Tuesday’s Presidential Primary may seem like a “foregone conclusion” in the words of Secretary of State Cord Byrd, with Joe Biden unopposed and Donald Trump having cleared the field.
But the Northeast Florida native is urging people to vote anyway.
“It’s still important whenever there’s an election for voters to get out and make sure that they exercise that voting muscle, make sure they know where their precinct is and how to go through the process because we will be doing this again in August and again in November,” Byrd told reporters.
Turnout is light.
“As of last night, we had a little over 800,000 voters who had voted early and vote by mail. And as of just a few minutes ago, we’re just under 37,000 votes cast today,” Byrd said.
But despite the paltry participation, Byrd says his office doesn’t find it “concerning in any way” that “less than a million have already voted,” even though he urges people to weigh in nonetheless.
“We want people to get out and vote. It’s the one way that everyone can make their voice heard,” Byrd said. “Lots of people are frustrated on both sides of the aisle with the direction of the country. So, you know, this is your chance to get out and, you know, cast your ballot and make your voice heard.”
One reason for voter participation could be to help new Election Supervisors learn their jobs ahead of the “Super Bowl” in November’s General Election.
“Forty percent of our Supervisors are new since the 2020 Presidential Election. So this is a good practice run, kind of like a preseason game to get everybody involved, get everybody back into the process.”
November’s General Election, Byrd noted, “will be a longer ballot because we will have multiple constitutional amendments” up for a vote.
Dont Say FLA
March 19, 2024 at 11:34 am
How can voters pick Trump when Trump still can’t find a running mate considering how he tried to murder his VP last time?
March 19, 2024 at 1:49 pm
Hmmm Cord Byrd got his position from DeSantis, appointed not elected by the people. So voting has no bearing on him. Nice. Had to look it up, I confess, Katherine Harris, remember her? She was the last “elected” Secretary of State in Florida, and as such was able to throw the election to Bush man. Ugh! Why don’t we get to elect that position anymore? Of course, it’s been a R ever since..
Dont Say FLA
March 20, 2024 at 8:23 am
On the plus side, SoS is one less position the R’s can retain when the effectively vacant position of Governor of Florida finally flips back to the Democrats where it always was before Reagan stirred up the white nationalist types for their last hurrah.
March 19, 2024 at 3:07 pm
Turns out there was no place on the MAGA ballot today for a write-in, so I was unable to put Alexei Navalny’s name on my ballot and had to settle for Nikki.
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