Florida’s Governor is again throwing cold water on a legislative proposal to ban youth social media use because he doesn’t know if the “expansion beyond the current federal law” would hold up in court.
“I think that I’m not going to be supporting if I don’t think it’s going to be something that’s going to pass legal muster in the courts,” Ron DeSantis said in Cape Coral.
DeSantis reiterated previous sentiments about the controversial House bill (HB 1) banning anyone under the age of 16 from social media. The bill, a priority of House Speaker Paul Renner, was passed despite legal challenges in Utah and Ohio regarding similar bills.
“What I’ve said previously, these things have huge legal hurdles. They’ve been held up in courts. I don’t want to go down the road of doing something that is not going to be going to pass muster legally,” DeSantis said.
He voiced a seeming philosophical opposition to the bill forcing users to identify themselves, which was a talking point in his now-suspended presidential campaign.
“I don’t want to have anything where government is forcing the disclosure of folks. But when you’re talking about verifying ages, if you do that in a way that’s ham-handed, you’re going to lead to that,” DeSantis said.
The Governor expressed similar concerns last month.
“There have been other states that have tried to do similar things that have met resistance in the courts,” he said. “Not to say courts are always right about this, but anything I do, I want a pathway for this to actually stick.”
The House has already passed the bill, as previously mentioned. Meanwhile, the Senate version from Republican Sen. Erin Grall (SB 1788) has one committee stop to go, but the Senate could take up the House product in messages before that hearing.
Dont Say FLA
February 13, 2024 at 2:07 pm
But Rhonda’s all in on impeachments that wouldn’t go anywhere beyond the House. Why the flip flop from FLop Gov on whether it matters to them what happens next?
Not Nikki
February 13, 2024 at 2:09 pm
First foamer
Dont Say FLA
February 13, 2024 at 2:12 pm
Oh there you are! You never said why not Nikki when the only difference policy wise between her and Trump is that Nikki supports the US military and those who server while Trump does neither. So, why never Nikki?
Not Nikki
February 13, 2024 at 2:17 pm
Wrong Nikki Don’t Say and Trump does support the military. Don’t even get me started about the current incompetent CIC.
Dont Say FLA
February 13, 2024 at 2:21 pm
For an alleged supporter, Trump sure does like to talk crap about those who serve. Why does he do that if he’s a supporter? He sounds like a hater, not a supporter.
Dont Say FLA
February 13, 2024 at 2:24 pm
Ohhh you are not Never Nikki, you’re Not Nikki. Could you please holler across the cubicle wall to Never Nikki and have him explain? TIA
Dont Say FLA
February 13, 2024 at 2:26 pm
Actually holler across the table, please, not the cubicle wall. I am sure y’all are stuck in some lesser used conference room with a sign taped to the door that reads “Internet Comments War Room” lololol
Not Nikki
February 13, 2024 at 2:07 pm
Gancarski could post only a picture of DeSantis, not write a word, and you lefty’s would be foaming at the mouth the criticize the man.
Dont Say FLA
February 13, 2024 at 2:15 pm
Someday somebody might write something in support of DeSantis, but so far all we get in as hominem attacks against people questioning his policy and flip flops.
It’s pretty weak. Maybe somebody should have been in the Ivy League chess club or debate club rather than the ball handling club.
Michael K
February 13, 2024 at 2:18 pm
He only deserves criticism when he lies or unfairly disparages people and institutions. Which is basically what happens every time he opens his mouth.
But more to the point: Since when has Dee considered the legality (or decency) of the harmful and hateful policies he’s inflicted on good people and institutions in this state?
February 13, 2024 at 2:55 pm
Took the words out of my mouth, K. Dee has never worried about court costs and legal niceties, aping DJT, because someone else pays and because — as in the case of electoral gerrymandering in north Florida — he can drag things out in court and reap advantages even if in the end he loses. Sentient beings don’t need AG to explain that.
Ron Forrest Ron
February 13, 2024 at 2:11 pm
Rhonda’s culture war legislation all got struck down by the courts but Rhonda kept on with them. Why do the courts matter all of a sudden? Something smells fishy. Very very fishy.
Elon Mush
February 13, 2024 at 2:37 pm
Thanks for supporting me, Ron, especially after I “accidentally” sunk your campaign on its big opening day
February 13, 2024 at 2:56 pm
Mush is all in on the Far Right rabble rousers.
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