AFP Action Florida announces third round of legislative endorsements

Businessman gesturing thumbs up sign
The organization has now endorsed 29 state legislative candidates.

Americans for Prosperity Action Florida announced a third wave of state legislative endorsements, bringing the total number of endorsed candidates this cycle to 29.

New to the list: Yvette Benarroch in HD 81, Richard Gentry in HD 27, Sam Greco in HD 19, JJ Grow in HD 23, Jennifer Kincart Jonsson in HD 49, Rep. Randy Maggard in HD 54, Sen. Debbie Mayfield in HD 32, Danny Nix in HD 75, Vanessa Oliver in HD 76, Rep. Susan Plasencia in HD 37 and Rep. Keith Truenow in SD 13.

“Allowing Florida businesses, students, and families to thrive is possible through principled policy work in our legislature — that’s why we need these leaders in office,” said Skylar Zander, Senior Adviser to AFP Action Florida.

“AFP Action FL will work with our grassroots activists to educate voters leading up to the election on how their voices will be represented through these candidates.”

AFP Action Florida — the campaigning arm of Americans for Prosperity-Florida — is promising to put the full weight of its “grassroots army” behind the candidates it’s supporting this Fall. Their army has proven to be a formidable force in the past, with its volunteers making more than 600,000 voter contacts in the 2022 cycle.

The group is also pledging to support its slate of endorsements with direct mail and digital ad campaigns.

Drew Wilson

Drew Wilson covers legislative campaigns and fundraising for Florida Politics. He is a former editor at The Independent Florida Alligator and business correspondent at The Hollywood Reporter. Wilson, a University of Florida alumnus, covered the state economy and Legislature for LobbyTools and The Florida Current prior to joining Florida Politics.


  • rick whitaker

    June 4, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    groups with names like ” americans for prosperity” are usually out for your money with little or no accountability. watch your wallet.

    • MH/Duuuval

      June 5, 2024 at 10:40 am

      They exclusively drink Koch.

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