Of course Casey DeSantis is being floated for Gov, the DeSantises have no one else
Casey DeSantis '26?

Image via Casey DeSantis Twitter
But her bid could be a fool's errand.

With Gov. Ron DeSantis facing term limits next year, the rumor mill about his potential successor has been churning for months. This week, NBC News’ Matt Dixon reported that Republican donors were discussing DeSantis’ wife, Casey DeSantis, as a possible contender and that, for the first time, she’s contemplating the possibility.

While contemplation is a far cry from certainty, Casey DeSantis’ bid for Governor would check many logical boxes in the rousing game of politics that has been and continues to punctuate the insider baseball process of crowning leaders. And another DeSantis in the Governor’s mansion wouldn’t just extend the current habitants’ stay; it would keep Ron DeSantis relevant while stabbing a thorn into the side of the man who is perhaps the current Governor’s biggest nemesis: Donald Trump.

And it could also shore up another grudge, one still emerging weeks before the state’s regular Legislative Session in March. Let’s start here.

Both DeSantises have seemingly lost control of the political narrative, at least at times, regarding any legislative agenda.

During past Legislative Sessions, Gov. DeSantis clearly ran the show. If he wanted something, he got it, no matter the outcry. Before he declared his intent to run for President ahead of the 2024 cycle, the writing was on the wall, not in small print, but in glaring red spray paint large enough for those in the cheap seats to make out. He was, at the time, “America’s Governor” and viewed as a logical alternative to Trump. He had everything the MAGA world loved about Trump but without the unpolished baggage. To the donor class, DeSantis seemed like Trump in a nicer, more palatable package.

But that house of cards toppled. Hard.

Now, he’s battling with legislative leadership in the House and Senate, particularly with House Speaker Daniel Perez. On Thursday afternoon, Perez sent a letter to his members announcing the framework for workgroups established to evaluate DeSantis’ budget vetoes last year and make recommendations about overriding some of them, a massive slap to a Governor whose power once seemed absolute.

It may be a chicken or egg type of situation, but DeSantis’ response to the perceived slight handed to him by Perez and Senate President Ben Albritton when they gaveled into the Special Session DeSantis had ordered only to then gavel right back out and open another Session, one with their versions of an immigration package instead of the Governor’s, has further alienated DeSantis among the state’s legislative branch. Sure, he still has allies in the Capitol, but they’re outnumbered.

And DeSantis is without another option. The plan had been, in what was an open secret in political circles, to back Ashley Moody as his successor. But that got poo-pooed when DeSantis had to appoint her to the U.S. Senate to fill the remaining term of now-Secretary of State Marco Rubio. Like now, there was no one else.

He had a backup plan in Jose Oliva, but that was a dud. The former House Speaker is anti-Trump and, by current GOP standards, soft on immigration. The combo is a death knell for any candidate in a GOP Primary.

And then there’s the Trump factor.

DeSantis, as we well know, is not a fan of losing. And he’s already lost — publicly and spectacularly — to Trump once. And Trump didn’t simply beat DeSantis in the 2024 Republican presidential Primary, he trounced him. Trump’s dominance was almost hard to watch, perhaps even for Trump supporters.

So now DeSantis has an opportunity to take another go, this time by usurping the President’s chance to essentially handpick the next Florida Governor. We know U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds is considering a run, and he’s a top Trump ally, meaning there’s a better than decent chance Donalds will get that coveted “Complete and Total” endorsement.

By floating Casey DeSantis as heir apparent to the Governor’s mansion, the DeSantises could scare off donors, or at least that would be the calculus. And Gov. DeSantis — love him or hate him — is a top-notch fundraiser, which could give his wife an early advantage. It could also be a way to leverage power for the Governor to get his way this Legislative Session, with emphasis on “potentially.”

Clearly, the DeSantises are trying to control many things, not just with floating Casey as a gubernatorial prospect but with just about anything that has occurred over the past several years. As an anointed power couple, they attempt to control donors, the Legislature, the narrative … everything.

But there are flaws in the DeSantis World calculations.

First of all, Casey DeSantis is an unproven candidate — she’s never personally run for anything — and her public persona is primarily apolitical, potentially alienating her from the MAGA crowd needed even to win an election for Dogcatcher, let alone Governor of Florida. And, of course, there’s a really glaring negative here: Casey DeSantis engineered her husband’s epic fail in challenging Trump for the White House.

