Ron DeSantis says Florida school choice should be national model

DeSantis AP
'You don't need the Department of Education for this.'

On Friday, Gov. Ron DeSantis returned to Jacksonville’s Trinity Christian Academy to discuss education policy and school choice.

During the visit, he argued that Florida’s school choice model should be a national template in the new Congress and presidential administration of Donald Trump.

“The Congress has an opportunity to make a difference,” DeSantis said.

“We hope that they will consider looking at Florida’s model for education choice and applying that nationally, which can be done. And you don’t need the Department of Education for this. You can do it through a tax credit program, through the tax code and through the Treasury Department and can even pass it with budget reconciliation in the U.S. Senate.”

The Governor said a national approach would sidestep powerful unions in some places—unions that Florida “beat” but that reign supreme in more Democratic jurisdictions.

“If you look at some of these places like Chicago, you look at some of these places like LA, the reality is the school unions control education in those areas and they own the schools and the politicians lock, stock and barrel. So you are never going to see any type of choice through local or state legislation in those areas because they basically control the political process,” DeSantis explained.

“We beat the unions when we passed our family empowerment scholarship in 2019. We beat the unions in 2020 when we passed the universal choice. And we’ve now empowered teachers with paycheck protection, so there’s no automatic deduction of school union dues allowed in the state of Florida. You want to join, you can write a check and send it, but we’re not going to have the government facilitating joining organizations which have a partisan left agenda and put their interests ahead of the interests of students. But that’s not true in many parts of this country.”

The Governor believes “the debate about school choice” is “over.”

“Clearly, you’re better offering choice than not offering choice. And if you look at some of these places like Chicago, could you do any worse than what they’re doing? I mean, why the hell not try something (different), right?”

One bragging point he mentioned is Florida’s 89.7% graduation rate, which shows “the proof is in the pudding.”

DeSantis noted that more than 500,000 students are in scholarship programs, a new high.

He argued that the programs work, with more charter students testing at grade level than traditional public schools and “disproportionately low-income” and minority students — achieving “one of the top 10 performing states in the United States of America.”

He also mentioned 155,000 home-school students in the state, adding up to 1.5 million students in “various choice programs.” DeSantis noted that this more than tripled the level of students in choice programs when he took office.

Will national leaders take Florida’s cue? That’s the open question.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has been the Northeast Florida correspondent for Florida Politics since 2014. His work also can be seen in the Washington Post, the New York Post, the Washington Times, and National Review, among other publications. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • JD

    January 10, 2025 at 11:00 am

    NO NO NO!


    The Charter schools in my area were broke so they had to beg money from the school districts. The Voucher schools are owned by Republicans with little oversight or vetting of content and quality.

    IT IS GRIFT under the guise of parental choice.

    You worried about welfare queens? Well here they are, they just have decent salaries and are still looking for handouts. F@cking vote no on this.

    • La Verdad es La Verdad

      January 10, 2025 at 12:51 pm

      Not sure what happened to my post, maybe it didn’t meet the tint of the narrative. Here’s the report which shows Charter Schools out perform traditional Public Schools, for less money per student.
      Only reason your area has “broke” charter schools is because your corrupt school board is starving them.

      • La Verdad es La Verdad

        January 10, 2025 at 12:55 pm

        Seems that links aren’t allowed, but here’s one of the many studies analyzing schooling cost vs performance. It’s even more skewed away from public schools when you look at private religious schools – moneycrashers(dot)com/private-vs-public-school-cost-comparison/

        • RSLewis

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      • La Verdad es La Verdad

        January 10, 2025 at 12:56 pm

        Seems that links in any form aren’t allowed, but here’s one of the many studies analyzing schooling cost vs performance. It’s even more skewed away from public schools when you look at private religious schools – search for money crashers private vs public school cost comparison , if you want facts.

        • JD

          January 10, 2025 at 1:20 pm

          You don’t have any facts. Nice try on saying “system won’t let me post links”.

          And I can find just as many studies for the other way if you normalize for dollars per student spent on public vs private.

          And it doesn’t work that way with the “charter schools” being starved. They get the same allocation as the public schools as well as use of shared resources (busing, webhosting, etc). They were mismanaged.

