Gov. Ron DeSantis is railing about something he calls a “snitch hotline” employed in Minnesota by the Democratic nominee for Vice President, Tim Walz.
“He’s got this line in the stump speech saying, you know, ‘Our neighbors can do what they want. Mind your own damn business.’ Fine. Then why did you set up a snitch hotline for neighbors to report on their neighbors for violating your draconian COVID restrictions?” DeSantis said.
“That’s not minding your own damn business. That’s government overreach.”
Florida’s Governor made the comments at Chase Stadium in Ft. Lauderdale. He was responding to comments where Walz said he didn’t need feedback from Republicans, like DeSantis, on “health care … who we love … and what books we’re going to read.” These seem to be references to laws on abortion and on Parental Rights in Education, as well as Florida’s zealous removals of “woke” literature from classrooms.
DeSantis also said he “never thought … someone would, would make the misjudgment of actually putting him on a ticket” given his liberal viewpoints, before going on to charge that Minnesota is a “sanctuary state” for minors’ “gender transition.”
The Governor’s comments Thursday followed up a Wednesday whack at Walz as a “shyster,” an antiquated term that some have suggested is antisemitic. He followed that up by saying Kamala Harris was “part of the pro-Hamas caucus in the Democratic Party” because she didn’t pick Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania as a running mate instead.
Walz has taken aim at Florida as noted Wednesday in POLITICO Florida’s “Playbook,” including urging people to move to his state during a flap over an AP Psychology class last year, and also saying that Florida was “focused on banning books, bullying LGBTQ+ students, and attacking teachers.”
Loser weirdos
August 8, 2024 at 6:38 pm
Excuse me ..what about the RED states that passed bills to report ANYONE that helps a woman get an abortion, leave the state to get an abortion .. what fascist behavior is that. ? Just shut the fxxx up Ron. You have taken away more rights than any Governor
August 8, 2024 at 6:55 pm
Better snitch on Covid violators,than girl on their period in Florida Google Florida Teen Period Law
August 8, 2024 at 7:02 pm
At the start of COVID DeSantis blocked cruise ships from disembarking and he tried unsuccessfully to block New York residents from driving into the State via 95 and the Florida Turnpike. Every governor over reacted to some extent and it’s a little late to be rehashing Covid 19 protocols for Party political gain.
August 8, 2024 at 9:53 pm
Trump and his MAGA minions will beat a dead horse every chance they get because their base learns by rote.
Janet Gyselinck
August 10, 2024 at 1:45 pm
I think it’s fair to bring it up since Walz did state in his stump speech that his neighbors could do what they want, and “mind your own damn business”. Which he clearly didn’t really believe.
August 8, 2024 at 7:03 pm
Google JD Vance Menstrual Police
August 8, 2024 at 8:00 pm
“Everything that I wouldn’t do is government overreach” – Ron Desanctimonius
August 8, 2024 at 8:45 pm
Good evening Dook 4 Brains leftys,
I, ELVIS, am offering each and everyone of you a “Sage Life Upgrade”.
All you need do is promise me, ELVIS, that you are voting for Trump. And I, ELVIS, will upgrade your station in life from that of an embarrasing “DOOK 4 BRAINS LEFTIST” to your honorable lifetime goal of becoming one of my, ELVIS’, “Besty Leftys”.
Why just imagine how jelling your friends and family will be!!!!!
Thank you all my “Future BESTY LEFTYS”,
Andrew Gillum
August 8, 2024 at 8:58 pm
This sounds great Elvis I am turning my life around and promise to vote Trump in order to gain the respect you bestow upon your Besty Leftys.
I feel better already,
August 8, 2024 at 9:40 pm
They are trying to Swift boat Walz.like they did John Kerry,,my interpretation of Walz he said these was gun used in war,not necessarily he went to war, it was taken out of contexts Google Swift Boat For Truth
August 9, 2024 at 1:18 pm
Swift Boat attack was Chris LaCivita’s idea and ultimately his introduction to the world of Big Time politics, and now he is one of DJT’s top two advisers.
Michael K
August 8, 2024 at 10:54 pm
Ron DeSantis: Another whiny loser who wraps himself in the flag but hates America and Americans. He used Floridians as the guinea pigs for Project 2025.
Watch as America rejects the gloom and doom dystopian nightmare peddled by Trump and DeSantis that is fueled by hate and division. Progress moves us forward – it is a good thing.
August 9, 2024 at 8:18 am
He does seem trapped in some ‘leave it to beaver’ or ‘father knows best’ fantasy world. Change happens – either go with the flow or swim against the tide but sitting around whining is really not a good look for someone about to be unemployed in 2026 unless …. he joins the writing team on Project 2028. Weirdo’s indeed.
Childless Cat Lady
August 9, 2024 at 2:12 am
In Trump’s press conference this afternoon he astonished the Wall Street Journal and New York Times when he stated presidential guidance in the Fed rates was a good idea!
I’m trying to get my head around why Americans could think it’s a good idea for a six time bankrupt, four time indicted, convicted felon should have the ability to determine interest rates on a whim.
Cheesy Floridian
August 9, 2024 at 2:46 pm
I just keep thinking of Germany who allowed 1 man to change their whole gov. in order for him to be in charge of everything and make all the decisions. I don’t think it ended well for the country or that man.
Debbie did Florida; Rona does Tramp Poop
August 9, 2024 at 8:34 am
Way to step in it Rona. We are not all dummies. I read every executive order that you signed during the Covid emergency. I know what you did and did not do. Do you remember having vehicles stopped at the Georgia – Florida line? Cruise ships? You are a baldfaced liar and a phony. You can’t rewrite history and pretend that the “free State of Florida” didn’t impose Covid-related restrictions. You want to follow your deranged mentor Don Shartincourt Tramp thinking that you can just make stuff up and it will be the truth. Hey Rona – Floridians are suffering from the tropical cyclone known as Debbie. Why don’t you shut your big yap about national politics and do the job as Governor that you are being paid for by the citizens of Florida? Wipe off your cute white rubber boots and help flood victims, Hell, even throwing rolls of paper towels to folks on TV would be better than your BS Fox BS. Go change Donald’s diaper or something, anything, but trying to run for the presidency – you blew through $160 M on that fantasy.
Cheesy Floridian
August 9, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Nice job Debbie!!!
August 9, 2024 at 12:22 pm
Ron DeSantis, The Weird Anachronous Tallahasseean.
Cheesy Floridian
August 9, 2024 at 12:59 pm
So what this comes down to is both sides have crossed the line in where the gov. has tried to control people via healthcare. Its wrong on both sides. A lot of people during COVID overreacted but we were all scared. It is easy to look back and see what was wrong. We can see that abortion bans are also extremely bad and hurt women. Both of these men need to know when to draw the line in letting people live their lives and be free and when the gov. needs to step in.
August 9, 2024 at 5:36 pm
Your point on Covid overreach is well taken. Many Americans had no knowledge of previous pandemics — thanks to mass vaccinations — and those who had knowledge of the flu epidemic of 1918, These were the two poles of Covid response.
675 k did from the 1919 flu epidemic; over 1 million died from Covid in a larger population than 1919.
After the vaccination became available, the majority of Covid deaths were those who had not taken the vaccine. Perhaps this why DJT won’t talk about the pandemic even though his administration saw the arrival of a useful vaccine.
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