We sat down for a few minutes with Chip Case of Jefferson Monroe Consulting and he shared with us just a little bit about what makes him tick.
Here is the file on Chip Case:
Significant other? Children? Grand kids?
A daughter, who is a blessing and will always be my greatest accomplishment.
In 25 words or less, explain what you do.
I’m a governmental and political consultant who specializes in leadership.
If you have one, what is your motto?
My advice: “Treat everyone fair. You pass everyone twice: once on the way up and once on the way back down.” I am glad to have any opportunity to help others be their best.
During your career, have you had a favorite pro bono client?
I have had a few pro bono clients, believing it’s important for a professional to give back. Everyone who is successful in life has had help that they didn’t necessarily deserve from another. My favorite pro bono client: Florida Christian Care Association.
Any last-day-of-Session traditions?
I don’t have any “last-day-of-session” traditions. Most people know me for comfortable and colorful shoes all through the legislative session. I always try to dress professionally but still have a little fun!
If you could have another lobbyist’s client list, it would be…
I’m blessed to have the client list that I have. I wish I could pick and choose from many different lobbyist lists. I don’t want the most, but I do want the best and I want to serve them well. Jon Johnson has a nice book of business!
Professional accomplishment of which you are most proud?
I’m most proud of my public service. Being deputy chief of staff for Alan Bense was a very cool job. He taught me about valuing managing and empowering people. A close second would have to be the leadership races that I get involved in. I’ve got a reputation for helping people when and then stepping back to let them serve to their potential.
Lobbyists are often accused of wearing Gucci loafers; do you own a pair of Gucci loafers? If not, why not?
Gucci loafers, guilty. In my defense I’m a shoe guy. Everything from the infamous Gucci loafer to suede blue Hushpuppies with sneaker soles, I like comfortable shoes … So sue me.
Who is your favorite Florida Capitol Press Corps reporter and why?
Gary Fineout. He’s smart, fair and doggone it, a happy guy. Steve Bousquet is a close second, for most of the same reasons. I’ve always had a good relationship with Lucy Morgan, probably because she viewed Alan Bense as an honest broker of the public’s trust.
What is your most treasured possession?
My most treasured possession is my reputation. You don’t have to like me or agree with me, but never labeled me dishonest. My faith and family help me to be the ethical person I strive to be. Jon Johnson is the one who taught me the value of that.
You’ve just learned that you will be hosting a morning talk show about Florida politics. Who are the first four guests you’d invite to appear?
Morning talk show guest: Jeb Bush, Tom Gallagher, Tom Slade (if he were alive) and Mac Stipanovich, all at the same time. Let the fireworks begin! All four men played key roles in the structure and growth of the Republican Party in Florida. Hearing them agree, disagree, and tell us what was going through their heads during the self-described most powerful moments would be informative and entertaining. Someone calls in sick: sub with Jack Latvala.
Favorite movie.
“McLintock!” starring John Wayne. The movie has everything … plus John Wayne.
If you could have dinner with a historical figure no longer living, who would it be?
Henry Clay. I’ve been told by my family that we are distant relatives, although I can’t find the connection. Regardless, he was one of the most powerful politicians of his day. For me, it would be priceless to have a better understanding of our nation during that time and see how elected officials truly view the role of government compared to what we believe government’s role is today.