Florida is among the worst states in the U.S. — when it comes to fatal vehicle accidents on rural roads.
In a recent study, TRIP, a nonprofit organization researching transportation issues, found that the Sunshine State is fifth in America’s per capita fatalities on rural roads. Florida saw 2.61 people killed on rural roads for every 100 million vehicle miles of travel in the state, according to the TRIP analysis.
“There were 728 fatalities on Florida’s non-interstate, rural roads in 2022. Rural roads are more likely to have narrow lanes, limited shoulders, sharp curves, exposed hazards, pavement drop-offs, steep slopes and limited clear zones along roadsides,” said the TRIP analysts in a report called “Rural Connections: Examining the Safety, Connectivity, Condition and Funding Needs of America’s Rural Roads & Bridges.”
The report evaluated the safety conditions of country roads and bridges separated with notable distances away from interstate roadways. The report also “finds that the nation’s rural transportation system (requires) immediate improvements to address deficient roads and bridges, high crash rates, and inadequate connectivity and capacity.”
The report also concludes: “Four percent of Florida’s rural roads are rated in poor condition, and 12% are in mediocre condition. Six percent of Florida’s rural bridges are rated in poor (and) structurally deficient condition. Bridges rated poor (and) structurally deficient have significant deterioration to the major components of the bridge and are often posted for lower weight or closed to traffic, restricting or redirecting large vehicles, including agricultural equipment, commercial trucks, school buses and emergency services vehicles.”
South Carolina is rated the worst state in America for rural road fatalities, with 3.11 deaths on those roads for every 100 million miles of motor vehicle travel. Delaware was second, Arizona third, and Oregon fourth among the most dangerous states with rural road travel.
While the report criticizes Florida’s rural roadways, it also raises concerns about rural vehicle travel nationwide.
“Roads, highways, rails and bridges in the nation’s rural areas face significant challenges: they lack adequate capacity, they fail to provide needed levels of connectivity to many communities, and they cannot adequately support growing freight travel in many corridors. Rural roads and bridges have significant deficiencies and deterioration, (lack) desirable safety features, and rural non-interstate roads experience fatal traffic crashes at a rate far higher than all other roads and highways,” the TRIP report notes.
September 22, 2024 at 4:36 pm
Good evening America,
Relax Your Sphincters as this artical, while true, is just another “Low Life Fake News” “Jab” at our 2028- 2036 Sage POTUS Ron & his Lovely Wife Casey.
See, America, most Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s, think Florida is ALL LIKE MIAMI.
Welp, America, thats NOT TRUE.
Florida is “More COUNTRY and More RURAL than Texas and Tennessee”.
True Word.
As I, THE SAGE “E” [FKA ELVIS FKA EARL], have always “SKOOLED” you “DOOK’S on;
rick whitaker
September 22, 2024 at 5:06 pm
EARL, yeah dude, whatever.
"E" Ron & Casey's Official "Unofficial" 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager"
September 22, 2024 at 6:16 pm
Yeppers its true,
“E” Shoots Down yet another un-warrented “DOOK 4 BRAINS LEFTIST” 1/2 BAKED 1/2 RESEARCHED attack on The Sage Ron & Casey.
Thank you Sage Patriots,
“E” Ron & Casey’s Official “Unofficial” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager”
rick whitaker
September 23, 2024 at 11:51 am
EARL, you’re full of yourself. casey is a dog and you know it.
September 23, 2024 at 8:44 am
Rural two-lane roads are there for a reason: They are and should remain rural.
Yes, repair of rural infrastructure is needed, however, what about people slowing down and doing the speed limit? How many wildlife (remember, we are in their space here) have been killed due to the negligence of a speeder during the mentioned timeframe? Just because a person (of any age) travels a rural road, it does not give them permission to speed or drive recklessly.
People live in rural areas due to the quality of life and its environment: two-lane roads, vast amounts of greenspace/farmland/trees, and hopefully – peace and quiet.
Solutions? Fix the infrastructure (bridges, road surfaces of two-lane highways/roads); police those who neglect to obey the speed laws, and ensure consideration (signage, slower speed limits, etc.) of our wildlife throughout these areas.
Nothing is ever perfect, however, let’s try to meet in the middle. It’s a start.
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