Gov. Ron DeSantis isn’t looking to become part of the Sunshine State contingent in Donald Trump’s White House.
“I think me quarterbacking the Sunshine State is where I make the biggest difference,” DeSantis said at Notre Dame University.
“I think he’s got a lot of great people to choose from. He’s been around the track once. I think he’s thought a lot about, you know, how to approach it this time. I think he’ll end up hopefully with a lot of really great people.”
But the Governor said he isn’t looking to be one of them.
“I’m not seeking anything. I’ve got a great job in the state of Florida,” DeSantis said. “I do this because I want to make an impact. I want to make a difference. I want if I see something that needs corrected, I want to have the ability to go in and do it. We’ve done that. And so, how can I best make a difference?”
DeSantis has lobbied for Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo to helm Health and Human Services. Ultimately, Trump and the sole appointee thus far, Chief of Staff Susie Wiles, will discuss that and other potential Florida hires.
Speaking of Wiles, during a call with supporters in February, DeSantis alluded to his former key campaign staffer from the 2018 cycle and critical ads during the then-recently concluded Primary campaign.
“I think (Trump’s) got people in his inner circle who were a part of our orbit years ago that we fired, and I think some of that is they have an ax to grind,” he said.
DeSantis had also said he didn’t want to be Trump’s running mate.
“Would you take it if it were offered to you? I don’t think I would be good at it and I think I’m probably, you know, more valuable doing other things.”
November 8, 2024 at 6:27 pm
He backed off the first wave.of physical phycology. But still needs to improve the radars.
November 8, 2024 at 6:40 pm
Good evening Sage Patriots,
People who take positions on a President’s Cabinet of otherwise serve in the orbit of a sitting POTUS never are considered “Presidential Material” by the American Public.
Which is why I, EARL PITTS AMERICAN, advise Ron and The Beautiful Casey DeSantis to “KEEP THEIR POWDER DRY” at this time and continue to impress our Sage Patriot 2028 voters as “AMERICA’S GOVORNOR”.
Ron and The Beautiful Casey DeSantis will be serving Our Sage Republic for 2 terms in The White House begining in 2028.
Thank you America,
November 8, 2024 at 7:19 pm
Thank God America’s Governor will be leading us Floridians for the next two (2) years. He’s the most principled conservative leader in a generation and the most effective Florida governor ever. It’s why we Floridians re-elected him to a 2nd term in the greatest landslide in the history of modern Florida politics.
Kathy Cooley
November 10, 2024 at 9:57 am
Banning books and telling black people that slavery wasn’t so bad is despicable. DeSantis also spent my tax payer dollars to defeat two constitutional amendments that Floridians wanted. A pox on Ron DeSantis.
November 12, 2024 at 5:54 pm
All your false narratives and prevarications about so-called book banning in Florida and curriculum on African-American history have been debunked. For instance, thanks to Governor DeSantis, Florida became one of the few states to mandate the teaching of African-American history (along with mandating the teaching of basic civics), whose African-American history curriculum was drafted by two (2) distinguished African-American scholars, one of whom had served as the Chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission.
'28 Will Be Great
November 8, 2024 at 7:49 pm
Ron has two strikes against him. First, as a member of the cabinet he would compete strongly with JD Vance as the heir apparent and, second, he and Ms. Wiles do not (cough!) get along. Probably better this way. Ron leaves Tallahassee in two years and spends the next 18 months campaigning for the Republican nomination. It will be the most interesting primary in a decade.
Frankie M.
November 8, 2024 at 8:29 pm
I’m pretty sure it’s the other way around.
Frankie M.
November 8, 2024 at 8:31 pm
Trump would never have offered the VP to someone like DeSantis. He does not like sharing the spotlight.
November 8, 2024 at 10:57 pm
Did it occur to anyone that he was on the short list for anything? This attempt to get attention screams of despair. If Trump leaves office in ’28, JD has a lock on the nomination. If JD wins, he has a lock on ’32, if Trump and JD do so poorly that JD loses in ’28, pity the fool who runs against the Democrat in ’32. ’36 anyone? Buh-bye Ronnie D.
Jay Nesaykwah
November 9, 2024 at 8:26 am
First of all, there is no “if” about it, Trump is termed out. He can’t run in ’28, by which time he would be 82 or 83 anyway, and even the Archangel Gabriel looks forward to getting the gold watch. I do not think anyone will have a lock on the Republican presidential nomination for 2028. JD may be in the lead, but the competition will be fierce. Politically, Trump will be a lame duck in January 2028 and there will be the all-important (as we saw this year) baggage from those events that were not entirely miraculous demonstrations of the Trump-Vance je ne sais quoi. Ron D has to play it right, but he has shown a lot of talent in that regard these past six years.
Let it rain
November 9, 2024 at 1:16 pm
What he don’t belong to vanguard
Hey we ain’t friends there
November 9, 2024 at 6:26 pm
Good evening America,
VP’s seldom get elected to POTUS. Which is why the odds are in Ron and The Beautiful Casey DeSantis’ favor to follow Trump’s 4 year term and be in The White House starting early 2028 for “TWO GLORIOUS TERMS” of Truth, Justice, and The American Way.
Sorry J. D. you are a “Sage Patriot”,
Historically Speaking …. you will not reach your goal of POTUS as Ron & The Beautiful Casey already “GOT THAT”.
I am “LIFE COACH” EARL PITTS AMERICAN, and I approve this message,
November 9, 2024 at 7:46 pm
I, “LIFE COACH” EARL PITTS AMERICAN, would like to take a moment of my, “LIFE COACH” EARL PITTS AMERICAN’s Sage Time to thank myself, “LIFE COACH” EARL PITTS AMERICAN, for sharing my, “LIFE COACH” EARL PITTS AMERICAN’s, Sage Wisdom and “Political Prognastigations” with our Sage Citizens of “Our Great Nation” in order to mentally prepare them for “What Is To Be” in “The Year Of Our Lord” Twenty Thousand And Twenty Eight”.
You are welcome America,
November 10, 2024 at 8:06 pm
No Dook 4 Brains Leftists dare to challange the Sage Wisdom of “LIFE COACH” EARL PITTS AMERICAN.
I’m correct and all y’all $uck.
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