Second, does anyone actually see Ron DeSantis sitting dutifully behind his wife as Florida’s First Gentleman? DeSantis is NOT Doug Emhoff. He’s not going to cut ribbons at gas station grand openings and carry pom poms around while his wife established herself as a presidential contender in 2028.

Two or three years ago, the prospect of Casey DeSantis following her husband into the Executive Office of the Governor seemed like a gem of an idea. She’s a telegenic personality who would have appealed to women and men alike. But now, she’s the better half of a defeated man — defeated by Trump and defeated by the Florida Legislature.

Is anyone genuinely going to want four or eight more years of defeated DeSantises?

Peter Schorsch

Peter Schorsch is the President of Extensive Enterprises Media and is the publisher of FloridaPolitics.com, INFLUENCE Magazine, and Sunburn, the morning read of what’s hot in Florida politics. Previous to his publishing efforts, Peter was a political consultant to dozens of congressional and state campaigns, as well as several of the state’s largest governmental affairs and public relations firms. Peter lives in St. Petersburg with his wife, Michelle, and their daughter, Ella. Follow Peter on Twitter @PeterSchorschFL.


  • SD

    February 7, 2025 at 4:54 pm

    Casey DeSantis will win in a landslide. Google “Florida Freedom Fund”.

    • Miss Understanding

      February 7, 2025 at 7:50 pm

      If she can win the primary, she will win the general in a landslide. It’s a question of how vicious the Republican primary opposition will get, and if she is tough enough to withstand it. (We’re already seeing that campaign under way.) My bet is on her. Those who bet against her labor under a misunderstanding of 21st Century politics. All she has to do is stand there smiling with a slogan like, “Let’s show my husband how it’s done!” She’ll win the female vote 70/30, especially if the D’s trot out some cow who runs around yelling about abortion.

    • Hung Wiil

      February 7, 2025 at 9:50 pm

      Casey DeSantis will not win the Republican primary. Byron Donalds will run, Trump will endorse him, and he will win and be Florida’s next governor. It will be DeSantis’ second spectacular loss to Trump. DeSantis does not successfully go national in 2028, and that is the end of the DeSantis era.

      Ron DeSantis had some great moments. He stood up to Amendment 4, on felon voting, and used his authority, creatively, to achieve a desirable policy goal. He became legendary for standing up to mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vax passports, lockdowns, and other outrageous threats to liberty. Bravo. He’s cut taxes, enforced the law with expertise, and overseen the largest growth in Florida’s economy ever.
      He’s remade the Florida judicial system, appointing solid, reliable conservative justices, exerting influence in the JNC. Governor DeSantis has been a top-tier champion of the dignity and sanctity of innocent human life, limiting abortion to 6-weeks and defeating Amendment 4 in 2024. And much, much more. A few mistakes too, that is for sure. That, in part, along with events, means we are in the twilight of the DeSantis era. There are flaws, and few warts, but on the aggregate, it is an era to be proud of and thankful for.

  • PeterH

    February 7, 2025 at 5:24 pm

    The DeSantis clown show act 2.

    • Peachy

      February 7, 2025 at 7:32 pm

      Hilarious. DeSantis won re-election in a landslide. He is wildly popular here in Florida. He would easily win a third term if the law allowed. Looks like the phony independent is really the clown here.

      • JD

        February 7, 2025 at 8:09 pm

        Landslide? You sure about that? DeSantis won by 19.4%. solid, but not the biggest. Bob Graham (D) crushed it with a 29.4% win. If DeSantis had a landslide, Graham had a full-on earthquake. And let’s not forget, your “wildly popular” guy flopped in the primaries so hard he dropped out before New Hampshire. His approval in Florida tanked below 50% while he was busy losing to Trump. But hey, keep spinning – clowns gotta get in the clown car. 🤡🎪

        • Peachy

          February 7, 2025 at 8:59 pm

          What about? What about? Who was talking about Graham? Thanks for the Friday night laugh. Oh and it looks like your hero “word salad Kammy” might be plann8ng a run for Kalifornia Governor. You like em brain dead or dumb.🤣

          • JD

            February 7, 2025 at 9:42 pm

            Calling someone dumb? The numbers don’t lie. You’d have to be brain dead, dumb, or just brainwashed to ignore them. And Graham wasn’t whataboutism, it was a direct comparison. But you’ve got nothing to counter the trouncing DeSantis got in the primaries. He burned through over $80 million that was supposed to be for his governor race. Funny how shifting that money from a gubernatorial PAC to a presidential one as mixing a state PAC with a federal PAC is somehow isn’t a problem. But sure, let’s pretend that doesn’t matter and distract with some weak whataboutism. You truly suck at this, Peachy. Maybe stick to watching NATO while on the government tit.