          • MH/Duuuval

            January 10, 2025 at 7:15 pm

            If Verdad wants to tell the verdad, a link isn’t necessary. Just give us the names of studies and participants.

            Then, others can easily provide studies that contradict or qualify those of Verdad.

    • Harold Finch

      January 12, 2025 at 12:09 pm

      Wake up dumbass, it is already in place in every school district in Florida!

  • TruthBTold

    January 10, 2025 at 11:46 am

    Yes, choice will get our Nation’s education system back on track. Public schools have failed our students, communities and Nation for far too long!
    Make America Like Florida!

    • JD

      January 10, 2025 at 11:50 am

      No it won’t and you know it, and you have nothing to back that up. Paid shill. You’re nothing but fake news.

      • TruthBTold

        January 10, 2025 at 12:14 pm

        Hah, I just read the reply to your previous post, which has all of the facts needed to debunk your Teachers’ Union lies. I ditto that reply.

        • JD

          January 10, 2025 at 12:45 pm

          Since I’m not a teacher, you again, have nothing.

          You getting paid from to post nonsense? Show us as we wait with baited breath where the voucher program produces better education at a more effective cost?

          It doesn’t exist. It’s just a way for the rich to get their kids private school paid for while robbing the middle class taxpayer’s kids education. And fill their buddy’s coffers by “supplying” sub-par education to the rest. So please. Show us.

          More grifters. Your posts is all I needed to see to know you are a paid shill or brainwashed rube. Fake News.

        • JD

          January 10, 2025 at 12:46 pm

          You’re a paid shill. It won’t let me post my comment. AG and Peter going for SEO indexing.

          • MH/Duuuval

            January 10, 2025 at 7:18 pm

            Truth, like his running buddy Verdad, hides when it comes time to throw down.

            Public education in the South has always lagged the nation because our Deciders and their wealthy co-conspirators want to keep down the majority so that the majority can be exploited financially and politically.

  • KathrynA

    January 10, 2025 at 12:11 pm

    School choice has destroyed education in our schools. Most of the parents who are getting vouchers have no idea how to teach and know many use that money for vacations and to take children to Disney weekly (fun, but not too much there educationally). Many of the private schools are start ups with no accountability–some do a good job, but many do not. We will have such a “dumbed down” electorate, which is the purpose of Florida’s Republican party.

    • GeeWoo

      January 10, 2025 at 12:46 pm

      Wow, how self righteous and condescending of you.
      My wife and I home schooled our kids K-12, and they were testing at the 12th grade level by their freshman year. All of our home school counterparts achieved similar results.
      Stop advocating for the “dumbed down” electorate your public school system created, your words, not mine, and go pack sand.

      • JD

        January 10, 2025 at 1:27 pm

        I’m genuinely glad that homeschooling worked well for your family, and it’s great to hear about your kids’ achievements. However, not every family has the same resources, circumstances, or preferences, and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for education or discussions like this.

        The goal isn’t to pit homeschooling against public schools but to advocate for vetting and criteria for voucher schools. Homeschooling is a different approach but should follow the same basic curriculum, with parents having the choice to add ‘extras.’

        As for packing sand, I’ll have to decline—and the correct vernacular is ‘pound sand.

        • GeeWoo

          January 10, 2025 at 3:30 pm

          You just validated the argument for vouchers! Yes, no one solution fits all! More vouchers for more choice!
          You’re correct, it is pound sand. Shame on me for trying to use an English cliché. English isn’t my primary language.

          • JD

            January 10, 2025 at 3:42 pm

            Ah, I see now, and though it makes me wonder: with a name like GeeWoo and the claim that English isn’t your first language, are you a paid shill from overseas trying to stir up the voucher debate? Laos? China? Just curious. Either way, vouchers may sound like a solution, but they often divert public funds into private pockets without addressing systemic issues or improving outcomes for all students. Choice is great, but real choice means strengthening public education alongside other options not undermining it

          • MH/Duuuval

            January 10, 2025 at 7:23 pm

            The question for Gee Woo is, How did their children adapt to adulthood? Most kids get socialized in public schools per Dewey. Home schooling takes that democratic experience away, substituting a closed circle of family, neighbors, and church. In that sense, home schooling can be like a cult with less education and more indoctrination.

