This week, Lauren Book officially crossed the 1,552 threshold of petitions needed to qualify for the 2016 ballot. And in true Lauren Book fashion, she’s gone above and beyond what was needed, tallying more than 2,770 signed petitions with the Division of Elections.
Book, who is seeking to replace term-limited Sen. Eleanor Sobel in Broward-basd Senate District 32, is a prominent advocate for children who have been sexually abused and is the daughter of influential lobbyist Ron Book.
“We have been pleasantly surprised by the feedback from voters in the district and still have several hundred more that have come in from friends, volunteers and the mail,” said Book. “When all of them are totaled we are confident we will be well over 3,000. Our goal was to double the number needed, and it looks like that is going to happen ahead of schedule.”
The deadline for legislative candidates to submit the required number of petitions — assuming they attempt to gather petitions, versus paying a filing fee — is May 23.