U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is behind a bipartisan and bicameral effort to boost Taiwan’s military preparedness.
And it’s necessary, he says, due to the depredations of the “evil dictator” of “communist China.”
“It is no secret that Communist China’s evil dictator, Xi Jinping, is planning to invade Taiwan and continue his attacks against democracy in a quest for world domination. The United States cannot sit back and let this happen, and that starts with supporting our peaceful and democratic ally Taiwan and its military. I am proud to join my colleagues in introducing the Taiwan Security Act and take action to send a strong message to Communist China that America stands strong with Taiwan and will not bow to the will of an evil communist regime,” Scott said.
Scott’s office frames the Transpacific Allies Investing in Weapons to Advance National (TAIWAN) Security Act as one that requires the Secretary of Defense “to enhance defense industrial base cooperation between the U.S. and Taiwan in order to deepen U.S.-Taiwan defense ties, promote supply chain security, and help alleviate Taiwan’s readiness challenges.”
Democrats are also behind the bill, including a former Vice Presidential nominee.
“Taiwan is one of our closest partners in the Indo-Pacific, and linking arms with our allies makes all of us safer. I’m proud to join my colleagues in introducing this bipartisan legislation to strengthen defense cooperation with Taiwan and deter ongoing aggression from the Chinese military,” said Virginia’s Tim Kaine.
Dont Say FLA
May 4, 2024 at 10:23 am
Rick Scott says to support Taiwan but not Ukraine.
Taiwan will turn against the authoritarian USA that Scott wants. So maybe just support Ukraine.
Ukraine will turn against an authoritarian USA too, but that doesn’t matter so much. We can grow our own grain here.
Hung Wiil
May 4, 2024 at 12:45 pm
DSF, you actually make Rick Scott sound intelligent. One major concept that seems to be eluding you is the major difference between the two scenarios. Ukraine has been invaded, but Taiwan has not. The support for Tawain is preventative, the support, that is cash, being sent to Ukraine is not preventative, it just sustains and extends the war.
These two different scenarios require two different policies. With Tawain, military, economic, and diplomatic support should be pursued. For Ukraine, diplomacy is needed to bring a settlement in the conflict, and yes, Ukraine will have to cede some land. Biden is incapable of providing any leadership on this, so inept that it is not expected. But Scott, his comments calling the Chinese names, this is stupid. This is him issuing a lame 11-point manifesto that no one cared about; he’s at it again. Scott should speak softly, so softly that no one can hear you, and just fade into the background. Just vote yes when we need you, or join a filibuster, but just shut up.
rick whitaker
May 4, 2024 at 1:03 pm
HUNG , how could one guy be so wrong about so many things. your lack of understanding is so glaring. your comments seem to be focused around an asian bias of some sort. because of many forces being in play, ukraine is WAY more of an immediate concern. the pentagon and all most all of the world political experts agree with my take on this matter, instead of the reactionary wackos that think they know something of value, when they don’t. basicly, you have a maga cultist view because you choose to. it dosen’t make it right just because you want it to be. grow up.
Hung Wiil
May 4, 2024 at 2:00 pm
You have zero extrinsic value.
Ocean Joe
May 6, 2024 at 11:12 am
Maybe so, but he’s right about Rick Scott.
rick whitaker
May 4, 2024 at 2:50 pm
HUNG ,WTF, what do you think extrinsic means? your comment is unintelligible. you seem to have a huge chip on your shoulder. are the florida rednecks giving you a hard time because you are not perceived as being one of them?. the white christian nationalist maga crowd are a very unforgiving group. they will turn on you like the predatory group they can be. extrinsic, yeah dude, real smart.
Hung Wiil
May 4, 2024 at 3:41 pm
You are among the most stupid people to ever exist in the history of humanity. You have intrinsic value as a human being, value that everyone has. Extrinsically, you are shat floating in the toilet. You’re such a Dumbarton that you cannot figure this out, but the rest of us get it.
rick whitaker
May 4, 2024 at 4:07 pm
HUNG, you didn’t mention the big chip on your shoulder, and why it’s there. calling me stupid, makes you stupid. most people understand that concept. i don’t think or know that you are stupid or not. i just go by what and how you state things. and what you state as facts are questionable. that is not calling you stupid, it’s just saying that you talk and believe things like a stupid person would. you may be masking your intellect from me, so no, i don’t call you stupid based solely on your comments and positions on complex subjects. i do know you may still be able to be helped, or at least partially helped, by logic, reason, and proper sourcing of your info and facts. get that huge chip off your shoulder dude, it’s making you sick.
Hung Wiil
May 4, 2024 at 5:50 pm
Not really
rick whitaker
May 4, 2024 at 6:27 pm
HUNG, i could be an ally to you, but you would have to drop the insolence. i’m going to give you two examples of extrinsic motivation. i’m guilty of one of the examples, but not of the other in a contextual sense. #1 volunteering because it looks good on your resume. # 2 going to work because you want to earn money. i’m not guilty of #2 by changing (earn money ), to raise my family. you over simplified a complex word. everyone does it when they feel that it is necessary to fulfill their goals. so, i feel much better about myself when am NOT being motivated by extrinsic forces, and then can be free to be natural. that’s why i detest religion, it’s all about being phony, and not being motivated by extrinsic values, forces, or whatever. maga is about as un-natural as it can get.
Ocean Joe
May 6, 2024 at 11:29 am
Dont Say is correct.
Under ordinary circumstances, Scott and the GOP would have been leading the charge to support Ukraine. Ukrainian-Americans have always been right wing voters.
Then along comes Trump, who kidnaps the party. Knowing all it takes is a thumbs down from Trump and they lose their job, all Republican office holders cower and await his orders.
Mr. Quid Pro Quo got caught trying to blackmail Ukraine by withholding American aid unless Ukraine served up political dirt on his opponent. Everything he does is about himself, not the US, so his personal grievance and his love for Putin (who could forget Helsinki) means the entire party has to go along even at the expense of an ally and ultimately the US itself.
The initial and failed invasion from the north, heading toward Kiev should remind us of Russian intent. They want the whole country. In their humiliation they may settle for land along their border but that is only because they have been unable to reach their goal.
Now Republican America Firsters and cave persons want to reward them for their aggression and invite more.
May 6, 2024 at 12:46 pm
The writing was on the wall when DJT met with Putin alone, except for a single Russian who did the translation for both autocrats.
Trump: He ain’t for the US unless there is something in it for him financially.
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