The Jacksonville City Council calendar is officially in a lull, with a fifth week break transitioning into a summer break, but with new faces in Duval County’s executive and legislative branches, it probably is a good idea that the mayor and the new council members meet. And on Thursday at high noon, they shall.
Curry, Chief Administrative Officer Sam Mousa, and various Council members will be convening at City Hall, presumably to discuss and establish priorities for the upcoming legislative cycle, which certainly includes matters like paying for the Pension deal, working through a lean budget, and even possible re-organizations of the org chart.
One of the critiques some council members had with Mayor Brown was that he didn’t effectively build relationships. While that is by no means a universal view, it will be interesting to see how Curry navigates these waters. He has been more multilateralist as a mayor elect than his campaign presentation made him out to be, and one suspects that this meeting will be one in which common ground and buy in are sought.