A Jacksonville Democrat wants to bring Florida into a consortium of states seeking high-speed rail.
Sen. Tracie Davis’ SB 966 would let the Governor join “a rapid rail transit compact” known as the Southern Rail Commission with Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
Florida is eligible to join because it borders Alabama.
Davis’ bill, the Senate version of Rep. Yvonne Hinson’s House measure, notes “North Florida has lacked passenger rail service since September 2005, when track damage from Hurricane Katrina led to the termination of Amtrak’s Sunset Limited route, which ran from New Orleans to Pensacola, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, and Orlando.”
The SRC was successful when Joe Biden was President in getting $178 million to restore passenger rail service from New Orleans, Louisiana, to Mobile, Alabama; however, it’s not apparent that President Donald Trump prioritizes that kind of spending amid cuts across government.