Ballard Partners is proud to announce the expansion of the Ballard Global Alliance through a strategic partnership with Cefeidas Group in the Argentine Republic.
This partnership gives Ballard Partners a presence in Latin America, allowing its clients to experience seamless and effective public affairs services in the hemisphere. Through its synergy with Ballard’s offices, Cefeidas Group will enhance its operational capabilities and expand its presence in Washington, D.C., along with other key U.S. hubs.
“We are delighted to partner with Cefeidas Group, a distinguished firm renowned for its excellence in Latin America. With a strong track record of delivering exceptional insights and client-centered solutions, Cefeidas Group aligns with our shared commitment to providing comprehensive services,” said Brian Ballard, President and founder of Ballard Partners.
“Through this collaboration, both our firms will be positioned to offer premier services, granting our clients access to in-depth expertise and an expanded range of government affairs solutions in both the Southern Cone and the United States.”
The Ballard-Cefeidas Group collaboration will empower clients to navigate complex regulatory environments, build strategic relationships with key decision-makers, and explore new opportunities across the United States and Latin America.
“We are thrilled to collaborate with Ballard Partners. This partnership will increase our capacity to provide our clients with enhanced and unparalleled access to American markets, industries, and institutions,” said Juan Cruz Díaz, Managing Director of Cefeidas Group. “This is a pivotal time for Latin America, and our clients will be positioned to take full advantage of the cooperation throughout the hemisphere.”
The new partnership will allow both firms to provide a comprehensive suite of strategic services in the Southern Cone and the U.S., including public policy advocacy, regulatory affairs analysis, risk and crisis management and international market consulting.
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