  • Vicki

    January 10, 2025 at 12:35 pm

    How about the finances of this change? How much has been taken from public schools which will be taking on those rejected from private schools while they collected the voucher. How are the public schools reimbursed for those who got rejected by the private schools? What about the qualifications of the private school teachers? Why are wealthy getting voucher funds? Private schools are becoming money makers with the lack of quality education evaluation. Public schools are evaluated at a different standard.
    Tax payer dollars use must have better accountability!

    • GeeWoo

      January 10, 2025 at 1:01 pm

      Why should public schools be reimbursed for failing our kids? That makes no sense! And, no, the schools take the same standardized tests, like my home schooled kids did. And they, as well as their home schooled counterparts, all scored 2-4 grades above their actual grade level.

      • JD

        January 10, 2025 at 1:29 pm

        Reimbursement for public schools is not about rewarding failure but addressing systemic inequities and ensuring all children have access to quality education. Public schools serve every child, including those with disabilities, language barriers, or low-income needs, challenges that homeschooling does not face.

        Standardized test scores alone are not a fair comparison, as homeschooling benefits from individualized instruction, while public schools manage millions of students with diverse needs. Adequate funding is essential to tackle these challenges and improve outcomes for all, not just a select few.

        • GeeWoo

          January 10, 2025 at 3:37 pm

          You already made the argument SUPPORTING vouchers in a previous post above, so your arguments are pretty shallow.
          With vouchers, low-income families can choose better schools for their children, breaking the cycle of failure stemming from public schools.
          If you don’t use standardized tests, what other metric do you use to measure results? Diversity is a condition, not an outcome, therefore not a metric of the effectiveness of education.

          • JD

            January 10, 2025 at 3:44 pm

            Nice try, but my argument was not in support of vouchers. It focused on the complexities public schools face and the need to address those issues instead of diverting funds to unregulated private or voucher schools. Vouchers may seem like a solution, but they often leave vulnerable students behind since private schools can choose whom they admit. This does little to break the cycle of failure and instead worsens inequities by pulling resources away from public education.

            Education is about more than test scores. Metrics like graduation rates, college readiness, critical thinking skills, and long-term earning potential provide a broader and more accurate picture of success. Standardized tests have their limitations and often fail to measure the full scope of education. While diversity may be a condition, it significantly impacts the effectiveness of education. Preparing students for the real world means equipping them to understand and work with diverse perspectives.

            Stop conflating my argument or trying to twist it. Paid Shill.

      • MH/Duuuval

        January 10, 2025 at 7:25 pm

        Private, so-called voucher schools do not have to test their students using standardized tests required in public schools. Voucher schools personnel do not have to meet state standards. Are they even required to pass a criminal check?

        • JD

          January 10, 2025 at 7:45 pm

          From what I have read, only the owners of the voucher school.

        • Skeptic

          January 11, 2025 at 2:57 pm

          Correct. Private schools and home schools are specifically exempted under Florida law form any requirements to follow state-mandated curriculum or require students to take state-mandated competency examinations. These “schools” do not need to meet state-mandated graduation requirements to deliver diplomas. “Non-profit” charters are more complicated; sometimes the for-profit lessors of the schools and the for-profit management companies deliver value; often not. Yet, the supporters of these “:educational” alternatives somehow think they are better value than schools that follow Florida state mandates. I will skip the long list of reasons why it is important to have a large pool of uneducated workers in a tourist and developer-oriented service economy, but the Jeb Bush pivot toward the third-world has worked. Not a model that will be emulated in the technically productive parts of the country, but great for a state with leadership focused on making agriculture great again.

          • MH/Duuuval

            January 11, 2025 at 11:05 pm

            True, though many ag and tourist jobs are held by islanders and other non-citizens who get temporary ID, — such as the seasonal workers at TrumpLand.

  • So what

    January 10, 2025 at 1:06 pm

    Cash must be coming from the Florida vouchers for private educations..that belonged to the financially capable that had structural values..
    Now belonging to us incompetent parents that can’t even hold on to a job
    , but can’t teach our children thanks Ron.

