If the cavalry is riding in to give Congressional District 5 Republican Glo Smith a boost before the Election Day, it needs to get moving.
Smith’s latest campaign finance report, filed Monday, reveals her campaign is short on resources, especially given the far-flung nature of CD 5, which sprawls from Jacksonville to Tallahassee.
From Aug. 11 to Sept. 30, Smith’s campaign brought in $31,325 and spent $21,231, leaving her with $11,908 on hand at the end of the period.
Smith’s expenditures, meanwhile, don’t seem to have much tangible connection to winning the race against Democrat Al Lawson.
Over $3,000 of the expenditures went to reimburse the candidate for debt incurred, with still more money from the campaign account being allocated to a road trip to the GOP National Convention in Cleveland.
Smith even expensed $2 in tolls on the West Virginia Turnpike.
Of Smith’s spend, $5,450 went to billboards promoting her candidacy.
It is uncertain if that will be enough to compete with the well-connected Lawson, who was able to afford a TV ad buy in Jacksonville ahead of the August primary, in which he defeated incumbent CD 5 Rep. Corrine Brown.
Lawson had $120,000 on hand as of his pre-primary report.
His latest finance report has yet to show up on the Federal Elections Commission site.