That’s the take Ron DeSantis is offering with regard to hurricane season, which is nearing its peak.
The Governor told a crowd in Central Florida regarding hurricane season that “it doesn’t even matter if it’s active or not terribly active, it’s really what hits us or doesn’t hit us.”
“I mean, that’s what we’re concerned about. So you can have a very active season. Maybe we don’t get impacted or you can have a mild season, but if we get impacted by just one big one, it does that. So knock on wood. We’re in the high season right now,” he said at the JW Marriott Orlando Grande Lakes.
If the comment sounds familiar, that’s because it is. He used it during a Boston radio interview during his presidential campaign last year as he courted New Hampshire voters.
“I think what’s going to happen is because we did those reforms, it now is more economical for companies to come in. I think they’re going to wait through this hurricane season and then I think they’re going to be willing to deploy more capital to Florida,” DeSantis said last summer on the Howie Carr Show referencing the state’s troubled property insurance market.
“So, knock on wood, we won’t have a big storm this summer,” DeSantis added.
The comments, which were first reported by Florida Politics, were picked up by lots of other media in the days after the Governor’s interview in which he was referencing potential damage to a state he wasn’t even in at the time.
Ultimately, DeSantis withdrew from the presidential race ahead of that New Hampshire Primary.
Cheesy Floridian
September 4, 2024 at 2:13 pm
I’m still waiting for my home insurance to come down
Alexa is Biased
September 4, 2024 at 3:13 pm
Home insurance everywhere’s has gone up. You can blame DeSantis all you want in Florida. Take your anger to Joe and Kammy for the other 49 states. By the way, your insurance is never going down. M8neine has done nothing but go up where I have lived for 33 years.
rick whitaker
September 4, 2024 at 5:01 pm
MAGA MARK, as usual your facts are wrong. florida’s insurance rates are WAY higher than mine. you defend the desantis gang all you want, you live there.
Alexa is Biased
September 4, 2024 at 6:11 pm
You live in tornado alley Tennessee. Your insurance might be cheaper since you live in a double wide.
rick whitaker
September 4, 2024 at 6:20 pm
MAGA MARK, why would i live in a double wide trailer, i hate trailers. i don’t even have any trailers that i rent out. BTW, i live in the protected tennessee valley in the east part of the state near gatlinburg, we don;t get tornadoes you geography fool.
Margie Stein
September 4, 2024 at 2:20 pm
I am still waiting for my insurance company, Castle Key Insurance, Subsidiary of Allstate to pay my claim from Hurricane Ian… 2 years ago.
Andrew Finn
September 4, 2024 at 2:28 pm
And as we approach the peak of hurricane season (September 10th) we have had five named storms, two of which hardly ranked a name. The “Department Of Death And Destruction” that makes the annual prediction were (so far) wrong, or as usual once again. I guess forecasting by dart board doesn’t work too well. —— but but but climate change !!!!!!!!!!!!
Alexa is Biased
September 4, 2024 at 3:11 pm
Yup. Ocean waters off the coast off Africa are cooler than normal. Scientists can’t explain why, but they certainly have their opinions on other climate related things.🤔
September 4, 2024 at 4:45 pm
Cat 5 could materialize any day this hurricane season,the Gulf will be supercharged next week with development, Desantis should stick to what he knows,kissing Trump butt,not weather forecast
September 4, 2024 at 4:48 pm
It only takes one to put you in the poor house,see next week,will be howling Ernesto
Knock knock guess who… karma
September 4, 2024 at 9:20 pm
Oh Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie…. Knock knock… whos there? Karma you piece of $#!+. Yes we better knock on wood because YOU have done absolutely NOTHING for us Floridians to prepare and help us when storms hit. Your time has been spent on culture wars, attacking books, minorities, and businesses and not preparing our state for things that can really F*%k up our lives. So yes knock on wood fellow Floridians. But more importantly knock these worthless culture warriors out of office!
Tramp Sharts
September 5, 2024 at 7:59 am
Why knock on wood? Seriously Governor! What about having rational growth management laws to discourage building in wetlands, coastal high hazard areas and along Florida’s waterways? Oh yeah, those dumb Republicans moving to the “free state of Floiduh” all want to live on the beach or maybe a golf course built on filled swamplands overlooking a “lake” that is a stormwater pond. No insurance, no problem we set up “citizens” to write policies that are too risky for rational insurance companies. Oh yeah, we can invest our State employees pensions to back that scheme! Love that grift, Don Poopy Pants would be proud of that grift! Yeah, knock on wood dummies!
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