Appeals court halts Donald Trump Georgia election case

trump trial verdict
Fani Willis is why.

An appeals court has halted the Georgia election interference case against former President Donald Trump and others while it reviews the lower court judge’s ruling allowing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to remain on the case.

The Georgia Court of Appeals on Wednesday issued the order, which will prevent Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee from moving forward with pretrial motions while the appeal is pending.

The appeals court on Monday docketed the appeals filed by Trump and eight others and said that “if oral argument is requested and granted” it is tentatively scheduled for Oct. 4. The court will then have until mid-March to rule, and the losing side will then be able to appeal to the Georgia Supreme Court.

Associated Press


  • My Take

    June 5, 2024 at 4:53 pm

    EVERY factor other than guilt or innocence is always in play with convicted-felon Trump’s legal contortions.

    • Dont Say FLA

      June 7, 2024 at 7:31 am

      If the alleged offenses took place four years ago, almost 3 years remain just for bringing charges. But here we are at trial, multiple convictions already delivered for Trump’s co-conspirators. If it weren’t for Trump Legal’s delay tactic of making hay out of nay, just an silly office romance, the Georgia trial would be done by now.

  • tom palmer

    June 5, 2024 at 5:56 pm

    This was a self-inflicted injury. Trump’s crimes get a pass again.

    • Dont Say FLA

      June 7, 2024 at 7:54 am

      The Georgia trial’s halt is just temporary while the courts decide whether to keep Willis or replace her (and thus her team).

      If Willis is kept on the case, then it resumes immediately upon the decision keeping her. Otherwise the trial starts over with a new prosecutorial, but Trump will see his day in court eventually for allegedly trying to bully Georgia’s elected officials and thus Georgia’s voters.

      What Trump does not know, but I know, is that the Cobb County GA prosecutorial team that did the Ahmaud Arbery case are already prepped to step in and take over and keep going on THE very day a decision comes down to recuse Willis. Willis predict dirty tricks and has had Arbery team reps involved from the get go, from day one. They are already ready already.

      Trump Legal thinks a replacement team of prosecutors will have start over at day 1 given a Willis departure, and that it would be Fulton County’s B-team prosecutors on the job restarting at day one. Trump’s legal team are so, so very wrong!

      The Arbery team from Fulton County’s neighbor, Cobb County Georgia, is a top tier prosecution team. They come in, Trump’s goose is cooked. They will eat him alive like they ate Travis McMichael, Gregory McMichael and William “Roddie” Bryan when Cobb team went in as impartial prosecutors working in those defendents’ own hometowns where they previously enjoyed the protection of local officials including the DA and the police.

      Trump thinks Willis being off the case will be a win for him, but as usual, Trump didn’t think things through and came up with an extremely wrong headed idea that couldn’t be any worse.

      But now that it’s Trump’s idea to have Willis taken off the job, there will be no going back from that plan even if they get word of the Cobb County GA team stepping in, taking over the prosecution, and ramping it up a couple dozen notches to the next level, infinity, and beyond.

      Willis is a good prosecutor, very good, and she works dang hard. But those Cobb prosecutors are something else. They’re the best Georgia has for the job, and Trump is giving them the job of nailing him.

      They set a Trump trap and he fell for it. There was no reason to give the job to Cobb, so Willis manufactured a reason for the job to go to Cobb, and the Trump Team fell for it.

      Georgia don’t play, but Trump’s New York City lawyers don’t even know the game.

  • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

    June 5, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    Good evening Sage Patriots,
    As you can see the 08IDEN Sad-Ministration has really took a nose dive lately.
    Its like watching a slow motion train wreck and its just a low point in the history of our Great Nation.
    Just think how bad you would be feeling right now if you were a “Dook 4 Brains Leftist.
    All Sage Patriots are now free to “Relax Their Sphincters”
    Good night,
    Elvis Pitts American

  • Andrew Finn

    June 5, 2024 at 8:34 pm

    HOO HOO !!!!!! The Georgia case gets paused by the Georgia Court Of Appeals. They won’t even begin to take a look at it until October 4th, just one month before the 2024 Election Day. So much for the “Fani Willis Show” going anywhere before President Trump is re-elected. A year from now Fani Willis will be, at most, a bad memory, if not totally forgotten. Instead of saying things like ” I be gettin Trump “, she will be at her new job saying things like ” Y’all be wantin fries wit dat? ” —— Ha Ha —— Bye Bye Fani !!!!!!

    • Dont Say FLA

      June 7, 2024 at 8:10 am

      Enjoy it while you can!

      If Willis comes off the job, all of Fulton County’s prosecution can be considered as polluted. That means an impartial prosecutorial team is brought in, and that team is the team that did the Ahmaud Arbery trial, putting three MAGAs in prison in their hometown where they enjoyed protection by their local officials including their police and their DA’s office. The good ole boys network is alive and well in Brunswick GA. Those defendants were in it. But now they’re in prison for life thanks to Cobb County GA’s office of the District Attorney

      The team of prosecutors from Cobb County who ripped apart Brunswick GA’s good old boy network, a network where loyalty is a TWO way street, they will eat Trump’s cake for breakfast lunch and dinner every single day at trial.

