The presumptive Republican presidential nominee is offering more ways for people to donate to his campaign.
Former President Donald Trump is announcing that his campaign will take cryptocurrency, in his latest attempt to find a way to make up a cash on hand deficit against incumbent Joe Biden.
“Demonstrating President Trump’s success as a champion of American freedom and innovation, we proudly offer you a chance to contribute to the campaign with cryptocurrency. Saving our nation from Biden’s failures requires your support. As Biden piles regulations and red tape on all of us, President Trump stands ready to embrace new technologies that will Make America Great Again,” reads the Trump webpage soliciting crypto donations.
A press release from his campaign adds more verbiage to the explanation of “the first time a major party Presidential nominee has embraced cryptocurrency for donations.”
“The effort to reduce the control of government on an American’s financial decision-making is part of a seismic shift toward freedom. Today’s announcement reflects President Trump’s commitment to an agenda that values freedom over socialistic government control,” the Trump campaign contended.
“MAGA supporters, now with a new cryptocurrency option, will build a crypto army moving the campaign to victory on November 5th,” the campaign vowed.
The crypto push is an attempt to solve a comparative cash crunch.
The Biden campaign announced Monday that it has $192 million on hand, with $473 million raised in the last year, including $51 million added last month. However, the Trump campaign raised $76 million in April, giving it the advantage over Democrats for the first month this cycle.
The Biden campaign notes a unique burn rate for Trump.
“Trump is falling behind Joe Biden with small donors and has spent more than $75 million on personal issues, instead of talking to the voters who will decide this election,” a reference to the former President’s legal entanglements such as the ongoing “hush money” trial in New York.
My Take
May 21, 2024 at 5:39 pm
Craptocurrency would be more fitting.
rick whitaker
May 21, 2024 at 6:06 pm
MY TAKE, he’s also the first president we know of that also takes a swift rolled up magazine on the huge butt.
My Take
May 21, 2024 at 6:48 pm
Le vice anglais ?
rick whitaker
May 21, 2024 at 9:17 pm
MY TAKE, of course, le vice angais, we are talking about trump. i don’t know what to call it if you have german blood like trump is accused of having. is mud involved, or just rain?
Impeach Biden
May 21, 2024 at 7:19 pm
Joe Biden is the most incompetent and inept President in a generation. Look at the economy. Look at our foreign policy. Look at the Southern Border. Look at city crime. Look at inflation. Standing by for hillbilly spin.
rick whitaker
May 21, 2024 at 8:50 pm
18 YEAR OLD GIRL, i’m looking at all the things you mentioned. i see biden tackling those issues in a great and even-handed way. are you too immature to see that, or are you just spouting trash to be cute? you have consistently bashed biden for bogus reasons. i assume you are on some devious mission.
Impeach Biden
May 21, 2024 at 9:33 pm
You are as lost as Biden. Wake up hillbilly and drink some coffee. Look around you. Go to the Southern Border. Go fill up your car with gas. Go to the grocery store. Now tell me again that Incompetent Joe is taking care of this. Really?
Dont Say FLA
May 22, 2024 at 11:43 am
IBS, your job here is to train folks in how to spot whatabout comments that attempt to derail comments on a post that can be taken to be validated via the presence of comments attempting to derail honest discussion that might go deeper than did the reporting in the post. So make sure and get the words “what about” in your whatabouts. You don’t always need to open with “What about,” but please do get “what about” in your whatabouts somewhere, at least for the time being until everybody can spot a whatabout thanks to IBS Whatbout Training Inc. Gracias senor.
May 21, 2024 at 5:40 pm
Crypto is to rid Americans cash domance . Why Donald need a new helicopter boggles m.
I would t hink all that traveling gets boring after awhile
Ocean Joe
May 22, 2024 at 9:10 am
He can have a used one shipped over from Iran.
May 21, 2024 at 5:48 pm
What part of crypt Don don’t understand. ?
Dont Say FLA
May 22, 2024 at 11:44 am
He seems understand that crypto is a wonderful vector for perpetrating fraud and taking OPP’s money.
Michael K
May 21, 2024 at 6:51 pm
I guess that means there is a pardon dangling for Sam Bankman-Fried in the unlikely event that America is stupid enough to elect a grifter, Putin apologist, con man, fraud, and pathological liar to the highest office in the land.
Dont Say FLA
May 21, 2024 at 10:24 pm
Although it’s been 4 productive years for USA, you mean “re-elect,” not just “elect” when referencing the uber loser DJT
May 21, 2024 at 8:58 pm
The hungry North Koreans have been successful recently in breaking into crypto accounts to the tune of $50 million and counting. If they are listening, DJT has some crypto on him.
Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 22, 2024 at 5:57 am
Good Morn ‘Ting Sage Patriots,
A lot of our Great Nation’s Sage Patriots will read the above headline without a comprehension of what it “REALLY” means.
ELVIS ‘Splains Himself:
Ever since Crypto was launched the “Dook 4 Brains Leftists” gleefully saw Crypto as their way to grab all your money, prevent your purchase of guns & ammo, and whatever other perceived leftist benifits there will be in controlling you, the voters.
RIGHT? “You are D@mn Right its right” said Elvis.
Well Now:
Here we have Trump using Crypto to his “Sage Advantage”.
America, the “Dook 4 Brains Left” is “Really Whizzed-Off” about this but must pretend they are not.
Savor this moment of Elvis’ Sage Wisdom my Beloved Patriots.
Elvis [FKA EARL] Pitts American
Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 22, 2024 at 6:38 am
America, allthough I posted my above wisdom just minutes ago, my phone has been “Blowing Up” with various members of the 08iden Sad-Ministration begging me, Elvis Pitts American, to stop always picking up their “Dook 4 Brains Excre☆ent” up and publically “Rubbing It In Their Faces. Ring Ring Ring …. here’s A. BIinkin calling now …. Ring Ring Ring …. I’m gonna just let this one go to voice mail ….. “Anyway, Sage Patriots, I hope you all appricate me sharing my “Sage Wisdom” on this Important Issue” that would have just passed most of you by as you were sipping your coffee, showering, shaveing, and squeezing out “The Business” on the pot this mor ‘nting.
But think about it, Sage Patriots, that is why you follow Elvis Pitts American.
Thank you Sage Patriots,
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
*queue loud USA USA USA Patriotic Music to inspire all Sage Patriots while at the same time whizzing-off all Dook 4 Brains Leftys*
rick whitaker
May 22, 2024 at 11:20 am
people don’t follow you you fool, they despise you. you are a long bad joke. nobody wants to hear the lame punchline. my cat is more of a sage than you. you are a pitiful sad POS. would yopu want me to lie and tell you nice things about you that i would have to make up? ok earl pitts, i love your comments so much. you are so witty and current. when i read your post i am so lifted by the humor and wit that it makes my day. i am always sharing your beloved posts with friends.. the story about you taking your name based on a rowan and martin character is precious. gary burbank, what a great name. how come you quit using it? your born name of billy purser is quite boring so i can see why you changed it to gary burbank. ron desantis is so lucky to have you as a champion. with you earl being so vocal and providing the maga cultist point of veiw, you have been such a beacon for christian maga domination. when people tell me you are a bad guy, i always say, you must be wrong. women are always talking about how great you are, it makes me a little jealous. please remember me in your prayers, as i will remember you in mine. god bless you earl, florida needs more maga cultist’ just like you. we got to own them dems, right? keep them witty informative posts coming.
Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 23, 2024 at 6:35 am
Excellant “Wackey Fake Leftist” contrarian follow-up posting to my post of “Sage Wisdom” Rick!!!!
Thats why our beloved on-line host, F. P. loves us so much. Hundreds of thousands of new readership have joined just to follow the back & forth between Elvis [FKA Earl] and Rick.
As a matter of special American Glory we now have 2 confirmed followers on The Space Station.
Thats right Rick we have left the bonds of Earth and taken the “Elvis [FKA Earl] & Rick Show” to a new and exciting “UNIVERSIAL LEVEL”!!!!!
We did it Rick Thanks,
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
*queue Loud Patriotic USA USA USA music*
rick whitaker
May 23, 2024 at 3:29 pm
EARL PITTS/GARY BURBANK/ BILLY PURSER, does all that crazy talk make you feel good, well then keep doing it. you have my blessings to be as annoying and crazy as you want. bless your little heart.
Ocean Joe
May 22, 2024 at 9:11 am
I was pretty sure Trump would catch up to Biden selling all those Lee Greenwood bibles.
Dont Say FLA
May 22, 2024 at 11:49 am
The Donaldzzzzzz, if he stays awake long enough to notice what’s going on in the world these days, will surely notice and take his queue from one of the world’s most successful businesspeople to make more profit without making much that’s new.
Once the bibles Trump’s been selling have been bought by everyone who would buy one, he will release a “The Bible, Trump’s Version” with 30% more chapters and 25% higher price, and zero store credit for anybody who bought the first version from him.
If Trump does not do this, we’ll all know he is not the super genius business guy he claims to be. I mean with bankrupt casinos we do already all know that, but some folks dismiss the obvious by pretending those were early mis-steps.
rick whitaker
May 23, 2024 at 3:33 pm
OJ, trump is just being trump. of course trump likes the bible, it has a lot of lies in it. trump knows the power of lies. makes sense.
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