On Tuesday afternoon, Rep. Ron DeSantis did an interview on the Fox Business Network slamming the Department of Homeland Security‘s decision to extend temporary protective status amnesty to 8,300 Syrian refugees for up to 18 months.
DeSantis, in a competitive primary for re-election in Florida’s 6th Congressional District, observed that the amnesty “actually applies to people who came from Syria [as recently as] yesterday.”
DeSantis framed this amnesty as a dereliction of duty by DHS, describing the “impossible task” of vetting refugees, given that authorities have “no idea where the individuals are from.”
DeSantis described the decision to confer amnesty as “mostly ideological,” adding that “all we have to do is look at Europe,” where “mass migration” has wreaked havoc.
The congressman cited an estimate that “two to three percent” of Syrian refugees are Islamic State or Al-Qaeda affiliates, by way of contending that such unchecked immigration poses a “major threat to western societies.”
Framing the issues in 2016 election terms, DeSantis posited that Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is “even weaker” than President Obama on border security and vetting of immigrants from high-risk countries.
That weakness, said DeSantis, could end up being a “magnet” for security threats; it is incumbent on Republicans to demonstrate “how radical her posture really is.”
DeSantis got a second chance to go in on Clinton during the interview, when asked about Donald Trump‘s assertion that Clinton is “unfit” to be president.
The congressman reiterated claims familiar to those who have heard his stump speeches that question the appropriateness of Clinton having a security clearance given her handling of top-secret information, describing her as “extremely careless” with material of national security import.