In his final New Hampshire stop before next Tuesday’s Primary, Ron DeSantis took aim at an opponent he claimed was “programmed with talking points.”
The attack on Nikki Haley is ironic, given that early in the campaign when he was a front-runner, the Florida Governor was taken to task himself for not taking audience questions.
“I think she owes it to you to be able to go out there and do this. And then she’s doing events like this, speaking and then leaving without taking anybody’s questions. That is not a candidate that is confident in their record. It’s not a candidate that’s confident in being able to answer questions off script,” the Governor said in Derry on Wednesday evening.
“And you know, you can peel these politicians, they can be programmed with talking points. That’s not that difficult to do. The question is, if you get them off the talking points, are they able to answer questions intelligently. Do they have any depth of understanding? Or is it just a habitual case of ballistic podiatry shooting yourself in the foot every time you open your mouth and creating more stuff?”
DeSantis is headed to South Carolina Thursday, in an attempt to defeat Haley in a suddenly crucial Primary in her home state. While odds are he will finish in a distant third place in the Granite State, he’s attempting to leave locals with the impression he, and not his opponents, are most willing to fight.
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January 17, 2024 at 9:30 pm
Dee has become a motormouth after years of stiff-arming the mainstream media.
Haley is simply doing what The Man does. (DJT may be afraid to get into the ring with her — she’s sly and tart whereas Hillary always tried to be polished and disdainful.
January 18, 2024 at 8:12 am
She has nothing to gain and everything to lose by debating him. Why give him the oxygen? She’s playing it smart and it’s hurting him. Welcome to politics 101 Ronnie.
January 18, 2024 at 8:26 pm
Haley found a weak spot: DJT’s age. He is scrambling now to show he’s still got it at 77, rehearsing an IQ test he said he passed with flying colors.
Here’s a quote from DJT on that subject: “Cognitively? I mean, I’m up here making a speech with no notes,” the former president said. “I’ve got these teleprompters, I haven’t started practically reading them yet.”
(DJT’s mangled syntax has been a big influence on Dee.)
January 19, 2024 at 7:01 am
And he’s dragging that right leg when he walks – stroke or heart problems … you be the judge 🙂
Rude Eye
January 18, 2024 at 6:35 pm
Mr. word salad said WWWHATTT!
January 18, 2024 at 8:32 pm
Sounded to me as if Dee wants Haley to quit after the SC primary, if Trump beats her, but Dee can stay in until Florida when he hopes against hope to win one on one over DJT.
Good luck with that plan!
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