Alan Grayson may support Democrat Hillary Clinton for the White House this November, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he likes it.
In a speech Saturday to Florida Young Democrats, the outspoken Orlando liberal congressman — who is running for the U.S. Senate — said Clinton will get his vote, despite saying the former Secretary of State is “kowtowing” and “beholden” to special interests.
Grayson also believes 2016 marks the beginning of a “new age,” with an electorate rebelling against money in politics.
“Right in front of our eyes this year we’re seeing what I think could be called a revolution,” Grayson is heard on a clip of his talk. “I’m going to go ahead and call it a revolution.”
On Monday, various news sources announced Clinton secured enough pledged delegates to win the nomination during the Democratic National Convention, scheduled for July 25-28 in Philadelphia. Before that, however, Clinton’s Democratic opponent Bernie Sanders vows to go after so-called superdelegates, who will not cast an official vote until the DNC.
CNN reports Clinton currently has 2,313 total delegates — 1,769 pledged and 544 superdelegates — and she is expected to cross the 2,383-delgate threshold by Tuesday evening to clinch the nomination. Sanders, with only 1,501 pledged delegates and 46 superdelegates, argues that he can persuade enough superdelegates to swing the nomination.
Grayson refers to Sanders’ grassroots support and commitment to continue fighting for the Democratic nomination against Clinton “literally revolutionary.”
“If the candidate that raises the most money for President of the United States does it without being beholden to special interests — and by the way I just want to make it clear I’m not against Hillary, I’m gonna vote for Hillary if she’s the nominee and so on and so forth — but I’m making a point here,” Grayson told the Young Democrats.
“If the person who raises the most amount of money does it without kowtowing to special interests, that is literally revolutionary,” he continued. “We are entering a new age.”
Grayson’s comments come during an increasingly bitter Democratic primary battle with fellow U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy of Jupiter and Miami labor lawyer Pam Keith.