The Florida Senate passed a comprehensive package of legislative proposals Wednesday, that seeks to create a modern-day renaissance in rural communities across Florida.
Tallahassee Republican Sen. Corey Simon spearheaded the legislation (SB 110) that would create opportunities for rural communities to expand education, increase health care services, and modernize commerce.
The legislation was also a priority of Senate President Ben Albritton, who said in a press statement at the bill’s Senate passing, that the bill focuses on supporting businesses and improving the lives of Floridians living in rural areas.
“Our rural communities are full of opportunity, and that doesn’t just mean development. Our Rural Renaissance package provides opportunities for rural communities to grow as they see fit, based on decisions made by local families and businesses who call rural Florida home,” the Wauchula Republican said in a statement.
Albritton noted that the legislation is geared towards enhancing and supporting 31 of Florida’s 67 counties and added that it’s now time for rural Florida to enjoy economic growth.
“We are focusing on infrastructure improvements that support existing businesses as they grow, and transition based on the needs of our economy,” Albritton said. “This includes our legacy farm and citrus operations, who will be well-served by improvements to farm-to-market roads essential to keeping fresh food within reach of Florida families. These are critical enhancements and investments to support 31 of our 67 counties and hundreds of rural communities across Florida. We have seen tremendous economic growth in urban areas of Florida, its Rural Florida’s turn.”
Representing 12 rural counties across Florida’s panhandle and big bend, Simon also said Sunshine State rural communities will not be left behind.
“Modern Florida is the envy of the nation, and we won’t leave our rural communities behind. Our small communities are strong, proud, and resilient. When disaster strikes, as it has so often in recent years, they band together, neighbor helping neighbor,” Simon said.
“Quality of life in rural areas can be impacted by access to job opportunities, education and health care. We are combining enhancements to the traditional infrastructure for schools and hospitals with innovations that drastically expand opportunities for education, commerce, and health care in rural Florida. We know commerce and capital are attracted to strong transportation infrastructure and robust public services, which will provide the chance for rural communities to prosper and grow in a manner that maintains a highly sought after and time-honored way of life.”
The bill would direct $200.8 million to the Rural Infrastructure Fund, increase funding for the Rural Revolving Loan program, improve coordination of federal broadband programs, create the Florida Arterial Road Modernization program, expand the Small County Road Assistance program, expand the regional education consortia, create the Rural Incentive for Professional Educators program, and expand rural health care access.
The bill passed the Senate in a 39-0 vote.