      • PeterH

        February 7, 2025 at 8:39 pm

        Without exception, all Republicans are America’s worst enemy….. vote all Republicans out of office!

  • Ribbon Cutter Wanted

    February 7, 2025 at 5:36 pm

    Edward Scissorhands for Florida LG!

  • SuzyQ

    February 7, 2025 at 5:48 pm

    The author of this propaganda hit piece masquerades as a political journalist whose credibility has been undermined time and again by his incessant personal and professional animus toward the DeSantises — a fact established not just here in Florida but globally. If you don’t agree, search the internet for just one or two articles he’s even written that could be remotely considered positive about the DeSantises. I think the young Ron DeSantis might have thoughtfully humiliated him in Little League in Pinellas county.

    • JD

      February 7, 2025 at 6:22 pm

      You being an expert on propaganda, I guess that makes you uniquely qualified to identify it. Funny how you keep reading and commenting on this site despite thinking the author is irredeemable. Almost like you need the coverage to keep the outrage machine running. 🤔 You amuse me in ways you will never know.

      • SuzyQ

        February 8, 2025 at 10:05 am

        The amusement is mutual. Truth is not propaganda, of which you are guilty of propagating.

        Petee Sweetie, if you’re looking for the guilty, you only need to look into a mirror.

        • JD

          February 8, 2025 at 10:53 am

          I haven’t included a single bit of propaganda in my musings. but perhaps you need the definition. Propaganda is the strategic use of information, often selectively framed or exaggerated, to shape perceptions or advance a particular agenda. My musings may have been biased, but they were not misleading. Can you say the same?

          And I am a Sweetie. Bless your heart.


      February 7, 2025 at 9:00 pm

      Good evening Sweet SuzyQ,
      While the first-take feelings regarding Peter may be to see a bad guy please keep in mind that Peter is not just “The Boss” here, he owns and operates this entire on-line forum which we should be Honored to be allowed to post our political views on.
      Prior to the arrival of the Beautiful SuzyQ & myself, EARL LOVES SUZYQ 4 EVER, this online forum was an 100% sancuary of “Dook 4 Brains Leftys …. ONLY.
      Peter, The Boss, in his Benelovance and belief in Freedom of Speach, recgonised the First Admendment and Business Acumen of allowing different viewpoints to speak here and we are all here by the Sage Wisdom of The Boss, Peter.
      It is Right & Correct for folks like us to be respectfull and greatfull to and for Peter … the “Owner/Operater to allow a presence of posters that are not just 100% “Dook 4 Brains Leftist Syconphants” to post our views here. Peter is a Great American for that and deserves our honor and respect. Thats why I love and honor Peter. Watch who wrote the articals here and please be mindfull and respectfull that we are able to post here by the grace of The Boss, Peter.
      Please dont be angry at me and help to keep a conservative voice or two here by understanding that Peter is a businesman and deserves much respect for allowing viewpoints to post which may be contrary even to his own.
      We thank and love the Boss, Peter S.

  • Earl Pitts "Ron & Casey's Official "Un-Official" 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager" AMERICAN

    February 7, 2025 at 6:02 pm

    Good evening Florida,
    While it’s a well written artical and under Normal Florida Political Scenarios would totally apply and make sense, Ron, Casey, and Earl have 100% confidence of The Desantis POTUS administration running for 8 Sage years from 2028 – 2036.
    Thats why Casey’s not going to run for Florida’s Govornor in 2026.
    Thank you,
    Earl Pitts “Ron & Casey’s Official “Un-Official” 2028 POTUS Campaign Manager” AMERICAN

  • Cynthia Vaught

    February 7, 2025 at 6:25 pm

    Wasn’t it Casey DeSantis whose complaint about Susie Wiles pushed her right into managing Trump’s successful campaign?

  • Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)

    February 7, 2025 at 7:14 pm

    Presumably, she will be judged on her own merits.

    I gather from the coverage of her over the years that she brings a lot to the table. So, news at 11, Peter.

  • Victoria Olson

    February 7, 2025 at 8:06 pm

    No one wants any DeSantis to run anything the American people showed how much they despised DeSantis when he ran for president as his numbers were embarrassing low now his own Republican legislators are done with him. As he does not govern he just tried to take away our rights illegally, most all his egregious bills that he forced the legislature to pass have all been judged Illegal against the constitution and is the taxpayers paid his legal bills & we’re angry. Republican legislators have either lost their re-election or they will be coming up for re-election being linked to the Governor will kill their chances.

