Progress Florida and Florida Watch release ‘People’s First’ report card

A+ grade
Reps. Tommy Gregory and Jessica Baker, Republicans from Lakewood Ranch and Jacksonville, respectively, earned the lowest scores.

Five Democrats, all House members, scored perfectly on the People’s First report card earning “People’s Champion” awards from two progressive groups — Progress Florida and Florida Watch — for their voting records during the 2024 Session.

Orlando Reps. LaVon Bracy Davis and Anna Eskamani earned perfect scores, as did Reps. Ashley Gantt of Miami, Angie Nixon of Jacksonville and Susan Valdés of Tampa. Another 25 members earned “A’s” on the “report card,” but didn’t score perfectly.

A review of the People’s First report card shows that 113 members scored “F’s.” Reps. Tommy Gregory and Jessica Baker, Republicans from Lakewood Ranch and Jacksonville, respectively, earned the lowest numerical scores each earning 27%.

Fifteen members earned “B’s,” and two others earned “C’s.”

No Republican earned a passing grade on the report card.

“The ‘People First’ report card is an easy to use, effective tool for Floridians to stay informed about the actions of their elected leaders,” said Progress Florida Executive Director Mark Ferrulo.

“As Florida’s working families and seniors continue to struggle under an affordability crisis that has them wondering if they will be able to enjoy a secure retirement or pay for the medical care they need, it’s crucial for the public to know which lawmakers are fighting for the people and which ones are doing the bidding of powerful special interests and anti-freedom extremists.”

The public interest groups examined how lawmakers voted on a spate of issues, from reproduction rights to civil rights, to workers’ protections and gun safety. Their report card serves as a contrast to ones recently put out by business organizations, such Associated Industries of Florida, that gave top marks to GOP lawmakers and leaders.

To achieve a passing grade, lawmakers had to consistently vote to put a certain way across 30 key floor votes. The groups said in a release that they valued votes that they said showed that legislators were not “bowing to powerful corporate lobbyists or extremist ideology and working against the public interest.”

“This session, Floridians were looking for their elected officials to address the real issues impacting their lives, but their priorities went largely unaddressed by Governor Ron DeSantis and his allies in the Legislature,” said Florida Watch Executive Director Josh Weierbach.

“Whether it is providing safe and affordable housing by cracking down on wealthy corporate landlords and developers price gouging us out of our homes, expanding access to a full range of quality and affordable health care options, or creating good paying jobs that allow families to build financial security, we all deserve leaders who put protecting our freedoms first. With the ‘People First’ report card, Floridians can now clearly see which lawmakers are truly fighting for our freedom to be healthy, prosperous, and safe.”

Staff Reports


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