Nearly a month after he fatally shot Markeis McGlockton, Michael Drejka was arrested and booked into the Pinellas County Jail on Monday afternoon on charges of manslaughter.
Drejka, 47, last month started an argument with the 28-year-old McGlockton’s girlfriend, Britany Jacobs, over her use of a handicapped spot in a convenience store parking lot. Upon exiting the store and noticing the argument, McGlockton rushed over and pushed Drejka to the ground.
Still on the ground, Dreika pulled a gun, fired, and killed McGlockton. Security camera footage from the convenience store appears to show McGlockton backing away from Drejka after he drew his weapon, but Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri chose not to arrest Drejka.
The sheriff, a law school grad, cited a 2017 change to the state’s “Stand Your Ground” law that required law enforcement to prove a shooter didn’t feel threatened before filing criminal charges.
That decision was met with uproar:
— McGlockton’s family demanded charges be filed,
— State Rep. Shevrin Jones, a Democrat, and Senate Democratic Leader Oscar Braynon urged State Attorney Bernie McCabe to pursue the case,
— Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson called on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the shooting, as did the Clearwater/Upper Pinellas NAACP,
— Democratic candidate for Governor Andrew Gillum called on Gov. Rick Scott to suspend the law by executive order,
— Tampa Councilman Harry Cohen renewed his call for an outright repeal,
— National racial justice group Color of Change started a campaign to “Stop ‘Stand Your Ground’,”
— Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris King delivered a fiery speech on the racial disparity in the use of “Stand Your Ground,” and
— Democratic lawmakers called for a Special Legislative Session, though the request failed along party lines.
Now that Drejka has been arrested and charged with manslaughter, numerous politicians — mostly Democrats — have released statements commenting on the length of time after the shooting, which took place July 19, whether the charges were strong enough, and reiterating their calls for a “Stand Your Ground” repeal.
Democratic Attorney General candidate Sean Shaw:
“This day is too long coming. Justice delayed is justice denied and we continue to seek justice for the McGlockton family and so many other families across this state. Stand Your Ground laws are wrong and have no place in a civilized society. Starting on day one as Attorney General, I will do everything in my power to force the legislature to repeal this terrible law. We look forward to Mr. Drejka receiving his day in court.”
King, an Orlando area businessman:
“The state attorney’s office is doing what Sheriff Gualtieri has failed to do thus far –– seeking justice for the death of Markeis McGlockton. This community is crying out for action and the McGlockton family deserves justice, and that’s why I’ve been calling for leaders to act since this tragedy occurred. Today’s decision is another example why Florida’s broken ‘stand your ground’ law must be repealed so that justice in this case and every other tragedy can never be delayed or denied.”
Fellow Democratic candidate for Governor, former Congresswoman Gwen Graham:
Today’s decision to charge Drejka is a step toward justice for #MarkeisMcglockton — but it also exposes the fatal issues with Florida’s Stand Your Ground law. Stand Your Ground creates legal loopholes for murderers and ridiculous burdens for local law enforcement. We must repeal. https://t.co/L4b6T6zwld
— Gwen Graham (@GwenGraham) August 13, 2018
Gillum, currently the mayor of Tallahassee, repeated his call for Gov. Scott to suspend SYG:
I'm proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Markeis McGlockton's family so they get the justice they deserve. I again call on Governor Rick Scott to declare a state of emergency and suspend this law before someone else gets hurt or killed. https://t.co/B5KvGEskXB
— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) August 13, 2018
Former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine, also a Democratic candidate for Governor, said the family “deserves justice”:
The fifth Democratic candidate for Governor, Palm Beach billionaire Jeff Greene, said the following:
Today’s (delayed) decision to arrest and charge Michael Drejka means justice may finally be served in the senseless murder of Markeis McGlockton. https://t.co/6f9Qqf4mk6
— Jeff Greene (@JeffGreeneFL) August 13, 2018
I'm proud each of our voices made a difference here – but it doesn't change the fact that an innocent, unarmed father was shot to death in front of his children in the middle of the afternoon. Stand Your Ground is legalized MURDER. It MUST be repealed. #MarkeisMcGlockton #FlaPol
— Jeff Greene (@JeffGreeneFL) August 13, 2018
Neither of the two major Republicans running to replace Scott, U.S. Rep. Ron DeSantis and Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, commented on the arrest, nor did current Attorney General Pam Bondi or the two Republican candidates vying to succeed her, Pensacola state Rep. Frank White and former Hillsborough Circuit Judge Ashley Moody.
The Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office said it supported the decision.
Jones, who represents Broward County’s HD 101, acknowledged the arrest via twitter:
This is a step in the right direction! Let’s call this what it is, it was murder and Michael Drejka should be held accountable for murdering #MarkeisMcGlockton.
It is time we take a look at the SYG law. If the prosecutors can see it, why can’t my colleagues in Tallahassee? https://t.co/sUecDTdiEQ
— Shevrin “Shev” Jones (@ShevrinJones) August 13, 2018
Tampa Attorney Karen Skyers, a Democratic candidate for House District 61:
“I applaud the decision by the State Attorney’s Office to charge Michael Drejka in the shooting death of Markeis McGlockton,” Skyers said.
“As an attorney and an advocate, failure to prosecute would have been yet another rubber stamp on the use of “Stand Your Ground” as a license to kill, a situation that tragically occurs far too often in Florida.
“And while I’m encouraged by today’s news, it could have just as easily gone the other way. So long as this terrible law remains on the books, the people of Florida – especially people of color – remain especially at risk whenever an aggressor is spoiling for a fight and the last man standing is the only living witness.
“This is why change is needed. And this is why I continue to pledge that the very first bill I will file as the Representative for House District 61 is a repeal of this dangerous law.”
August 13, 2018 at 6:20 pm
What the hell does this have to do with “Stand Your Ground”? The man who was attacked was on the ground. Duh!
Seber Newsome III
August 14, 2018 at 9:21 am
People will think twice before attacking and shoving someone in the future. Maybe they will think that someone might have a gun and if I shove them or knock them down, they might shoot me.. You cannot just go around shoving someone to the ground without consequences as the man found out.
Eddie Crattic
August 14, 2018 at 2:47 pm
you are ridiculous you don’t even know the facts beside you are a coward to to think you can kill someone for pushing you out of there wife face. hope some fool stand their ground on you or your loved ones and hear you say they should have died
Eddie Crattic
August 14, 2018 at 2:39 pm
the shooter was the aggressor he had already engaged the man’s wife and he pushed him away from her and stepped back. the shooter never tried to get up this was his oppotunity to murder someone. the shooter had already threatened to shoot several other people and was told by the owner to stop harrassing his customers. he’s not the cops the meter maid or nothing but someone with a bucket list of Murder. he’s another George Zimmerman if he had no gun he wouldn’t have engaged.
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