Now that 2015 is history, Florida’s Senate Republican caucus is looking to 2016 with a major fundraiser planned on the eve of the start of the upcoming Legislative Session.
The Florida Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee 2016 Welcome Back Reception will be held Monday, January 11 beginning 5:30 p.m. at the Tallahassee Doubletree Hotel Ballroom, 101 S. Adams St.
Hosted by Senate President Andy Gardiner, the event also features President Designate and FRSCC Chair Joe Negron and Sens. Bill Galvano, Lizbeth Benacquisto, Anitere Flores and Jack Latvala.
With new district maps approved last week by Circuit Judge George Reynolds, the FRSCC faces a challenging 2016 election season, as the entire Senate is now up for reelection, including 20 members with terms ending in 2018. The redrawn maps are split somewhat evenly between Republican and Democratic-leaning districts, in a move that creates several competitive seats.
The reception comes one day before the start of the 2016 Legislative Session, during which state lawmakers are prohibited from fundraising.