  • JD

    February 7, 2025 at 8:13 pm

    So Casey DeSantis was a TV anchor and hosted golf shows and that qualifies her to run the 3rd largest state? Sure, she’s led some mental health and cancer initiatives as First Lady, but let’s be real, that’s not the same as governing. She’s never held elected office or run a government department. If being on TV and marrying a politician is all it takes, guess we should’ve elected Oprah years ago. Peter’s right on this one.

    • Peachy

      February 7, 2025 at 9:03 pm

      Yet you thought Kammy was qualified to be President of the United States. Keep the laughs coming.

      • JD

        February 7, 2025 at 9:35 pm

        Based on the criteria I outlined above, Harris was far more qualifed to run the country than Casey is to run this state. Keep your what-about-ism coming Peaches and Cream, you truly do suck at this, but i will give you this one because of the Bob Graham comment.

        • PeterH

          February 7, 2025 at 11:16 pm

          Exactly JD! Trump snd his MAGA freaks will accomplish only one thing in four years …. he’ll reduce taxes and inflate the national debt.

        • Peachy

          February 8, 2025 at 4:33 am

          Opinions are like a holes. Everyone has one and yes JD, you are an a hole.😜

          • Skeptic

            February 8, 2025 at 8:04 am

            What is the old schoolyard saying about rubber and glue. . .?

          • JD

            February 8, 2025 at 8:07 am

            So you haven’t got anything then. Got it. Looks like my “opinion” is spot on then.

            If people would layout some facts that aren’t biased opinions and you won’t get a hole responses.

  • Impeach Musk

    February 8, 2025 at 7:24 am

    I thought trump had preordained Byron Donalds for the job. trump is definitely vindictive and with rhonda having had the audacity to run against him, I doubt any desantis family member will get much traction.

    • Skeptic

      February 8, 2025 at 8:09 am

      Donalds was interesting on Friday Night Live with Bill Maher yesterday. No policy to speak of, but he did rise to the bait to dis one of Trump’s racier nominees. Not a good look in Trumpistan.

    • JD

      February 8, 2025 at 8:16 am

      Would Donalds be a step up or a step down from Rick Scott? Both committed crimes, it’s just Scott was never convicted.

      Probably a step up, since the current POTUS was convicted.

      I’m still not sure how all this morality squares? You know got people screaming about fraud and abortion is murder, but people that actually have ajudicated for true crimes get a pass to lead us?

  • Sunny days

    February 8, 2025 at 9:18 am

    No one wants the lover

  • Positive mike

    February 8, 2025 at 10:14 am

    Casey DeSantis is a non starter. A TV news anchor with no governing or elective office experience.
    And Donald’s will crumble when the conversation gets to his adulterous affairs in Tallahassee when he was a State Representative just a few years ago

  • ScienceBLVR

    February 8, 2025 at 12:57 pm

    Florida elect Donalds? Florida, home of the Stand your Ground, Don’t say Gay, Slavery was just a Job Training Program, and ain’t that the Confederate Flag planted at the highway junction? Doubt it. Casey, doesn’t have the chops, no matter what the polls say.

    • Ocean Joe

      February 8, 2025 at 4:45 pm

      You’re forgetting how Republicans flocked to Herman Caine, before he passed after catching covid at a Trump spreader rally. Or Ben Carson. Or Herschel Walker.

      OK, you make a solid point about Donalds, and Desantis cant win without Trump and that wont happen after Iowa.

  • Along for the Ride

    February 8, 2025 at 6:59 pm

    No thanks. It would be another 6 years of DeSantis. And people would say the whole time “is she really in charge or is she speaking for her husband?” John Morgan sounds better then any DeSantis or Trump supporter

  • FL Firefighter

    February 11, 2025 at 8:20 pm

    Yes. I am a Trump fan through and through and I also I love Gov DeSantis. He’s made Florida the greatest state in the country. He is the GOAT. And Casey DeSantis is an absolute gem. I wish journalists would stop trying to ruin The DeSantis’s. They are good people. I pray Trump will see how insanely beautiful and smart she is and endorse her.

  • JZL

    February 20, 2025 at 10:43 pm

    As a Floridian, I’d vote for her if she ran.

Comments are closed.


Florida Politics is a statewide, new media platform covering campaigns, elections, government, policy, and lobbying in Florida. This platform and all of its content are owned by Extensive Enterprises Media.

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