  • Victoria A Olson

    January 10, 2025 at 2:36 pm

    HELL NO most US legislators think of Gov. DeSantis as a short angry man obsessed with peoples gender and they don’t believe in changing or taking things out of history books. They believe in REAL education not what DeSatan wants them to read, these are actions of a fascist NAZI call him what he is. As a tax payer I am angry that home owners are paying for children who can afford private schools.

    • GeeWoo

      January 10, 2025 at 3:32 pm

      You are an angry person. How is school choice, allowing people to NOT choose Government schools fascist NAZI (socialism FYI)? Please explain?

    • GeeWoo

      January 10, 2025 at 4:16 pm

      For some reason you are allow to use a Hitler reference, but replies to your ridiculous Hitler reference are not allowed. you are a very angry person, and I feel sorry for your state of anger.
      Victoria, Do you even know what fascism is? How is allowing parents to choose non-Government schools fascist? Please explain.

      • MH/Duuuval

        January 10, 2025 at 7:28 pm

        We know what fascism is, a specific historic form of an ancient form of authoritarian governance. What’s your point?

        Go ahead — you can use Hitler’s name. Felonious Trump has had kind words for Adolph and his wife Melania said Trump had a copy of Mein Kampf (not in German) on his bedroom table.

  • Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American

    January 10, 2025 at 2:43 pm

    Good afternoon, Sage Patriots, Dook 4 Brains Leftys, Dook 4 Brains RINOS, & Dook 4 Brains Independants,
    Ron & Casey are absloutly correct that Florida’s Genius school choice should 100% be The National Model.
    America just look above at the “DOOK 4 BRAINS LEFTYS” rageing like “The HEATHENS That they Are”.
    If all the above “CHILD GROOMER DOOKS” hate RON & THE BEAUTIFUL CASEY’S School Choice Program …. then it’s gotta be the best thing going Nation-Wide for Our Great Nation’s Precious Childern.
    Thank you Sage Patriots, Dook 4 Brains Leftys, Dook 4 Brains RINOS, & Dook 4 Brains Independants,
    Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American

    • JD

      January 10, 2025 at 3:23 pm

      Calling people Groomers, which is equated to a pedophile.

      There’s a defamation lawsuit “Earl Pitts” against you.

      Section 230 may protect Peter, but not you.

      • Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American

        January 10, 2025 at 3:43 pm

        Good Afternoon, Dook 4 Brains JD, you are hereby CHASTIZED for practicing Law in The Great State of Florida without a license. You will soon have the Enforcement Division of The Florida Bar banging on your door to take you in for severe punishment.
        They will go harder on you once they find out that you are under CHASTIZEMENT from me, Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American.
        Thank you, JD,
        Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American

        • JD

          January 10, 2025 at 3:48 pm

          You don’t know if I have a license or not, but Pro Se is permitted under Florida law when representing oneself in both small claims and civil.

          I am sure your buddy Ronny knows this. Ask him.

      • GeeWoo

        January 10, 2025 at 4:13 pm

        Ah, yes, use the process to punish people’s exercise of free speech. From what I see in this post, no individual is harmed or slandered by Earl Pitts’ speech, no one is even identified. If you think a certain group is identified, then it’s guilt by association.

        • JD

          January 10, 2025 at 4:20 pm

          Freedom of speech does not grant immunity from the consequences of making defamatory statements. The term ‘groomer,’ when used in the context of education or policies related to children, is commonly understood as equating someone to a pedophile or implying criminal behavior. Even if no individual is directly named, calling an entire group ‘child groomers’ can still be defamatory if it falsely imputes criminal conduct or moral turpitude to them, especially if it is directed at a recognizable group of people.

          Defamation does not require naming a specific individual; it is sufficient if the statement reasonably identifies a group in a way that members could be subject to reputational harm. The language here crosses from opinion into harmful, false allegations, which are not protected by free speech. Section 230 protects platforms, but individuals making defamatory comments can still be held legally accountable. Misusing free speech as a shield for reckless accusations only undermines the principle it is meant to protect.

      • MH/Duuuval

        January 10, 2025 at 7:30 pm

        Dee and his flacks are fond of using the term groomers to attack anyone who doesn’t confine themselves to the missionary position.

