Fourth Circuit State Attorney Angela Corey said Thursday that she qualified for the ballot in the 2016 election via petition. Corey gathered 7,788 petitions, ahead of the 7,441 required.
“With a combined total of 22,369 certified petitions, aggregating all three petition drives since her first election in 2008, Corey has again demonstrated her tremendous and far-reaching grassroots support throughout Northeast Florida,” said Campaign Manager Alexander Pantinakis. “These results give assurance that supporters throughout the First Coast have taken a considerable interest in Angela Corey, examined her work as our State Attorney, and like what they see.”
About 1,200 of the petitions were secured on Super Tuesday, a number the campaign attributed to high turnout.
“The enthusiasm of our volunteers, coupled with the steadfast resolve of local voters, helped us reach this historic achievement. I personally feel blessed to have this kind of support from involved residents,” Corey stated. “I am thankful that families in Clay, Duval and Nassau Counties share our commitment to a judicial system rooted in justice, fairness and public safety priorities.”