In November, FloridaPolitics.com reported on the people behind Illuminate Jax seeking buy in from the Lenny Curry administration to move forth with plans to light up the Jacksonville skyline.
In January, they will get the meeting they sought in November.
Margie Seaman of Illuminate Jax will get a long-awaited meeting with city officials in January, including Chief Administrative Officer Sam Mousa and Downtown Investment Authority head Aundra Wallace.
While our original story didn’t provide the necessary impetus to make this meeting happen, a Jacksonville Business Journal story apparently did.
The IlluminateJax team hopes to present its “plans to illuminate the Jax skyline, in which we will show you our power point presentation that we’ve shared with Mark Lamping and the Jaguars, as possible underwriters,” wrote Seaman in a November email.
“Our team consists of four of us: myself, David Lafitte (consultant to RSH, who did the blue neon bridges for the Superbowl), Mark Kingsnorth, from Sesco Lighting who will handle the installations, and Jeremy Marquis of Marquis Halback architects, who will handle the drawings, and who won and successfully completed the JaxChamber bid for all external landscaping in their renovated JaxChamber HQ,” Seaman added.