      See, Trump has a big problem with loyalty. For Trump, loyalty is a one way street. Most defendants in every Trump case will be very, very easy to turn against Trump. Reason being that for their loyalty to Trump, same as with a MAGA and their vote for Trump, in return they get nothing. All you gotta do is make them realize they get nothing for what they’re giving to Trump. Soon as they realize that, they flip.

      • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

        June 9, 2024 at 5:20 pm

        Dont Say is my girl and I love her ever so much,
        Elvis Pitts “Proud Dad” American

    • Silly Wabbit

      June 9, 2024 at 2:15 pm

      Finn ass.

      • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

        June 9, 2024 at 5:23 pm

        Oh and no disrespect to my Beloved Daughter, Dont Say, but Elvis Loves The Wabbit too …. Smooches,
        Elvis Pitts American

  • My Take

    June 5, 2024 at 10:12 pm

    Loser Trump facing all these delayed trials next year).
    Will anybody still support the loser?

    • Ocean Joe

      June 6, 2024 at 6:21 am

      He will face nothing. He will get elected because Democrats were weak and nominated a weak, stumbling fool who doesnt know how to sell his administration’s accomplishments and is diving headfirst into a political meatgrinder.

      Trump will argue executive immunity for his term in office, no prosecutions will proceed, the GOP will control the senate, there will be no impeachment for his upcoming misdeeds no matter how egregious. When his term is over he would be 83 and will argue he is mentally incompetent to stand trial for anything. Sorry to be so optimistic.

      • Dont Say FLA

        June 7, 2024 at 8:13 am

        If the SCOTUS comes down with an Absolute Immunity ruling prior to January 6th 2025, Biden can just terminate Trump and the two SCOTUS that were stolen by Mitch McConnell, plus Clarence and the other grifters too. Because why not? Freedom isn’t free, but absolute Immunity is absolute, and Biden could leverage absolute immunity to ensure freedom continues to be a thing in USA.

      • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

        June 9, 2024 at 5:25 pm

        My Besty Lefty,
        Elvis Pitts American

  • Ocean Joe

    June 6, 2024 at 6:15 am

    “UH, I need you to find me 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have..” Mob boss calls, with a room full of toadies, and threatens the governor and secretary of state of Georgia. When that doesn’t work, Lindsay Graham and Scumbag Rudy aka America’s Mayor, show up and start nosing around. “Todd Germany….that’s a good name. You know you’re a lawyer, this could be bad for you…”

    The phone call is on tape. The attempted extortion, another perfect phone call, like his call to Ukraine. The guy is a one man crime wave.

    • Dont Say FLA

      June 7, 2024 at 8:29 am

      Trump can argue all day about how he thought 11,780 valid votes were cast but just hadn’t been found, except he added “which is one more than we have”

      Saying “which is one more than we have” means he believes he is asking for one fraudulent vote to be manufactured from thin air, aka election fraud. Case closed.

      A successful case doesn’t have to be about the 11,780 number. It only has to be the “one more than we have.”

      Trump said himself that 11,780 is “one more than we have,” meaning we have 11,779, but please invent one more vote for me.

      Trump lost the hush money case just because he is not smart enough to play the game. A Super PAC could have done the Stormy payoff 100% legally, but he goes and cooks the books at his business? What a Moe! And why would he do that? Habit! Knee jerk. Reflexive response. It’s what he does, so he did that. Mindlessly. Because he is not a very stable genius. He a Moe.

      Trump will lose the Georgia case for the very same reason, the reason of him being a Moe. He called asking to find a number of votes that would give him a victory in Georgia, figuring he can claim he believes there are that many votes that were cast legally but not counted due to being lost in a closet or whatever, yet on that very same call the man admitted he was asking for one more vote vote than he has, thus rendering his own “but I believed we DID have the votes” claim absolutely implausible and there’s no denying it.

      You go to the bank and ask for $100 from your joint account, saying to the teller “please find me $100 which is one more dollar than we have.” The teller finds you have $5 in savings and $94 in checking, totaling $99. Teller does what tellers do and tells you “you only have $99.” You say “give me $100, which is one more than we have.” Do you get the $100 you asked for? No. You only have $99.

      If you respond to that teller saying they’re going to be in big trouble and maybe even see prison if you don’t get $100 because what the bank is doing is illegal, what happens next?

      • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

        June 9, 2024 at 5:26 pm

        Thats my Girl,

  • Tom

    June 6, 2024 at 7:30 am

    Hard to imagine that anyone could use such bad judgement with something like this but there it is so trump and the judge get a pass and her career goes down in flames. Next ….

  • Dont Say FLA

    June 6, 2024 at 1:24 pm

    If Joe Biden is behind all of this, why’d the silly hush money trial get to start and finish while this trial and J6, both having far more importance, are on hold?

    Even the Maga Lardo toilet papers trial having an outcome by November would be more relevant than the hush money one.

    But Joe Biden is behind all of it, and only the silly one gets to finish in time because that’s how Joe Biden wants it?

    Something’s fishy. It just might be the claims that Joe Biden is behind any of it.

    • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

      June 9, 2024 at 5:27 pm

      My Girl,

Comments are closed.


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