The Florida Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Al Lawson over incumbent Corrine Brown in the Congressional District 5 race, reports The Tallahassee Democrat.
Democrat writer James Call said “the local chapters in the eight-county district running from Gadsden into downtown Jacksonville interviewed the candidates and recommended the endorsement to the statewide organization of law enforcement officers.”
The F.O.P. decision makes sense, given that Rep. Brown and her chief of staff face 24 federal counts related to One Door for Education, a charity in theory, but a slush fund in practice, according to the voluminous indictment.
Brown faces a possible 357 years in prison and $4.8 million fine if all counts are found valid.
For Simmons, it would be as many as 355 years and $4.75 million, if guilty of all counts.
In this context, the FOP endorsement of Lawson makes sense; it would be very hard for the police union to back a candidate who faces trial on Sept. 6, just days after the Aug. 30 Democratic primary.
An endorsement like this has real meaning given that Brown has not represented areas west of Jacksonville, which now comprise the vast majority of the district’s geography.
A recent poll shows the candidates in a dead heat, but with 40 percent of voters undecided, the FOP’s imprimatur could make a difference, especially given the contrast between one indicted candidate and one without that kind of baggage.