In what has become an increasingly competitive primary in House District 16, Jason Fischer nonetheless holds the money lead over Dick Kravitz.
In the last week of July, Kravitz brought in $2,000 but spent close to $8,000, leaving him just over $71,000 on hand.
An interesting Kravitz donor: the First Coast Manufacturers’ Association, of which termed-out State Rep. Lake Ray is president.
Kravitz and Ray are both veterans of Jacksonville’s city council and have overlapping political careers in many respects.
Fun fact: they were both part of Mitt Romney‘s “area leadership” in his 2008 campaign for president, choosing Romney over eventual nominee John McCain.
Fischer had a quiet week of fundraising, bringing in $2,303. He has over $91,000 on hand in hard money.
Fischer’s political committee, “Conservative Solutions for Jacksonville,” spent $9,300 on advertising, and has just under $13,000 on hand.