Sen. Rob Bradley isn’t giving up hope the 2017-18 state budget will include money for the Florida Forever conservation lands program.
POLITICO Florida reported Tuesday that Bradley said the budget would include spending for Florida Forever, for Florida Keys wastewater projects, his proposed projects along the St. Johns River, and Senate President Joe Negron’s proposed water storage reservoir.
“This is going to be a budget that those who care about the environment are going to be very proud of,” the Fleming Island Republican told reporters, according to POLITICO.
The environmental budget has been a sticking point for budget negotiations. Lawmakers will need to go into overtime to complete the budget, since they did not finish it in time to be able to vote on it Friday. State law requires the budget be finalized 72 hours before the final vote.
The Senate’s proposed budget included $15.2 million for Florida Forever projects and $5.4 million for the the Florida Communities Trust.