Taxpayers may not have to support political candidates much longer, raising questions about whether running for office statewide going forward will be a rich person’s game exclusively.
Sen. Travis Hutson’s measure (SJR 1114), newly signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis, will let voters this year decide in a referendum whether they want to end the provision that has been in effect since the Legislature passed it in 1986 — an era in which Florida and its campaign finance looked very different from the way they do today in some ways, but nonetheless saw some dynamics familiar to people of today.
“The Legislature finds that the costs of running an effective campaign for statewide office have reached a level which tends to discourage persons from becoming candidates and to limit the persons who run for such office to those who are independently wealthy, who are supported by political committees representing special interests which are able to generate substantial campaign contributions, or who must appeal to special interest groups for campaign contributions,” reads the language currently in statute.
The money at stake is not insignificant. Roughly $13 million was spent in 2022 and $10 million in 2018 on subsidizing candidates. DeSantis drew down more than $7 million in his re-election effort.
At least 60% of voters will have to approve of this change in order for it to take effect.
“Repeal of the requirement for public financing of political campaigns would take effect upon approval by the voters,” notes a Senate committee analysis of the resolution.
April 27, 2024 at 9:59 am
Uh… I dunno… what was it Moody said? Those proposed amendments are too confusing and vague for voters to figure out? Does this “just follow the money” referendum only apply to campaigns if they reach the point of “Viability”? Can we get the 7 mil back from DeSantis’s failed pork belly ego trip?
the repeal of the provision in the State Constitution which
requires public financing for campaigns of candidates for
elective statewide office who agree to campaign spending limits.
Hung Wiil
April 28, 2024 at 4:22 pm
She said Amendment 4 was too vague for Dumbarton voters like you. You are stupid.
Hung Wiil
April 28, 2024 at 4:24 pm
This amendment was proposed by the Republican legislature. Democrats like Eskamani oppose it. Democrats like welfare for politicians
April 29, 2024 at 11:13 am
No, They like to have elections open to everyone instead of those that are rich or those governed by special interests.
rick whitaker
April 29, 2024 at 11:54 am
TALLYPATRIOT, hung is a partisan maga guy, so don’t expect a sensible dialog from him.
Hung Wiil
April 29, 2024 at 6:19 pm
It hasn’t worked, tool. Rick is your biggest supporter, you should pull the trigger now and put yourself out of your misery.
Monday news
April 28, 2024 at 8:38 pm
Right now we are in the hunger game
What happen to americanism
April 30, 2024 at 9:57 pm
My opinion how will you get Nazi Soros cash dollars. To help relative Hitler
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