Florida’s Governor is not holding back when it comes to blasting California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass in the wake of mismanagement of the fires in the L.A. area.
During comments Thursday night at Mar-a-Lago, Ron DeSantis fired back at media who questioned whether it was “appropriate” for President-elect Donald Trump to be criticizing the Democratic leadership of the Golden State as thousands of acres have burned due to a lack of water in recent days.
Trump has called for Newsom to resign and has argued that the state’s water management policies left Californians high and dry, as the Governor didn’t agree to a “water restoration declaration” that would have “allowed millions of gallons of water, from excess rain and snow melt from the North, to flow daily into many parts of California, including the areas that are currently burning in a virtually apocalyptic way.”
“Is it appropriate for people in your industry to try to create division and to try to create narratives any time these things happen? Now you’re not as interested in doing that because Newsom is a D. If Newsom was a Republican, you would have him nailed to the wall for what they’re doing over there,” DeSantis said. “We just assume in Florida anytime something happens, it’s gonna be politicized by the media. So you guys sitting in judgment of Donald Trump. I mean, excuse me, uh, I think your track record of politicizing these things is very, very bad.”
DeSantis noted that after the Surfside tower collapse, he “had people from the Washington Post trying to blame me for it immediately without having any facts or anything, ‘Oh, he didn’t declare a State of Emergency.'”
“First of all, (a lack of a) state of emergency doesn’t mean you can’t respond,” DeSantis said. “You guys are trying to make an issue of it when I have watched from this seat.”
“When I got elected Gov., I was meeting with other Republican governors and what they would say, if you have a natural disaster coming at you, they’re gonna do it,” he added, referring to the media.
From there, he pointed out that if Mayor Bass were Republican, he “could only imagine what (the media) would do” if she left during a disaster.
“I mean, you know the fires are at high risk and you try to go to Africa or wherever she was to go on some type of voyage? You should have been there preparing and doing that, and yet I don’t see a lot of heat being directed in that thing. And so, you know, I just would like to see some balance on how this is done. You criticize the President-elect, but I think you also have to hold these other people accountable, and I have not seen that” DeSantis thundered.
DeSantis offered help to California as the blazes began to rage, but he clearly recognized a political double standard.
Gary D Lynne
January 9, 2025 at 9:59 pm
The Leadership failure goes back a couple of decades when the Conservatives, using misinformation and disinformation about the problem of excessive releases of carbon dioxide, shut down the emerging carbon emissions trading market. We would be dealing with less extreme weather events if the Conservatives had dealth with science-based reality about the excessive releases of carbon dioxide. Take responsibility, please.
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Paul Passarelli
January 10, 2025 at 9:10 am
What evidence do you offer that only ‘white conservative American carbon dioxide’ caused the extreme weather events?
Are you really that brainwashed?
January 10, 2025 at 7:43 pm
The Western nations were modernized first and made tremendous contributions to pollution for centuries. Newcomers like China and India are now doing the most pollution. Got that?
January 9, 2025 at 10:31 pm
The article quotes DeSantis as saying “he pointed out that if Mayor Bass were Republican, he ‘could only imagine what (the media) would do” if she left during a disaster.'”
But she didn’t leave during the disaster, she was in Africa when it happened. What was she supposed to do? Be clairvoyant?
From WPSD Local 6 “The Palisades Fire erupted around 10:30 a.m. PT on January 7, while Bass was in Ghana attending the inauguration of President John Dramani Mahama as part of a US presidential delegation.”
She hopped hopped a plane and was back by the 8th.
I’m not sure what scares me more – the thought that my governor didn’t bother to research for himself and find out the truth before popping off something very defamatory about another state official, or that he deliberately lied when he knew the truth that Mayor Bass absolutely in no way whatsoever “left during a disaster.” but said it anyway, I can only surmise in order to score political points.
To recap: Mayor Bass was already in Africa when the fire broke out. She came back as soon as she could, was already on the ground in California by 1/8/25.
January 10, 2025 at 5:24 am
The LA mayor’s epic level of ineptitude goes back much further than an inappropriate trip to Ghana at an inappropriate time. I don’t know why you bother to defend someone who didn’t even do the basics of their job and the catastrophic results that caused.
January 10, 2025 at 6:26 am
Before Bass we had “wet sand, dry sand” Garcetti. LA residents are getting exactly what they voted for. Now there is talk that Kammy Harris, who doesn’t even know the pledge of allegiance, might be the next Governor of Clownifornia. The libs have destroyed that once fine state.
January 10, 2025 at 10:04 am
Headline: Kamala Harris under fire for Pledge of Allegiance slip-up; JD Vance caught laughing
Won’t be long before Vance will be in the spotlight nearly full-time. Plenty of opportunities for Vance to perpetuate proven MAGA lies, such as asylum seekers eating cats.
Paul Passarelli
January 10, 2025 at 9:19 am
The ‘mayor’ couldn’t even answer a reporter’s questions.
