Recent terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere have shifted the focus of nearly all federal campaigns and U.S. Rep. David Jolly‘s bid for the Senate seat left vacant by Marco Rubio is no exception.
Jolly ripped President Barack Obama for a perceived lack of strong leadership in a new web ad released Monday, called “Securing Our Homeland.”
The ad, sent in an email appeal under the subject line “What President Obama should have said,” takes the commander-in-chief to task for failing to allay near-universal concerns over terrorism and national defense and lays out a few ways he thinks he could help.
“Americans today are worried. We are worried about our security, and rightfully so,” Jolly begins the ad. “The President’s policies have failed us. We are a nation now at war. ISIS is not contained.”
“We need to immediately do four things that the president has failed to do,” said Jolly, clad in a black jacket and an open collar.
Namely, the Clearwater Republican wants to increase special operations personnel overseas, secure the country’s borders, increase the vetting process for legal immigrants, and redouble surveillance efforts for suspected domestic terrorists.
“We need to dramatically enhance our military operations overseas by deploying the finest war fighters this nation has – our special operators. Let’s fight, defeat, and destroy our enemy on their soil, before they come to ours,” said Jolly.
Jolly’s primary opponent former Navy lawyer Ron DeSantis, is also expected to make foreign policy central to his campaign for the Senate, while Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera went after President Obama for “failing us miserably” following his prime time address earlier this month.
See the full 1:50 ad below: