Florida Gov. Rick Scott wants $250 million for corporate incentives. Americans for Prosperity – Florida, however, lambastes his proposal as “crony politics” and “corporate welfare.”
Andres Malave, AFP-Florida’s communications director, noted in an email Monday that “last week Governor Scott put out an ad to garner more attention for his request for another $250 million dollars of taxpayer money for corporate welfare.”
“Floridians are sick and tired of the crony politics coming out of Tallahassee,” Malave said, “so I hope the Governor enjoys a little parody before session starts tomorrow.”
The parody in question: a 50-second spot, lambasting the myriad press events across the state that have been designed to denote broad-based support for the Governor’s Enterprise Florida enhancements.
AFP calls it a “dramatization of Governor Scott’s call to wrongfully spend $250 million on incentive spending.”
Technically, it’s a lampoon, with the same actor dressed in ridiculous getups, saying things like “I’m in manufacturing,” “I’m a doctor,” and “I specialize in lemon meringue and cherry jubilee pies.”
It all builds up to AFP’s message: “Let’s cut wasteful spending and cut corporate welfare because it just doesn’t work.”
“Broad-based tax cuts will help create prosperity for all Floridians,” the video adds.