She didn’t say: “I’m in contact with my department heads.” She didn’t say *ANYTHING*. If that’s not a clear indication of gross incompetence, I don’t know what is.
January 10, 2025 at 7:45 pm
Sorry the Mayor LA didn’t directly speak to you, but you weren’t always — if at all — in the room with her, now were you?
January 11, 2025 at 5:55 pm
See new posts
Collin Rugg
“Soda addict” claims he can go through 30 12 packs of soda (360 cans) in a single weekend.
This the last post of Collin Rugg before the post quoted her by Paul: “The Instagram influencer, Steve Kinyon, has grown a following for documenting how much soda he drinks.
“Kinyon will sometimes add coffee creamer and flavored syrups to his brew.”
Rugg posts have also been anti-immigrant.
In short, another MAGA knucklehead.
January 13, 2025 at 3:15 pm
Are you the guy that received 1% of the vote when you ran for state office in Connecticut? I wonder how a candidate can only get such an insignificant percentage and be considered credible
January 13, 2025 at 3:17 pm
Paul do you have the answer why you got 1%.
January 10, 2025 at 8:06 am
DeSantis offered help to California as the blazes began to rage…
Oops, just a slight slip, Governor, just a speck of Humanity crept out … then Slam the door shut!
Hmmmm, now who can I blame for the hurricanes here in FL that are becoming more catastrophic and frequent? And the property insurance crisis right here at home? Who’s to blame for An Inconvenient Truth??
Paul Passarelli
January 10, 2025 at 9:24 am
I blame “Unca Al” for that pile of more then inconvenient lies! Do you remember Unca Al? the man that claims to have invented the internet, among other falsehoods? How about the $500M of coal rights he ‘sold’? One of the earlier practitioners of ultimate acts of hypocrisy.
January 10, 2025 at 7:53 pm
Al Gore sold his stake in a failed cable TV channel (Current TV) to Al Jazeera. No coal was involved. Another half-baked comment, PP. Or do you imagine TVs emit mind-bending pollution, which has been the plot of many sci-fi movies and TV shows.
Earl Pitts "Ron & Casey's Official " Un-Official" 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager" American
January 10, 2025 at 8:20 am
Goid Morn ‘Ting “Dook 4 Brains” ScienceBLVR, “Dook 4 Brains” MarvinM, “Dook 4 Brains” Gary D Lynne, along with any above “Dook 4 Brains” I may have missed and any “Dook 4 Brains” yet to post their “Leftist Lying Screed”,
I, Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official ” Un-Official” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American, hereby CHASTIZE you all for “Lying” to The American Public, and for failure to show proper respect to Ron and The Beautiful “Future First Lady Casey”.
Thank you,
“Dook 4 Brains” ScienceBLVR, “Dook 4 Brains” MarvinM, “Dook 4 Brains” Gary D Lynne, along with any above “Dook 4 Brains” I may have missed and any “Dook 4 Brains” yet to post their “Leftist Lying Screed”,
Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official ” Un-Official” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” American.
*RON & CASEY 4 POTUS 2028*
Paul Passarelli
January 10, 2025 at 9:26 am
Good Morning Earl.
I hope you get to see my posts.
Everything I add gets moderated.
Miss Leeding
January 10, 2025 at 8:41 am
“. . .but he clearly recognized a political double standard.”
He was not talking about a “political” double standard, and to say so in your article is misleading–deliberately misleading. He is talking about a media double standard, and that is exactly what we see in place. The fact that the disastrous incompetency alive in California is primarily from the Democratic leadership is not the point DeSantis is making. He is making the point that if it were Republicans in charge the media would have handled this story in a far more blameful and condemning manner.
Paul Passarelli
January 10, 2025 at 9:29 am
The first rule of Fight Club is we don’t talk about Fight Club.
The first rule of the Media Double Standard is they don’t talk about the Media Double Standard.
The second rule of the Media Double Standard is they don’t acknowledge the Media Double Standard.
January 10, 2025 at 9:46 am
Which is why Fox and etc. are the choice of MAGAnuts: alternate facts.
January 10, 2025 at 7:59 pm
Or, in the alternate reality where non-MAGA adherents live, we’d expect some thought and investigation occur before finger-pointing. And wouldn’t that be better for all, regardless of party affiliation?
wake up now
January 10, 2025 at 10:25 am
Why doesn’t Rona simply use taxpayer’s money to run TV ads non-stop like he did to oppose the abortion and pot amendments? Or just use State money to buy all the TV and news outlets and broadcast and print what he wants? Piss off Rona, you loser!
January 10, 2025 at 11:34 am
Big difference ‘LITTLE D’, leadership in California admits our climate is changing, you’re in denial like the denial the highest insurance rates in the nation are a result of your inaction, and your denial of science! Wake up! Residents are leaving Florida!
January 13, 2025 at 3:21 pm
Little man DeSantis sent Florida folks to stop immigration in Texas, do you think he will send Florida resources to stop the LA fire?
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