Debbie Mucarsel-Powell won’t answer questions about Joe Biden after shaky debate

Rick Scott Debbie Mucarsel-Powell SBS AP
Rick Scott's camp said silence is not an option, but the Democrat proved them wrong.

The re-election campaign of Sen. Rick Scott may want to know what his likely Democratic opponent thinks about the President’s putrid performance in Thursday’s CNN debate.

But they, nor anyone else, are getting answers as of Saturday morning.

The campaign of Debbie Mucarsel-Powell did not respond on Friday when asked what she thought about the event in Atlanta, and if Joe Biden should still be the nominee afterwards.

A spokesperson for Scott suggested Friday the question should be answered, as the “debate was a sad moment for a lot of Americans.”

“Our President, the leader of the free world, is clearly not fit to carry out the duties of President of the United States. Democrats across the country are now sounding the alarm. Former Congresswoman Mucarsel-Powell, who has endorsed Biden and also received his endorsement, has an obligation to the people of Florida to tell them whether she believes he should remain the Democrat nominee, and if he’s even capable of finishing his current term,” said Will Hampson.

“Silence is not an option,” Hampson added.

But based on their non-response, the Democrat’s campaign sees it differently.

As we reported Friday, the chair of the Florida Democratic Party is defending Biden, though she’s not engaging the question of the President’s apparent infirmity either.

Asked whether she had concerns about Biden’s age and cognition, whether Democrats should consider another candidate at the Democratic National Convention, and whether Democrats should have had an actual Primary in the state, Nikki Fried stayed on message and away from the premise of the question.

“The more people hear from Donald Trump, the more they remember how much they dislike him. He spent the entire debate lying about his record, bragging about overturning Roe v Wade, and refusing to answer questions about accepting election results — and a Univision focus group of undecided Latino voters left the debate almost 100% behind President Biden,” Fried said in a prepared statement.

“The choice this November is clear: giving the nuclear codes to an unhinged felon like Donald Trump, or re-electing President Biden and his clear vision to move America forward. Florida Democrats will do everything possible to make that choice clear between now and November.”

Fried’s press office did not engage our follow-up question about whether she had concern about Biden’s capacity to be the nominee and serve a second term after Thursday night


A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Impeach Biden

    June 29, 2024 at 8:36 am

    Debbie gonna get run over by Rick Scott come November. The gaslighting is over by CNN, MSNBC, and many other press.


  • Elvis Pitts "THE BIG VOICE ON THE RIGHT" American

    June 29, 2024 at 10:32 am

    Good Morn ‘Ting America,
    Relax Your Sphincters, as I, Elvis Pitts American, have consulted with Debs and she made a pinky promise with me that she, along with 87% of her friends and co-workers are quietly crossing party limes in Nobember to save our Great Nation by voting for Trump.
    You are welcome America,


  • FP Garbage

    June 29, 2024 at 10:34 am

    What a stupid caption: “Rick Scott’s camp said silence is not an option, but the Democrat proved them wrong.” Clearly Debbie is out of step with the Democrat Party, as is FP. Biden is a one term president.


  • MH/Duuuval

    June 29, 2024 at 10:44 am

    Anyone with the intestinal fortitude to watch the entire debate should have been sickened by the spectacle of DJT bragging, ranting, and raving about asylum seekers — in response to every question. (Not to mention his plentiful use of ad hominem.)

    I suspect more and more women will be voting for the one person capable of beating Trump in Nov. He and his supporters want to return to the 1600s when women could legally be beaten by a stick no bigger than a man’s thumb, could own no property, and were expected to produce a child every other years for 20 years of fertility.


    • Ocean Joe

      June 29, 2024 at 10:49 am

      The overwhelming impact of the debate was the obvious incapacity of our president.

      Biden can hang on, he can scream at political rallies, but the bottom line is that all of us owe future Americans good government. Biden was already losing, now after throwing his Hail Mary debate pass the wrong way he’s handed the presidency back to the scumbag.


    • Impeach Biden

      June 29, 2024 at 12:00 pm

      That’s quite a fictional scenario you have thrown out there MH. You might get a few of the uneducated or ill informed to buy into that. Once again you, Joe and many other Demo’s are all in on abortion because your party can’t campaign on anything else. By the way I’m am completely in favor of a woman’s right on this subject.


  • Ocean Joe

    June 29, 2024 at 10:45 am

    Neither Trump nor Biden is fit to be president.
    And Rick Scott has absolutely no business holding a position of public trust or having anything to do with the public funds.

    It’s embarrassing to watch grown adults support any of these 3. One is sadly failing due to age, and the other two are born, dyed in the wool grifters from the gitgo. The scoundrels will win and the public will lose. The wealthy will be OK since the GOP theme of governance has been under W and Trump a big fat tax cut for the upper 10%, leaving a big mess for their successors. They both blew up the deficit, and Trump will do it again. Guaranteed.


    • Yup

      June 29, 2024 at 11:25 am

      Somebody telling the truth. The IMF just issued a dire warning to the US about its crippling debt and what that means both for US and globally. Not good. Funny how you never hear Scott talk about the deficit anymore (the words fiscal responsibility coming out of his mouth might poison him with irony) unless it’s to eliminate “entitlements”, since T doesn’t give a dam* about this country’s economic situation as long as he gets paid. Both parties have abandoned fiscal responsibility and it’s frightening. You can only drain what’s left of the middle so far and govt policies actively pushing people into poverty while increasing corporate and billionaire welfare. Both parties did this. These men are putting themselves before the country. Both Trump and Biden blew up the deficit then debased the currency in succession. Maybe for different reasons but results are compounding. The last 2 decades have generally been a sh*t show. But the idea Trump is somehow going to fix it is ludicrous. We have seen that movie and it doesn’t end well. America has a leadership crisis and it’s not getting better. It’s time for Americans to get mad, grow up, and demand better.


      • MH/Duuuval

        June 29, 2024 at 8:21 pm

        At the debate Trump bragged about the “biggest ever tax break ever.”

        Right — it was a yuge tax cut for the wealthiest individuals and lowered the tax rates for big business (repeating the deficit-busting tax cuts of W, W’s pop, and Reagan). And, DJT promises to do it again, if re-elected.

        This break for the Uber-rich and powerful added anywhere from $2 trillion to $4 trillion to the national debt.

        Biden’s IRS has gone after the tax cheats who owe money, who know they owe money, but won’t pay it. Next up: IRS staffing up to do more complex cases regrading the so-called “pass throughs.”

        BTW: This is why the MAGAs have attempted to cut the IRS budget. MAGAs want a deficit so they can cut services and entitlements in the name of a balanced budget. Richie Rich will get his tax break, but hungry folks will get less food stamps.


  • Michael K

    June 29, 2024 at 10:57 am

    Did anyone ask Rick Scott about the torrent of baldfaced lies and rewriting of history that spewed forth from the convicted felon?

    Asking for a friend.


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