Equality PAC, the political action committee aimed at supporting candidates running for federal office who are LGBT or seek to advance LGBT rights, is backing Jupiter Rep. Patrick Murphy in the Florida Senate race.
“I am humbled to receive the Equality PAC’s endorsement and I am grateful for the important work they do to advance LGBT rights,” said Murphy in a statement. “Over the past few years, we have celebrated monumental victories for the LGBT community, but we have also mourned incredible loss. After the tragic attack on the LGBT community in Orlando, it is important that we renew our commitment to LGBT equality by passing the Equality Act, preventing hate crimes, and ending the outdated ban on gay blood donations. In the U.S. Senate, I will always stand firmly with the LGBT community on the right side of history.”
The political action committee was created earlier this year by Colorado Democratic Rep. Jared Polis and California Rep. Mark Takano, who said Murphy has been a “visionary leader on LGBT equality in the House.”
“We need more allies who have not just unending passion for LGBT rights, but also think strategically and smartly about how to make the dream of equality a reality,” Takano said in a statement. “Patrick’s leadership in the wake of the Pulse shooting and his work as a member of the LGBT Caucus’ LGBT Aging Issues Task Force are just two examples of how he ‘gets it.’ He gets how to support our community when we’ve been attacked and how the fight for equality didn’t end with marriage, but continues on supporting LGBT populations.”
Murphy is running for the Democratic nomination for Senate in the Aug. 30 primary against Congressman Alan Grayson and former JAG Navy officer Pam Keith.
One comment
Does It Matter
July 13, 2016 at 12:55 pm
Whoever said money equals power is correct. Rather than back a genuine candidate who will do more than throw some pretty words your way-and only when he needs something. Murphy doesn’t really care about LGBT community either way–and he certainly isn’t their passionate champion.
Either this PAC is betting on a horse that they don’t like for political reasons ( ex. pressure from party leaders/PAC board members in the candidate’s pocket) or they are not fit to represent the LGBT Community via Equality’s PAC.
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