“You know, I think the Founding Fathers, they established a set of principles that are universal now, they may not have been universally applied at the time. But I think they understood what they were doing, they understood that those principles would be the engine for progress for generations to come.”
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
January 17, 2024 at 6:09 am
Good mornting America,
Now is the time to switch your voting preferences from those that would destroy your family’s security and freedoms and make the switch to the “Common Sense” support of Ron & Casey.
*queue happy and sappy background piano to melt all dook 4 brains lefty’s hearts*
“Why just imagine your former dark leftist heart swelling with pride as you look into the eyes of your sweet grandchildern and tell them they are safe and free because of your support of Ron & Casey way back in 2024”, said the good looking and trust-worthy Earl Pitts American.
These sweet words of “Sage Wisdom” are brought to you by Earl Pitts American.
Earl Pitts American
January 17, 2024 at 10:43 am
The only reason “The Ronald McDonald” stays in the race is because he’s hoping on a Jack Smith conviction and cholesterol take out the frontrunner to pick up enough delegate votes. How sad the party has become that your number one pick is indicted and about to be convicted, while your second up is looking for political scraps. Maybe it’s time to clean up your f@cking party perhaps?
Hospice Time For Earl
January 17, 2024 at 6:32 am
Poor Nazi Earl, baying at the interwebs ‘Casey and Ron can save yer grandbabies’
The Dude
January 17, 2024 at 7:08 am
The only person out there right now that should be in hospice is “Dementia” Joe.
Dont Say FLA
January 17, 2024 at 7:12 am
Joe could keep Rhonda’s campaign company at hospice, and Joe would definitely make for better company than Rhonda himself.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
January 17, 2024 at 7:15 am
Thank you for reaching out for much needed help you twisted freak. Here at The Earl Pitts American Political Science/Leftist Conversion Division we stand ready to provide you with the much needed help which you (in your own sick way) are crying out (like a whiney diaper baby) for.
We have determined there is no appropriate medicinal medication therapy for you, due to the severaity of your condition, and are going ahead with the surgical cure we call “The Sage Surgical Cure”. We no longer reference the procedure by it’s “Boomer Name” of frontal lobodamy due to past (incorrect) negative associations with that procedure. We will send a driver over to bring you in for “The Sage Cure”
You are welcome and rest assured you will thank us later.
Earl Pitts “Earl Cares” American
Earl "21.2% means victory" Schitz
January 17, 2024 at 10:13 am
Using some of that Floriduh math, Earl? Losing by 38.9% is getting your rear end handed to you.
Abram Nicholson
January 17, 2024 at 7:56 am
Ron DeSantis is a racist. His own mouth has shown it time and again.
waken all up
January 17, 2024 at 8:05 am
How in the World can Rona believe that the “founding fathers” intended to include women and slaves in their “universal” declaration? That’s just make believe. Perhaps I have overlooked some Federalist Paper or other historical document that sets forth that notion. As fate would have it, Rona is one who supports the twisted legal theory of “original intent” as respect to constitutional principles. Smoke and mirrors, people. Perhaps Rona is not aware of John Lewis getting beaten trying to walk across a bridge in Alabama. Trust me, racism abounds in America to this day. It’s simply not possible to reconcile slavery with the notion that America doesn’t have a racist history! Rona is full of bull. I suspect that he is racist too.
January 17, 2024 at 9:10 am
Many of our “founding fathers” bought and sold slaves like cattle! They legislated to protect their own self interest.
tom palmer
January 17, 2024 at 9:58 am
I’m a generation or so older than Gov. DeSantis so I remember separate drinking fountains, bathrooms, churches and schools, when the African-American sections of towns were referred to as the (slave) quarters. I remember the virulent racism. It was a bit more than “challenging.”
January 17, 2024 at 11:32 am
Its pure bathos when Dee discusses the 14th Amendment, which he believes a President can alter by executive order.
DJT believes similarly.
Each has said publicly that they intend to eliminate birthright citizenship, which is one of the principles embedded in the 14th.
Imagine: One person, the chief executive, able to lawfully alter the Constitution!
That would mean we were living under a dictator as well as the final failure of the American experiment.
Michael K
January 17, 2024 at 2:12 pm
Yes Rhonda. All the lynchings, red lining, voter suppression, and segregationist policies simply taught Black people useful life skills. The March on Washington in DC was merely a parade.
Just saying it ain’t so is contrary to the historic record. Idiot Harvard and Yale were a waste on his sorry self.
January 17, 2024 at 4:39 pm
Desantis is on point. The USA is one of the least racist places in the world. There is not another similarly large country with as many diverse racial and ethnic cultures working together daily. The ability to have upward mobility from birth is the reality in the USA. The USA is not perfect, was not perfect at its founding, and will not be perfect after the next election. However, the USA has improved and deserves credit for the improvement.
January 17, 2024 at 10:36 pm
Lex’s social mobility idyll fails in the light of increasing income and wealth disparities. We’re now in the same range of class disparities as 1928.
And, you’ll be thrilled to know the first TRILLIONAIRE is waiting in the wings.
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