Hillary Clinton declared Monday it is time to bring the status of Puerto Rico to closure and said as president she would support any option the islanders seek, including statehood.
Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee for president, also reiterated her belief that Puerto Rican islanders should be able to vote in the presidential race.
Puerto Ricans have four options that have been proposed for their future: Have Puerto Rico remain as is, as a commonwealth territory of the United States, where Puerto Ricans are born with full American citizenship, but can only practice some of it, such as voting in presidential elections, if they migrate to the mainland. Otherwise the island has its own government under the U.S. Constitution and could seek full statehood; seek independence as an associated state; or seek full independence.
A Puerto Rico-wide, non-binding vote in 2012 found 56 percent opposed the status quo. Of those who opposed, 61 percent preferred seeking statehood.
Clinton made her comments Monday when her campaign released a position statement that spells out her Puerto Rico policy. Here it is in full:
“The people of Puerto Rico have a proud history and a distinct heritage — and as American citizens, they are entitled to have their voices heard on critical issues that affect them. All Americans should be able to vote for the people who make their laws.
“During my presidency, I will work as hard as I can with the people of Puerto Rico and with advocates from all sides to answer the fundamental question of their political status. It is up to the people of Puerto Rico to decide, and I commit to supporting their decision.
“A process to resolve Puerto Rico’s legal status must be fair and consistent with the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the decision should be made by majority vote. I will support any process that meets these terms, such as an up-or-down vote on statehood. It is time to bring this issue to closure.
“Additionally, all American citizens, no matter where they reside, should have the right to vote for the president of the United States. I expressed that in 2008 and I reiterate that position again today.”
One comment
[email protected]
June 1, 2016 at 2:32 pm
Yes hello,My name is maria elena burgos-nedoff Iam a American Puerto Rican Woman i live In Merrillville,Indiana
I was born in Indiana .
I voted for Hillary! Iam also a new grandma like hillary! And i have land that belongs to my mother who has passed away in 1998 she left a huge piece of land that my grandfather worked hard for! I pray that if Hillary does take care of the issue in puerto rico ?
That she will help me with
my inheritence? I have oil
Involved and gold in the land! Bega baha puerto rico! Praying President Hillary reads this and will help a American puerto rican gal like me out?
Ty ? only god knows hope hillary reads my post!
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