Trial lawyer John Morgan announced his support for a ballot measure legalizing marijuana.
The politically influential lawyer held a press conference in Downtown Orlando, where he has long led Morgan & Morgan as it became the nation’s largest injury law firm.
“I am putting my name and my heart into passing Amendment 3 and believe now is the time to treat marijuana the same as we treat beer, wine and spirits,” Morgan said.
“Passing Amendment 3 will create tens of thousands of new jobs, generate hundreds of millions for our state each year, and save taxpayers money by not having to pay to prosecute simple crimes for possession. I encourage Florida voters to join me in standing up for freedom, for common-sense laws, for the people and for Amendment 3.”
Smart & Safe Florida organized the event and the petition drive that successfully put a proposed constitutional amendment on the ballot this Fall. If the measure passes, it will require Florida to legalize marijuana for adult recreational use.
There, Morgan said he’s not just a supporter of marijuana but a regular user.
“I built the largest personal injury law firm in the world, taking a gummy every single night,” he said. “I think it’s helped me.”
Morgan has backed successful ballot measures in the past, including one that in 2016 legalized marijuana for medical use in Florida. He also served as the face of a similar 2014 measure that won 57% support but fell short of the 60% threshold to amend the Florida Constitution.
He was also a driving force behind the passage of a constitutional amendment in 2020. Amendment 2 required Florida to adopt a $15 minimum wage, which is being phased in over time and will reach the $15 level in 2026.
But unlike those measures, Morgan said he won’t be the primary financial force behind a campaign. A multi-million-dollar marijuana industry has now arisen in Florida, and he thinks the campaign will have sufficient resources.
He said the current legal system has led to injustice.
“I know that marijuana laws in this in the United States of America have been the most unjust, most unfair, most draconian laws ever,” he said. “So many people have been incarcerated, lost scholarships, lost careers, lost military careers, lost being a doctor, just wasted over marijuana.”
Morgan praised President Joe Biden for recently rescheduling marijuana to a Schedule III narcotic instead of Schedule I.
He criticized Gov. Ron DeSantis, though, for his opposition. That comes just a few years after Morgan sat alongside DeSantis and praised the Governor for signing legislation to allow smokable medical marijuana in Florida.
“I’m kind of disappointed in Ron DeSantis because he was very helpful to me,” Morgan said.
“The only thing I know is a fundraising tool. And he knows how to raise money like nobody else. His opposition is not about smelling stuff. His opposition is about himself and making the old billionaires happy in the pharmaceutical industry. So that’s that.”
Morgan’s vocal support will carry some weight. He’s a prominent face thanks to billboards, radio and television ads that for years have promoted Morgan & Morgan with its motto, “For The People.” That has even fueled speculation about whether he would run for Governor himself in 2026.
Morgan has already submitted a column appearing in the Orlando Sentinel publicly endorsing the amendment and will appear in a series of Smart & Safe ads supporting the measure.
The endorsement also comes with a promise of financial support to promote Amendment 3 before it appears on the ballot in November.
To listen to the ads, please click the images below:
Dont Say FLA
May 29, 2024 at 12:44 pm
Everybody should vote Yes on #3 for medical marijuana. Why make cancer patients pick between breaking the law to get some weed or going the Rx route and getting hooked on heroin or fentanyl?
Vote Yes on #3 for the Free State of Florida’s government minding its own business… for once.
May 30, 2024 at 7:26 am
“Free State of Florida’s government minding its own business… for once” – flap, flap, oink oink …. there goes another one 🙂 They’re just chipping away, one law at a time – asserting states rights over the feds and pulling county business back to state level. It’s quite an impressive power grab really and I’m glad Rhonda never got anywhere near the White House.
May 29, 2024 at 1:38 pm
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Michael K
May 29, 2024 at 1:50 pm
He’s right. The “war on drugs” was largely a war on Black people that destroyed tens of thousands of families – but made the prison industrial complex rich. And of course, rich people always seem to buy their way out of justice.
It’s high time we legalize marijuana for those who prefer an alternative to booze. It’s only natural.
Chris Hanson
May 29, 2024 at 2:40 pm
The title says “medical marijuana”. This is about recreational marijuana.
Alan Glavo
May 29, 2024 at 3:16 pm
I agree I’m a 30 year Marijuana smoker it stops the pain that I have in my back it should be legal tons of tax money
May 29, 2024 at 3:48 pm
Seriously it works great for the medical issues I have that I currently treat with opioids, I’d much prefer pot but can’t afford the dispensary high prices of crappy weed.
Waiting on the man🎵🎶
Yvonne Arthur
May 29, 2024 at 4:09 pm
I’m looking forward to seeing John Morgan on the ballot for governor. He seems very competent, able and apparently cares deeply for the people of Florida. I also have health issues that marijuana does help immensely.
Michael K
May 29, 2024 at 4:17 pm
I don’t get the sense that Morgan would waste time and resources destroying decent people with divisive culture war nonsense for cheap personal political gain, like DeSantis continues to do…
May 29, 2024 at 4:23 pm
As long as there is a law suit. For medical psychosis
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