  • Comedy is better

    January 10, 2025 at 3:58 pm

    Vouchers just turning private into public. I wonder if they pay for the cost to travel from one county to the other

    • MH/Duuuval

      January 11, 2025 at 9:27 am

      Public schools must provide transportation; private schools do not.

      • MH/Duuuval

        January 11, 2025 at 9:31 am

        In Duval the powers that be finally figured out that we have a (barely) functional public mass transit system (buses, primarily) that can tote many school kids who need a weekday ride. This helps out the school system, which has plenty on its plate, and it will bolster public mass transit and free up roads a bit — and give students a chance to experience what much of the developed world already experiences: Leaving the driving to professionals.

  • MH/Duuuval

    January 11, 2025 at 11:35 am

    Gee Woo wants metrics, but doesn’t say how they should be deployed. MAGAs and etc. want to punish schools and teachers for metrics that purport to demonstrate various things about students. The best use of metrics is to determine student weaknesses and then focus on them. For example: Reading scores fell off is some places during COVID, so the best response is to deploy more resources to deal with the problem — not smash and blow up public schools or unions. (It might help if GW read a little history of Florida and the South, both of which historically lagged in public primary and secondary education because some folks didn’t want to pay taxes to educate those students whose parents couldn’t afford a private education.)

  • Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American

    January 11, 2025 at 7:28 pm

    Good evening Sage Patriots,
    America, we’ve done deep dive A. I. [AKA ARTIFICAL INTELEGENCE] back grounds on each of the “Dook 4 Brains Lefty” posters above.
    America, they all voted for Trump!!! And what seems hard to understand is they all come online and still rail against Trump and me, Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American, JUST AMAZING.
    While we, Sage Patriots, thank them for their Trump Vote we should also understand there is a reason they still post like they never voted for Trump. It’s because they suffer with “PEA BRAINS” and eventually they will begin to post Sage Wisdom, much like myself, Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American.
    So thank you Sage Patriots,
    And everyone not currently under a “Painfull Wanking Ban”, from Earl ….. you are free at this time thru “The Benolavance Of Earl” to Relax Your Sphincters and have an Earl Pitts American Weekend.
    Thank you, America,
    Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American

  • Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American¹

    January 11, 2025 at 8:49 pm

    Good evening to all my Besty Lefty posters above,
    Thank you all for finally giving me, Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American, your unamious agreement that I have been correct and you have been so very wrong. Special props to JD, for “Rallying The Troups” behind my Sage Wisdom & Leadership. I forgive you all for being so wrong while I, Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American, used my “Gentel Pursuasion” to bring you all into 100% agreement and prostrating yourselves into the “Servitude Of All Things Earl”
    Awww shucks guys … what I’m trying to say is “I LOVE ALL MY BESTY LEFTIES”,
    Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Offical” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American
    * RON & CASEY 4 POTUS 2028*

    • JD

      January 11, 2025 at 11:35 pm

      It has been cold in Florida but Hell hasn’t yet frozen over. Therefore nobody is acquiescing to your self proclaimed correctness.

      Pound sand and vote no on a national voucher program or make a mountain of grief about it.

  • brought up write

    January 12, 2025 at 12:33 pm

    On Nov. 19, 2024, the Tampa Bay Times reported that Florida SAT scores ranked 47th in the United States, still dropping. Leave it to Rona to run on this record as a “national model.” Fortunately, I graduated from Florida public schools before the GOP took over and I am not dumb. I guess the GOP needs dummies to function, What a farce.

    • MH/Duuuval

      January 14, 2025 at 9:10 am

      I saw that metric, too. Like so many unpleasant facts of life in Florida today, Dee and the supine MAGAs ignore anything that doesn’t make them out to be god-like.

  • SuzyQ

    January 21, 2025 at 8:32 am

    Amen! Breaking the backs of government indoctrination camps should be priority #1.

  • KathrynA

    January 24, 2025 at 2:15 pm

    And what about the latest news that shows home schooled parents are getting paid thousands plus getting paid extra to take kids to theme parks, have exercise classes, trampolines and much more? I bet that would go along way to covering hard working teachers, who pay classroom expenses and work long and hard hours to help each student and those with major disabilities or come from home that are extremely dysfunctional.

Comments are closed.


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