The first veto of the Donna Deegan administration — Ordinance No. 2024-800, the $12 million dollar “Cash for Trash” bill — turned out to be the first override Tuesday evening.
In a 14-4 vote, the City Council bucked the Mayor’s wishes and reimposed the bill that the administration said was passed “against the advice of the Council Auditors and the opposition of the Administration.”
“The bill gives Meridian Waste a 29% increase, which amounts to an additional four million dollars per year for the next three years on top of increases built into the existing contract,” the administration said ahead of the vote, to no avail.
“In vetoing this bill, I am holding true to my commitment to be fiscally responsible and always seek return on investment for our citizens. The dramatic increase passed by the City Council — with $4 million coming from reserves — is fiscally irresponsible and comes at the expense of city priorities like affordable housing and homelessness,” Deegan said.
Deegan took issue with what the increase finances: “non-operating expenses, including lobbyist fees, employee appreciation cookouts and gift cards, local sponsorships and donations.”
The administration is defiant.
“Basically we’re going to sit with the regular contract,” Chief of Staff Mike Weinstein said, per News4Jax. “Regardless of what action the Council takes on this bill, if it needs to go to legal action then that’s what we will have to do.”
That may be easier said than done, claims frequent administration opponent Rory Diamond.
“If the Mayor can just decide that she is not going to spend the money that we’ve appropriated, then we have lost more power than any City Council who has ever sat here before,” Diamond said, as quoted by Jacksonville Today. “This is our job. The Mayor’s job is to convince us we’re wrong, but she doesn’t get to just take our power away.”
Tara Blevins
January 13, 2025 at 8:03 pm
From my perspective, I am glad the Mayor is vetoing this increase. Meridian bid against incumbent hauler, Republic, for this service area nearly three years ago. Republic came in around $21/$22 per residential unit whereas Meridian came in around $16 per residential unit. The city chose the low bid which is fine. But, in year 3 of the contract there is a rate review process where Meridian is only contractually allowed an increase in profit margin between 10-15% after justifying their expenses. The council granted them a 29% increase in profit margin which most likely puts their new residential rate close to Republic’s original bid rate or greater. This is not fair to Republic who responded to the RFP process and was dislodged by low bid and then in less then 3-years that low bidder is asking for more of a rate increase then is contractually allowed. Meridian is a for profit company. This increase is only increasing their profit margin. They are not merely breaking even or just getting by. Good grief! I didn’t vote for the Mayor but she is spot on this one.
January 14, 2025 at 9:21 am
Thanks for the background. Now, does anyone know how much in campaign donations Meridian has made?
January 14, 2025 at 11:49 am
More trash on the sidewalks and the gutters.
Besides Florida don’t have sweeper truck..meaning more and more trashy waste in the sewage lines..and the side of the roads.
January 14, 2025 at 1:16 pm
This is what happens when you choose higher can talk articulately.yoy can keep the financial can build a curriculum to teach the younger generation..
January 14, 2025 at 10:41 pm
the city council called her bluff tonight,,,
January 15, 2025 at 9:49 am
Deegan is doing this for publicity,, she is a terrible mayor, she is trying to show she respects the taxpayers, but, she doesn’t … heck, she spent 775 million on Khans stadium,,, she spent 75 thousand on the Donna Hollogram at the airport, which is not working and pushed in a corner… and real Southerners and those who care about American History, will never forget her removing the Women of the Southland Monument,, she is a one term lame duck mayor
January 15, 2025 at 11:52 am
Truthy stepping out in 2025 and still pushing the Lost Cause.
Anonymous Citizen
January 15, 2025 at 10:22 am
Good morning Donna,
Often in left leaning local govornments we see these sweetheart deals being made between those negotiating local govornment contracts with waste collection business’s as there are organized crime financial backers in most waste collection business’s.
It may be too late to have the FBI look into this issue due to the big wave made in the press put all parties on notice to cover their tracks.
But that is what should have been done the minute you saw the red flags that made you want to issue the veto. Again your City Council has likely covered their tracks regarding any kickbacks by now. Live and learn.
Anonymous Citizen
January 15, 2025 at 10:56 am
Anonymous Citizen: FOLLOW THE MONEY
So, only “left-leaning” elected officials should expect to be jacked by trash collecting monopolies?
If you are in the know, which Council members (or the Mayor) did Meridian give money to?
Randy Patton
January 22, 2025 at 1:11 pm
What is missing in this is that the situation was created by the City Council when they intervened. The rate review process exists for a reason. The CC increased the rate for Waste Pro above what the committee recommended in the past and Meridian is following their lead. The CC is doing the bidding of the companies and the lobbyists at the cost of the taxpayers.
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