A grassroots pro-life group rallied at the downtown Orlando offices of U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson Tuesday morning to encourage ending funding for Planned Parenthood.
About 60 protesters from a group calling itself “Women Betrayed” held signs and called for action by elected officials to stop giving resources to the group, which has come under fire about recent allegations of human tissue sales for profit.
“This was something that came up by a group of people who were just tired of what Planned Parenthood was doing,” group spokeswoman Sandra Rosas said.
Rosas was referring to a series of Web videos that purport to show Planned Parenthood directors on camera negotiating the sale of human tissue.
“I want to say here today to defund Planned Parenthood immediately,” Rosas said. “They see women as dollar signs, in Planned Parenthood’s world babies are worth more dead than alive.”
Planned Parenthood is battling the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration over an investigation that AHCA says found three clinics in the state performing prohibited second trimester abortions. Planned Parenthood officials deny those claims and filed an injunction to keep abortion services available.
In addition to the AHCA investigation, several state lawmakers are calling for a second investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
Later Tuesday, Women Betrayed also will rally at the East Orlando offices of U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson.
“We want those $500 million dollars to go towards federally qualified healthcare centers, where women can get the best comprehensive care” Rosas said.